
Chapter 1 - Douluo Continent

When Ren woke up again he was inexplicably excited after receiving another burst of information from the crystal.

"So this world is a world filled with a species called humans and a race similar to my own called spirit beasts on a continent called the Douluo continent." Muttered Ren.

"The crystal automatically translates the native language of all living things and translates my language to them, quite convenient." Said Ren while fiddling with the crystal in his wrist again.

"First of all lets find out the basic information then start my search for the strong." Said Ren as he excitedly rand towards the nearest human settlement.

~~~~~Scene Break~~~~~

It's been 2 years since Ren first came to the Douluo continent and since then he's found a large city to settle in called Heaven Dou City and he's learned a variety of new things, such as the cultivation system of the humans and the classifications and ages of spirit beasts.

Of course when Ren learned of the powerhouses of titled Douluo level and the hundred thousand year spirit beasts he became excited and started looking for information on their locations so that he could fight them all. Of course it was much harder to get information on hundred thousand year spirit beasts so he decided to go venturing into the home of spirit beasts Star Dou Forest at another time.

This brings us to our current situation of Ren waiting by the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy as the Poison Douluo Dugu Bo was known to be affiliated with the Heaven Dou imperial family and his granddaughter Dugu Yan studied at the imperial academy.

After waiting for a few days Ren finally felt a presence much more powerful than even the three deans of the imperial academy, it should be known the three deans were spirit douluo powerhouses which only meant someone stronger was a titled douluo.

With a feral grin on his face Ren quickly approached the presence with small embers lighting up near him.

As he got closer he saw a crowd of people he didn't recognize along with Dugu Bo and a girl he presumed to be his granddaughter.

He could overhear their conversation while approaching when Dugu Bo sharply turned his head in his direction while pushing his granddaughter and the rest of the crowd away. With a large crash a burst of dust was settled as Dugu Bo was pushed back a few steps from the impact and his clothes became disheveled but his face remained calm.

When the dust settled Ren was standing in front of Dugu Bo stretching his arms looking like he was warming up for excercise.

Dugu Bo spoke first. "Boy, do you know who you just attacked? Let alone one death I'll kill you ten times over!" As he finished a heavy pressure of spirit power descended on the surrounding people even though the pressure wasn't targeted at them.

However the main target of the pressure still had a smile on his face as he lazily spoke. "Of course I know who you are you old snake, I came here just to find you after all, now let's get started shall we?" With that said Ren's crimson pupils dilated like a dragon's and looked extremely menacing as flames started to dance around the two in a circle.

Nearby Dugu Yan as well as the rest of the Heaven Dou imperial academy students such as Yu Tianheng and Ye Lingling were pale with sweat on their faces from the pressure they were experiencing.

"Who's that person? He looks younger than us and the pressure he's giving off is stronger than my grandfather's" Spoke Dugu Yan muttered to herself with fear and confusion.

~~~~Fight Scene~~~~

Suddenly the pressure dissipated and the two silently observed each other for a few seconds when Ren brought a feral grin on his mouth.

"If you won't move then I'll be first!" Yelled Ren as he rushed towards Dugu Bo with his fists cocked backwards in a punching motion.

Dugu Bo who understood the tyrannical physical strength of the fist was backing up quickly while his spirit rings appeared behind him and his seventh spirit ring lit up.

"Jade Phospor Serpent Emperor!" Immediately launching his martial spirit's true body to block the fist whilst launching a breath of poison mist to counterattack.

Ren ignored the poison with a maniacal grin on his face as he yelled "Weak! If you want to poison me for even an instant you should at least use poison that can affect a god!"

Although it sounded extremely arrogant Ren's true body was that of a Tyrant Flame Disaster Dragon whose physical strength alone was enough to destroy large mountains and islands let alone his flames which could incinerate anything such as poison.

Once he broke through the poison his fist landed on the huge green serpent and the serpent reeled from the impact and was flung over forty meters away Dugu Bo himself also spurted a mouthful of blood as he also received damage from the impact and was flung back.

Ren dashed forward again as he raised his right hand in a claw like movement and swept it towards Dugu Bo, during the motion the hand lit up with crimson blood like flames with such high temperature the surroundings started melting.

