

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · Urban
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26 Chs

Challenge Accepted

<p>"Now I can continue reading the love story." said getting very excited after gulping medicines brought by a nurse.<br/>As the nurse went, she took the diary again and read "Challenge Accepted" by turning the page.<br/>"Challenge? O' My God! Did they challenge each other? Its gonna be the starting of their love story. I can't wait to read."<br/>Since college started, she used to come home with very tired face by putting his hand on her stomach.<br/>"Mumma! Give me some food. I am too hungry."<br/>"Mumma! Why are you not responding?", said while putting herself on couch.<br/>She again called her while getting nervous but got no response from her side. She got worried too much and started to fetch her mom in the kitchen but didn't find, then she went to her bedroom where her mom was unconscious on the floor. She immediately called the doctor to treat her mom and somehow she made her lie down on the bed. After few minutes, doctor arrived and started to check up her mother.<br/>Doctor said, "Don't worry. Nothing happened to your mom. She is fine now. Don't forget to give these medicines to her."<br/>She was so worried that she asked, "But doctor, If she is fine, then why did she become unconscious?"<br/>"Nothing serious, her blood pressure got high, maybe due to the stress of something or responsibilities. Take care of her."<br/>"Thank you! Doctor." said while giving his fee.<br/>After the departure of the doctor, she decided to do some jobs to release the responsibility from her mother's shoulders and to make her rest. She saw that her mother woke up.<br/>"Mumma! Take your medicines and rest. You will feel better. Do you want something to eat? I will make for you."<br/>She was so concern about her which can be seen by her behavior.<br/>"No need daughter! I have made food already for my little princess", said while caressing her hair.<br/>She got emotional and said, "You always think about me instead of yourself. You don't have to worry about me now because I decided to do some jobs."<br/>She got angry and screamed, "Did you lose your brain somewhere or did you sell it?"<br/>"Mumma, why are you shouting at me?"<br/>" I am doing so hard work so that I can give you the best education and you could become so successful. And now you want to do some jobs instead of studying."<br/> "Mumma! You got me wrong. I will do it in my spare time, it will never affect my studies."<br/>She was trying to convince her but didn't able to do so. She made her innocent and pleading face and started emotional blackmail.<br/>"Mumma! I am your beautiful daughter, right? I will not do anything wrong. You never ignored me for anything, so please don't do now. I promise that I will manage both. So please let me do. Please! Please!"<br/>"Ok specsy! But…"<br/>She cut off her hearing specsy, "Mumma! You also started to tease me like that arrogant Prince."<br/>She was surprised and also happy to hear the name of a boy from her daughter's mouth which made her curious to know about him and asked so many questions in a breath.<br/>"Who is Prince? Is he your boyfriend? Is he handsome?"<br/>"Mumma! Why are you behaving like reporters? Don't think too much. I don't know him. I am going to take food for you."<br/>"Mood spoiler!" , said while making unamused face.<br/>"How great it would be if he becomes her boyfriend! O' My God! I can't wait for that day when she will come to me and introduced him." said these things to herself with blushing face with right hand over her mouth.<br/>She became neutral when she entered in her room with the food in her hands.<br/>"Are you expecting something from me?" asked looking her face while putting the plates on the table.<br/>"Yes! ..... No! No!" said while giving fake smile.<br/>"I was just asking you to make some friends. I won't mind if you will have a boyfriend." , said without making any eye contact.<br/> "Mumma!" said while glaring at her.<br/>"Why are you glaring at me? I am talking about a friend that can be a boy, not boyfriend."<br/>"I know that I will not able to meet your boyfriend in this world.", said to herself in low voice.<br/>"What are you mumbling to yourself? Eat your dinner hurry. I have to do dishing."<br/>Finally, there was a silence for a moment when both of them were sleeping.<br/>On Sunday morning, she woke up early, got fresh and ate breakfast after preparing for herself and her mother. She opened her laptop and started searching for jobs. After searching for many hours, she finally got a job of her type and applied for Assistant post of Designer in the company named New Way. The whole day was passed by doing some household chores and taking care of her mother.<br/>Next morning, she got ready for her college without knowing the submission of name as a competitor for fresher's party. She was so engrossed in taking care of her mother that she did not decide which competition she would participate in.