

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · Urban
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26 Chs

First Day of College

<p><br/>"You know what I want to go to Indonesia since childhood." said sitting in his embrace.<br/>"What's so interesting there?"<br/>She turned towards his face and said cutely, "What! You should ask what's not interesting there. Mountains, volcanoes, coral reefs, tropical forests, and glaciers increase the nature beauty of there. I want to enjoy there and capture everything in my camera."<br/>"As our financial condition was not that good since childhood, that's why I didn't ever ask to my parents. Nowadays, she is sick so I don't want to leave her alone."<br/> "I promise you that one day I will accompany to you and your mother to your favorite destination." He cupped her cheeks and promised her to take there which made her so excited.<br/>"But you are not holding my hand with yours." and tears fall from her eyes.<br/>"Sophia! Why are you crying? You should be very happy that finally you are going there."<br/>"Oh! Mumma! I am not crying. Just so happy to be there."said with fake smile wiping her tears.<br/>After few hours, she stepped on the land of her dreams from flight and everything was going smoothly until few minutes. She was about to sit in the cab then suddenly started looking towards a man without blinking and ran after him as if she found someone familiar after so many years whom she was looking for.<br/>Her mother screamed,"Sophia! What happened? Where are you going?"<br/>She ran to the middle of the road following him. Suddenly he disappeared and before she saw the car coming towards her, she got hit and suffered a head injury due to which she lost half of her blood.<br/>"Prince!" said b3fore getting unconscious.<br/>Within no time a crowd gathered around her. Her mother came to her crying and asked to call an ambulance.<br/>"Sophia! Don't worry, everything will be fine. Nothing will happen to you." said while bursting into tears.<br/>After a while an ambulance came there and took her to the hospital. Her mother ran to the cab driver and asked to follow that ambulance. On reaching the hospital, her mother went inside unloading the bags and stuffs. The doctor comforted her and asked to complete the formalities on the reception so that they could start the operation.<br/>Suddenly a patient came running and collide with the bags placed outside the operation theatre and the stuffs fell from the purse. When she picked and tried to put those in it, then some nurses come chasing while calling her name, "Miss Myra".<br/>"I don't want to get injection, it hurts." said while running with the stuff holding in her hand.<br/>But unfortunately she caught by them and brought to her ward. She filled the whole corridor with her scream while getting inject.<br/>"Oh! What is this?"asked herself in unnecessary pain.<br/>She noticed the stuff which she carried in her hand while running from there and was confused whether to look into that or not.<br/>"Maybe, it will be someone's love story. And I love to read love stories." thought in her mind.<br/>Finally she decided to kill her curiosity and read the title of first page opening it – "First Day of College".<br/>The sun was surrounded by the white clouds and it was as if both were kissing each other. The scene started from the room of a girl whose room was not very special but was like a trash because books, photographs and paintings were lying all around. The clock struck at 9:00 a.m. ''trrrrrtrrr....''.<br/>Her mother shouted and asked, "Are you still sleeping, can't you see the time? And look at the condition of your room; it seems that I have given birth to a monkey, not a girl."<br/>She said in sleepy eyes, ''Mumma, please let me sleep for a while''.<br/>"Hey idiot girl, you are going to experience your first day of college. Get fresh and change your clothes quickly otherwise I will turn your butt into boiled potato.''<br/>She lost her sleep hearing her taunts and sat down on the bed with messy hair and swollen eyes. After a while she entered the bathroom rubbing her eyes and her mom was preparing the breakfast and she got well-dressed.<br/>From the kitchen, the sound of her mother's screaming came, ''Sophia? What are you doing? Are you still sleeping?''<br/>''No mumma, I am just coming.'' went to the dining room to have breakfast carrying his bag where her mother was waiting eagerly for her.<br/>Her mother said lovingly, "Sit and have breakfast. I have made your favourite cheese garlic sandwich."<br/>It seemed that she was in too much haste by looking at her face, so she again tried to tricked her and said, ''Mumma! look at the clock, it's 9:15 a.m.''<br/>While her mother was looking at the clock, she took her bag in one hand, took the sandwich in the other and fled like a magician. And her mom didn't even realize that she got tricked by her again.<br/>Her mother said while turning her head, "It's not my mistake if you are..."<br/>After saying this, she became silent because when she looked back, her daughter was not there at all.<br/>"This girl ran away again, sometimes I feel like I play a police - thief game with her. Now, only God knows what will happen to this girl." said leaving a gasp.<br/>She reached college at time; she took off her spectacles, cleaned by her clothes and looked at the campus after wearing it with opened - mouth because the college was very big and well - designed. She found her class by asking to others and entered into it after approval of a beautiful teacher Miss Erica (Teacher Incharge of Class) and asked to introduce her.<br/>She was feeling a little bit hesitant to speak in front of everyone. But by gathering some courage, she introduced herself by looking down and got stumbled, "Good morning everyone. Myself….. My name is Sophia." The whole class started laughing at her making her more nervous and uncomfortable.