
Two Punch Man

While appearing very dark in the first chapter this story is actually a comedic action story with light hearted drama throughout it. The story is about a man who in our very own world became obsessed with one punch man training to become like his idol he reaches a peak but in that process realizes what a sad life he lives, someone who spent so much time gathering power in a world where it simply doesn’t matter. After his first of sadness he resolved to kill himself, leaping off of a building headfirst only to crash onto the ground somehow living!? As he slowly gathers himself from the fall he would slowly stand up gazing at a new world before him. (The world before him is in the dragon ball universe) Writer input: I am writing this as a joke but if it picks up some people’s attentions I’ll very well continue, as of now I’ll release around 20-30 chapters to see if it attracts anyone.

The_Cum_Beast · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

A new beginning; Chapter 2

After I jumped off of the ledge a large explosion was heard on the ground under me, I thought it was all over, until, I opened my eyes again and to my surprise I seen it. Aurora, the northern lights of at-least what it looked like shining a darker shade of blue with cyan stripes after seeing it I felt my own heart beat moving my hand over my chest in my own surprise, this could only mean one thing. I was alive.

After looking down at myself I slowly eased myself up, I was in some sort of hole cause by an explosion that looked centered around me, as if I was the one who caused it. I stood atop the hill beside the blast it seemed I created in this unfamiliar place that strongly resembled earth. A i had a strange aura surrounding me, it wouldn't go away and it was somewhat painful even. Was it eating me?!? I thought briefly before seeing myself surrounded by nothing but a plain with distant hills, where was I going to go now this place clearly wasn't the same, I'm alive but how.. no one could survive the fall I took, that was the whole reason I took the jump after all. The questions flooded my mind as it felt this aura was eating me up like a fever so I began walking to the hills slowly somewhat like I was marching with no goal eventually arriving.

After reaching the hilly and later mountainous region I sighed taking it all knowing this wasn't going to be an easy task when suddenly I felt my body tense up stopping me in my tracks with my eyes widening, I felt as if I was about to be stoked down. After only seconds of silence my instincts took over forcing me to quickly turn around only to see some sort of beam heading straight for me immediately moving my hands to block it only to be launched violently through the mountain I just reached.

After the blast I coughed a bit my arms and back was inside of the mountain or more like I was hit so hard it jammed them straight into it sitting in a strayed position... HOW THE HELL AM I ALIVE I thought screaming in my own mind as I seen three pillars of light fly towards me, this time there was people in them stopping in the air before reaching me all three of them was monkey like creatures with human like figures, like the human body was just covered in fur and had a monkey's head. I looked up to them even more confused then before before they slowly spread out surrounding me and moving there hands. They began charging another blast likely to finish me off before one of them spoke.

"Invader! Where do you hail!"

I thought to myself once again looking dumbfounded at the monkey, it was a talking monkey... maybe I went straight to hell..? I tried to speak but it's like I had sleep paralysis I couldn't say a word only faint groans, the monkey spoke again louder this time

"Speak or be executed by my authority!"

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't speak the monkeys leader looked angrily as the three powered up more intensely shooting out massive blasts of light, this was the end for me but I desperately tried to scream out I wanted this to stop, I wanted a quick and painless death yet I knew how bad those blasts hurt after the first one. So I gathered as much energy as I could desperately trying to yell STOP but..


My body desperately shouted although it wasn't what I wanted to do at all, the intensity of it was enough to form some sort of transparent barrier that rapidly pushed out from around me throwing the blasts they prepare straight into the air, after a few moments of rethinking what I did the aura returned eating away at me, was it a parasite!? Well regardless it made me feel more powerful, before I knew it I stood up ripping my arms and body out of the mountain I was forcefully hit inside. Within moments I was filled with blind rage and hatred the purple aura growing larger and the monkeys felt this sinister presence as they stood in aw.

"A mere shout..."

Said the leader slowly lowering to the ground onto his feet the other two following behind him. I stood in place unable to think straight it's like I was an animal not even in control of my own body. No matter how hard I tried this sinister presence couldn't be suppressed.