<br/>"Good morning students!" greeted happily by Miss Erica after arriving in class with lots of form. The whole class stood up and greeted to their class teacher.<br/>"Students, there are some forms for competition. Come here one by one and fill the form neatly."<br/>Sophia didn't get it what the teacher was talking about. She came to know from the words of the girls who were discussing in which they will participate. She was thinking in mind what she will choose that the vacancies of singing and acting become full. Only vacancies of dancing and modeling remain in which remaining students had to participate.<br/>"What! Modeling and dance. No way! I don't know anything about it. What should I do? I do not have any option rather than choosing one of them."<br/>Her turn came for filling the form as she had no other option. So, she decided to go with dancing over modeling.<br/>"Ok! All of the students have filled and you guys can go to auditorium after recession for practice".<br/>"Thank you ma'am" replied by whole class in a chorus. She smiled and left after collecting all the forms.<br/>At the time of recess, Sophia went to park as usual where Joe used to wait for her.<br/>He asked excitedly, "Hey! Sophia, I was waiting for you to know what you selected for fresher's party."<br/>She sit near her and said," I chose dancing. I will try to do if someone teaches me. What did you select?"<br/>"Don't worry! Your friend will help you because I have also selected dancing."<br/>"Thank you so much for helping me, tell me if you want help in future."<br/>"Don't need to be so formal." ,said with grinning face which made her smile and blushed.<br/> She nodded her head as a yes and asked to meet in auditorium.<br/>After few minutes, they met in auditorium where many students were present including Lovely and Prince.<br/>Dance teacher said for gaining attention, "Students! Stand with your selected partner in a queue and face towards me."<br/>The teacher explained calmly, "As you have to perform a couple dance, so you have to select a romantic song and then you have to make your own choreography. The main thing which you have to keep in your mind to be very comfortable with each other and not avoiding eye contact while dancing. Is it ok?"<br/>"Yes teacher.", said by all of them.<br/>"Okay! Go ahead."<br/> All of them spread with their partners and decided to select their song and started to make theirs choreography.<br/>Lovely said, "Prince, I have perfect choreography for us that will definitely make us winner. If you don't mind, can I tell you?"<br/>He nodded his head as yes. She explained him every step of choreography which made him say, "Wow, you have done such a great job".<br/>"Really? Thank you so much. I am so flustered. So we should start practice soon.", said with starry eyes and smiling face.<br/>Joe and Sophia were too far away from the level of the other students as they were still discussing about choreography. All of the students were gone already after practicing while only both of them were alone at the auditorium deciding the whole choreography for tomorrow practice.<br/>They were also about to leave the auditorium, then Sophia asked him to go to class as she had to go to washroom. But he rejected her as a gentleman and said to wait for her. She went to get fresh and when she came out, she saw Prince outside which was very terrible moment for her.<br/>She flinched and said resting her hand on chest, "Ah! What are you doing here? You really gave a shocked to me."<br/>He asked raising his eyebrow, "So, you are going to compete against me in dance competition."<br/>She was about to leave but he grabbed her hand which made her angry.<br/>She turned towards him and asked, "So what? Are you afraid of losing to me?"<br/>He started laughing at her words and said confidently," I have never lost."<br/>She made eye contact with him and said, "That's why you are so over confident every time. Then, you should definitely have a taste of the failure."<br/>He showed his palm to her and said, "Oh Please! Stop your lecture, save it for your joker partner because I am going to defeat him. "<br/>By pointing finger on him, she said, "Excuse me, he is not joker. He is professional dancer who has won many awards."<br/>He laughed and said, "Oh, Is that so? But he couldn't prepare the choreography at the time."<br/>"Yes, because it takes time to select perfect moves rather than your cheap moves."<br/>He got frustrated and said making eye contact with her, "Ok let's challenge. If you win, I will do whatever you say. Or if I win you have to do what I will say."<br/>With very energetic and confident way, she accepted the challenge.<br/>"Wow! So they challenged to defeat each other in couple dance. What if they become each other's partner by any chance, wouldn't it be such a romantic dance? Wow, I am getting butterflies thinking about it."<br/>She excitedly turned a page and continued the story but suddenly a nurse came and switched off the light by saying her to rest as it was midnight. She went under the blanket to sleep by putting the book under the pillow.<br/> #</p>