
Two Faces : Second Chance

After Bakugo told him to take a swan dive of the roof, he didn't feel sad or useless or anything, he just feels... Stupid. He feels very stupid. Why didn't he think of that earlier? *** Izuku woke up in a strange place. He wants to get up, but he can't move a finger. In front of him, a man is sighing repeatedly. The man look at him with a tired face. "Just why did you do that?" Deku wondered what this strange man was talking about. What did he do? As he wondered that, the strange man began acting strange. He repeatedly banged his head on the wall. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUMP OFF?!?!?" Ah, that? Cause his childhood friend told him too???

SAS3SSS · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Meeting Class 1-A

There's a long silence before Deku broke it.

"Do you not have enough students? Did Aizawa kicked out another one?"

"Aizawa did kick out one student but that's not the reason. UA made a rehabilitation program for villains who is still a minor. You accepted the proposal so now I'll tell you about the smoke and the seal."

Deku nodded. He did accept it but not too happy with it. Nezu continued.

"Actually, we don't know who it was either. There was a letter sent to my office along with the smoke bomb and the seal in the form of a talisman. It said, : If you want to capture the Imitator, come to this location on Friday." Nezu finished speaking before observing Deku, trying to look at his reaction. But Deku looks like he's thinking about something.

"Let me see the letter." Deku asked. Nezu handed a letter with a black envelope.

Deku asked for the letter not to confirm if Nezu is lying or not, but to see if there's anything on it. For example, a code.

All for One and League of Villains created a code that only them can understand. The chances of other people cracking the code is close to zero since they used a completely different concept than a normal code.

As Deku was inspecting it, he found engravings on the corners of the letter.

'Found it.' He thought while grinning. The code said,

-Stay where you are and don't create a ruckus.'

Deku nodded to himself and is secretly relieved that All for One did not actually betray him. If he did, well...

Let's not talk about that.

"So when do I enter?" Deku asked Nezu. Nezu grinned and replied.

"Tomorrow. You'll enter the dorm today."

Deku raised his eyebrow.

"UA had a dorm?"

"It's thanks to you visiting us 2 weeks ago. UA made a countermeasure to ensure the students safety. You'll enter class 1-A." Nezu replied before looking at the clock.

"What kind of countermeasure is that? I infiltrated UA, not their homes." Deku shot a fact that Nezu can't refute. In the end he just avoided the question.

"It's getting late. The kids in 1-A must already slept. Don't be noisy when you moved in. Your clothes and basic needs are already prepared."


"I wanna ask, when did you become my assistant, All Might?" Deku asked when they arrived in his room at the dorm building for 1-A. All Might is in his hero form. He cannot risk the possibility that the students are still awake.

"I volunteered to guide you because I have a question to ask you, young man." All Might said while staring at Deku's face. Deku made a curious face although he got a hunch at what All Might want to ask.

"Oh? What is it?"

All Might paused for a while before continuing his question.

"... Is the Boss you called the last time you visited... All for One?" All Might hands are trembling. Deku didn't miss it even though All Might tried to hide it. He smiled and replied.

"Yeah... You failed to kill him... and I'm glad you didn't."


"How many times have I told you don't put your feet on the table!"

"Shut up Four Eye! Did you own this table?!"

"Both of you shut up. Aizawa-sensei is about to come."

The morning starts with Tenya Lida and Bakugou bickering while Jirou end it. Right after she said that, Aizawa enters the classroom. Following behind him is a little broccoli with a small smile on his face. Murmurs are heard discussing about the fluffy looking green haired boy. While Bakugou already shut his mouth with the appearance of a face he won't ever forget.

'Is that?' Whispered Bakugou to himself.

"Everyone, we have a new student joining the class today. He is-"

"Hello everyone! My name is Deku! Nice to meet y'all!" Deku interrupted forcing a sigh to come out of Aizawa's mouth. Momo raised her hand.

"Aizawa-sensei, may I ask why is he joining us just now?"

Aizawa looked at Momo before replying.

"He's not supposed to be a student here in the first place. He's a villain."


The whole class shouted with Bakugou being the loudest.

'Impossible! He look harmless though?!?' Is the thought running inside everyone's head.

"Question! Why is he not in class with the other villains?!?" Sero curiously asked. The villain rehabilitation program is already made public. While many people didn't agree with it, it's the principle decision so nothing can be done about it. But one student in class 1-A already left the academy because her parents doesn't want her to be in the same building as villains. Now there's just 18 student in the class.

Aizawa glanced at Deku.

"He's a special case. He would still take the mandatory class for villains. But most of the time he'll be here."

"Does he have a villain name?" Now it's Tokoyami's turn to ask question.

Not all villains had a name. Moreover kids who became a villain at a young age usually just did some normal crime before getting caught so they don't have a chance to make their name known.

Deku grinned before putting his index finger on his lips in a cute way.

"I do but that's a secret!"

"What crime did you commit?"

Deku put his hands on his chin, thinking of what to answer.

"I just killed some pro heroes... not bragging but yeah, that all I did." Deku shrugged while the class goes silent.

Killing pro heroes and beind so casual about it? They understand if he killed normal civilians since they're weak, but a villain who got into class 1-A is different after all. Not to mention he killed a few of them, not just one. Even they can't kill one pro hero.

So... just how strong is he?

They gulped. The image of Deku they had in mind that looked like a little rabbit broke into little pieces, changed with a psychotic murderer. They shuddered at the thought Deku killed the pro heroes with the same smile on his face. They don't want to believe it, but Aizawa didn't say anything so it must be true.

At the side, Bakugou was contemplating by himself before he decided to ask a question.

"Do you have a quirk?"

Deku stared at Bakugou before smiling even more while the class fell silent.

"What kind of question is that Bakugou? You should ask what his quirk is. What kind of a villain that can kill pro heroes without a-"

"Yes I have one."

Kirishima who was about to continue, shut his mouth immediately. As stupid as he is, he can sense the tension that's going on with those two. Deku and Bakugou stared at each other for a while before Aizawa butted in.

"Now you can get to know each other after this. Deku, take a seat." ordered Aizawa.

"Yes, Aizawa-sensei."

He took a seat number 19. No one come to talk to him because they're still wary of him. He doesn't care about it too much. His attention is all on Bakugou.

Meanwhile, Bakugou never spoke a word throughout the class.