
Prologue - The Boy Loved by Flames

- In a field covered with corpses and flames-

Currently there were flames ablaze across the field with numerous corpses scattered around. The most eerie thing was that except for the raging flames nothing could be heard from a single person.

In the middle of the field atop a large pile of corpses, flames seemed to dance around a teenager sitting atop the corpses.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! So boring!" Screamed the teen

"It's no fun fighting these miscellaneous weaklings, why did I kill every strong person, I should have left some alive to fight later, I feel so stupid!" Screamed the teen as he ruffled his own hair out of frustration.

As he was rambling on and on about what he should do now, a small silver crystal appeared in front of the boy as if to answer his questions.

The boy reached out with his left hand and as soon as his hand came into contact with the crystal it disappeared into his left arm, if a normal person were to have been in the boys situation they would have been screaming from the pain but the boy looked as if he found an interesting toy as he fiddled with the tiny silver crystal now embedded in his left wrist.

When he inspected his wrist again, a burst of information flooded into his brain. When he processed the information the boy had a happy grin on his face.

"So you're called the space-time crystal and you can take me to other worlds? It's really interesting, the thing called fate, just when I was done playing in this world you showed up to take me to a new one, well then, let's have a lot of fun together." Spoke the boy with the smile never leaving his face.

~~~~~Scene Break~~~~~

The boy would have shocked any normal person with his words as he casually spoke about playing with a world however this world of his was quite the peculiar one, instead of humans it was overrun with beasts that could take human form, in fact the boy himself who looked like a human teenager was also a beast in human form.

The world of Miralis in which the boy was currently resided in was a brutal world where the only law was that the strong reigned supreme and the weak had no rights. There was a worldwide practice in which all beasts that could take human form would gather and fight to the death every 10000 years, for reference the average age it took for beasts to change to a human form was roughly 500 years. Generally speaking the older a beast is the more power they had as the beasts had an extremely rough lifespan of over a hundred thousand years old however almost no one lived that long due to the festival held every ten thousand years.

Even if the world was a brutal one, even the beasts realized that if they killed everyone then there would be no life left, so they forbid the children and those who had not yet condensed human forms from participating.

The average length of the festival spanned anywhere from a hundred to a thousand years as the world was so vast however the last festival ended in a mere ten years, the culprit was of course the young boy.

The boy himself was special since birth, it was as if his flames were so tyrannical that nothing could put them out and they devoured everything they came into contact with, with everything his flames devoured he would grow stronger and stronger and thus his enemies named him the Tyrant Flame Disaster Dragon as everywhere he went nothing would be left but ashes just like a walking natural disaster, of course this roused the fear of every beast across the land and so they banded together to kill him at his weakest, when he had just condensed his human body however no one expected the boy to be so tyrannical as to kill everyone by himself the boy even burned his own family to death and laughed as he enjoyed the bloodshed.

Eventually with all the strong beasts dead, he felt bored and hunted down every remaining life on the planet in search of relief from his boredom which eventually led to our current situation. The most astonishing part of his feats was that he was only forty years old which was akin to a toddler in beast ages yet possessed such strength.

~~~~~Back to Present~~~~~

As he utilized the crystal to open a passage to an unknown world, he stopped before entering as he lifted his hand to his chin in a thinking pose.

"Since I'm going to start a new adventure I should properly give myself a name..." Muttered the boy.

"Ah! I got it, I'll name myself Ren" Said the boy after giving it a couple seconds of thought.

He then resolutely stepped into the passage with excitement and then proceeded to black out.