"Old snake you're the first decent opponent I've had in a while so don't die so soon alright?!" Yelled Ren as he swept his hand closer and closer.

Dugu Bo with a cold glint in his eyes as his eighth spirit ring lit up behind him and he yelled.

"Eight spirit ring ability! Time Freeze!" As he finished speaking the surrounding turned grey as everything started to freeze, the grass blades on the ground stopped swaying and the birds in the sky stopped mid flight.

Panting, Dugu Bo stood up and said with bloodstained smile. "Little freak you're undoubtedly stronger than me in terms of attack ability and agility but you've forgotten I'm a control type spirit master, honestly I wonder where a devil like you popped out from but unfortunately you're going to die here!" Dugu Bo used his spirit to attack while talking and the Jade Phosphor Serpent moved quickly towards the frozen Ren.

However at this moment while still frozen Ren's pupil which turned grey while time was stopped turned a vivid crimson and looked directly at Dugu Bo.

When he saw Ren's pupil move Dugu Bo hurriedly retreated due to the warning he received from his intuition, just a moment after he retreated he saw Ren's body set ablaze and the surrounding grey seemed to be trembling as a crimson fire started burning the grey away.

"Impossible! How could mere flames burn away my frozen time!?" Asked Dugu Bo who was in shock as if his world views were turned upside down.

"It's really a fun trick! But my flames are so tyrannical that even concepts like time and space can be burned away, now let's continue our fight old snake!" The surrounding grey finally burned out and time resumed to normal and Ren bathed in crimson flames looked extremely menacingly towards Dugu Bo.

"Boy it seems like I will die here today so I'll stay and fight you to the death as long as you let my granddaughter go." Said Dugu Bo with a sigh.

"I don't care about those weaklings at all, you should let go of the thing people call love, it's a hindrance to those who are strong." Said Ren with a voice of lecturing.

"Besides you should care about yourself because you don't have the liberty to bargain for others!" Ren resumed his feral look and swept a wave of flames toward Dugu Bo while rushing forward.

Dugu Bo responded in kind as he launched a wave of poison towards the flames even thought the poison only lasted a few seconds against the flames.

"Boy this is my strongest move, we'll decide it all with this!" As he spoke Dugu Bo's ninth and final spirit ring lit up behind him.

"Ninth spirit ring ability! Jade Phosphor Divine Light!" Yelled Dugu Bo with all his might.

"Your final effort? I guess I should respond in kind and take this a little bit seriously then." Ren spoke arrogantly.

"Tyrant Flame Blast Swirl!" Yelled Ren as his crimson flames launched toward the green light in a swirl like a vortex.

As the two attacks collided Ren smirked and reached out his right hand and clenched the air and yelled. "Explode!"

With Ren's words the swirl of flames detonated and overpowered the green light due to its sudden rise in power and blasted towards Dugu Bo in a huge explosion as dust was scattered everywhere.

~~~~Scene Break~~~~

As the dust settled Dugu Bo's miserable figure was lying down in a crater with horrible burns all over his body, he seemed to be on the edge of death as he coughed and spat blood in weakness.

When Ren saw his miserable state he lost interest in continuing and decided to leave him alive on a whim.

"It seems you're pretty lucky old snake you actually survived, well I've lost my interest so whether or not you survive is up to you, I'll come by in the future to see if you're still alive, if you do survive make sure to be stronger so that I can have more fun next time." Said Ren in a lazy tone as he disappeared.

Once Ren left Dugu Yan and the other students as well as the deans of the academy who were alerted during the ruckus ran over.

"Grandfather! Are you alright?!" Asked Dugu Yan worriedly as she ran over.

"I'm critically injured but most of the injuries will leave scars, I can already tell the little devil was holding back and maintaining his power only around my level just to have fun, what a terrifying kid." Spoke Dugu Bo in a weak voice.

~~~~Scene Break~~~~

Once he finished playing with Dugu Bo, Ren wandered in a random direction in search of new people to fight. "So a level 91 Titled Douluo only amounts to a small amount of my strength, though I do hear every level in the Titled Douluo is a giant chasm apart from each other, hopefully the rumored super douluos over level 95 can keep up longer than Dugu Bo." With that said Ren wandered off in search of more news of other titled douluos to fight.