
Two Punch Man

While appearing very dark in the first chapter this story is actually a comedic action story with light hearted drama throughout it. The story is about a man who in our very own world became obsessed with one punch man training to become like his idol he reaches a peak but in that process realizes what a sad life he lives, someone who spent so much time gathering power in a world where it simply doesn’t matter. After his first of sadness he resolved to kill himself, leaping off of a building headfirst only to crash onto the ground somehow living!? As he slowly gathers himself from the fall he would slowly stand up gazing at a new world before him. (The world before him is in the dragon ball universe) Writer input: I am writing this as a joke but if it picks up some people’s attentions I’ll very well continue, as of now I’ll release around 20-30 chapters to see if it attracts anyone.

The_Cum_Beast · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Two Punch Man’s journey to power

I really was a nobody. I was never great at anything other then school, and I was letting myself go. I scored big time and I landed a good job as a systems engineer but the hours are gruesome and the employer even crueler then the hours. I realized that my life had became all about money, I foolishly sacrificed my happiness to achieve that. I did it all to live up to societies standards of a man but even after it all I ended up not doing a thing for myself, all that was left was a few manga's I read when I suddenly became obsessed with an interesting title "one punch man".

I feel like I read it religiously for the longest until my real life felt unbearable and I preferred to lay around and do nothing but wait for the next chapter. Then one day it happened, I realized my idolization could be realized I could become a strong man, I didn't have a reason other then my obsession. I started copying the one punch mans workouts, I reinforced everything he taught and I repeated it day in and day out after work maintaining a healthy sleep schedule. This continues over the next five years until I reached what I felt was my peak. I felt like I was him, the one punch man. Although I wasn't as unfortunate As the real one punch man I managed to keep my hair. For as amazing as I felt with my accomplishments I felt it was all for waste, I live in the sad reality that we all know to well. Despite the fact I had money, despite the fact I reached the peak of humanity. There was nothing to use it on. I had no family and it felt like anyone who became close to me was faking it causing me to become isolated and my introverted personality didn't help so I gave up on others, despite my resolve to do something for myself I was to scared to go out and do what I wanted. No matter what I did I felt pressured unless it was building my power, getting stronger far exceeding human evolution. But I was in a world that had no need for such a thing, I was not born special.

My boring days beyond my peak was maintaining myself and working, there wasn't time for anything else until I came to the conclusion it was all for nothing. Everything that happened in my life was repetitive and it would keep going until my body broke. So I decided I'd end it all, resolving myself to suicide.

The night I realized what I was going to do I went to the roof of the condo I stayed at shirtless basking in my own pride as the moon reflected off of the muscles, no the power I built slowly easing myself to the edge. I was sure I would die strongly leaping off of the building head first, I knew I was booking a one way ticket but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.