<br/>The teacher silenced the class and said her to take the seat. She preferred to sit alone on the last bench. The class teacher was about to introduce herself. Then suddenly, the sound of someone's running came and it seemed as if someone controlled too much to reach the washroom. Then, a handsome boy appeared at the gate that made the whole class got noisy due to his charming face. The girls, even the boys were scanning him from top to bottom like a barcode reader. The teacher asked him a reason for being late at the first day of college.<br/>"Sorry madam, my car just got punctured otherwise, I would come to college on time to see a beautiful girl like you." apologized in a flirty manner. The teacher started blushing and asked to introduce himself.<br/>"Hello beautiful girls and handsome boys! My name is Prince, straight-A student since primary school. I am an athlete and also fond of modeling, dancing and acting. Thank you."<br/>The whole class and teacher admired him for such a talented boy. But Sophia was exceptional who thought of him as flirty and overconfident. The heartbeat of the girls of the whole class was getting faster which seat he would sit on. Defying everyone's expectations, he chose the seat of Sophia and sat beside her. She got shocked and tried not to get in contact with him. The teacher started her introduction, took attendance and left after wishing her students to do well on the first day.<br/>"Hey specsy! I will be your partner in the future."<br/>Sophia didn't answer him but stared at him as he called him specsy.<br/>"Hey, don't look at me like that I know that I am very handsome. And I am not asking you to be my life partner but a class partner".<br/>The whole class started laughing as they were standing beside them. But she ignored him because he was being flirty but he got angry seeing that attitude of her.<br/>"Hey, look at your attitude. A very handsome boy is trying to talk to you but you are not responding."<br/>The math's teacher (Mr. John) came and everyone came back to their seat. He introduced himself and started to teach 1st chapter of maths i.e. Trigonometry. Sir asked a girl to solve the question but she didn't able to. Then, he called Prince to solve and he did it. The teacher and class gave a big round of applause. He again started to show off his intelligence to Sophia while returning to his seat but she didn't impressed. After few minutes, sir asked to solve the next question but no one raised the hand to solve. Prince planned to take revenge on Sophia.<br/>Pointing his finger towards Sophia, he said loudly, "Sir, she said she can solve in few seconds."<br/>"I can't wait to make you embarrass. Go, sir is calling you." said while smirking to her. She went to board, grabbed the marker and solved the question in a blink which surprised everyone especially him who was thinking of her as an average girl. Everyone applauded for her but she came quietly and sat on her seat.<br/>"Oh! Then, you are also a bright student. Never mind, At least your mind works well if your mouth doesn't work. This means that you will not only be my partner but also a competitor."<br/>The lecture dismissed and everyone got ready for next class that is of activity. Students had to select any one in which they were interested. Sophia and Prince selected painting and dancing respectively and went to different classes which made her happy that he wouldn't interfere for a while.<br/>Sophia impressed everyone in the first class with her beautiful painting and was very happy. While in the dancing class, the male and female dancers had to select their partners of opposite sex. A girl, Lovely who belonged to another department was also a very good friend of Prince since childhood; she came there and said, "Hey! Prince, I knew you would select dance because I knew you since childhood. Would you like to team up with me?"<br/>"Ok because I have no other option." said in a low voice.<br/>"Did you say anything?"<br/>"Nothing, let's get into dance." said showing his fake smile.<br/>Everyone showed their couple dance but the best performance was given by Prince and Lovely. And they also got an opportunity to appear in Intra college competition which will hold in future said by dance teacher. This news made them happy that she hugged him but there was something in the mind of Prince that he just wanted to avoid her. As soon as the bell rang, Prince disappeared immediately and it was the time for recess. Some students went to canteen, some for playing and some girls were following our charming boy.<br/>But Sophia was sitting alone in the park and was having lunch. Then, suddenly a boy named Joe was passing through there with his lunch and sit near her to give accompany.<br/>"Hello! I am Joe from Commerce Department and you?" said in very sweet voice.<br/>"He is so handsome and cute at the same time." thought in her mind and was getting nervous.<br/>"It's ok, if you don't want to talk. I saw you alone. So, I thought of accompanying you".<br/>"Hello! I am Sophia from Arts Department. Actually, I am ... not easily sociable." said in very hesitant voice.<br/>"Oh! That's why you are sitting alone."<br/>She nodded her head up- down.<br/>"Don't worry, from today onwards I will accompany you to have lunch and you won't be alone. I have to go now so we will meet tomorrow. Bye."<br/>Joe left from there leaving her dumbfounded because he was the first one who talked very sweetly and made her heart skip a beat. After some time, she went to her class and they were called by P.T. sir in the ground for the exercises. Then, after ending of the period, they went to class and Miss Erica arrived to give the good news.<br/>"Students, there is a very good news for you that the college is going to organize fresher's party in which many competition will be hold like modeling, acting, singing, dancing etc., So you all have to submit your name in 2 days with choosing any category in which you have interest or want to participate. This is mandatory to take part at least in one because it's a very rare chance to enjoy this moment of life that you will not get in the future. Wish you best of luck".<br/>The whole class started shouting hurray and got excited.<br/>A door was opened revealing nurse with her medicine, "Miss Marya, this is the time for your medicine."<br/>"This story is looking so interesting. Let's read it peacefully after taking medicine." said to herself in her mind.</p>