
Two Faces : Second Chance

After Bakugo told him to take a swan dive of the roof, he didn't feel sad or useless or anything, he just feels... Stupid. He feels very stupid. Why didn't he think of that earlier? *** Izuku woke up in a strange place. He wants to get up, but he can't move a finger. In front of him, a man is sighing repeatedly. The man look at him with a tired face. "Just why did you do that?" Deku wondered what this strange man was talking about. What did he do? As he wondered that, the strange man began acting strange. He repeatedly banged his head on the wall. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUMP OFF?!?!?" Ah, that? Cause his childhood friend told him too???

SAS3SSS · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Izumi's Past

This situation is weird. Did I got out of the dark space? Wait, why can I hear some voices outside?

"I can't believe it..."


Can't believe what?

"I'm pregnant!"

Oh? Wait a second.

If the woman outside is pregnant, that means that I, am her child?

Along with this little guy next to me? Do I have a twin?

Does babies actually have memories of them in the womb, then eventually forgets it when they grow older?


This is an interesting situation.

I finally decided to wait and observe. Being stuck inside that space for a long time made me easily adapt to absurd situations. Well, this place is better than that dark space.

Aside from mother's voice- yes, I have decided to call this woman who's bearing me in her womb mother. I can hear other voices too. Like the doctor's voice when she goes to appointment, father's cry of joy, and other random things. Mother always let us listen to some classical music before going to sleep.

"If it's a boy, we call him Izuku. If it's a girl, Izumi."

"What if we get a twin and both of them are boys?"

"Then just call the other one Izumi!"

At this moment, mother and father is thinking of a name for me and my brother. I figured he's a boy because of the thing between its legs.

Wait, I'm a boy too, right?

I immediately go and check. Thank goodness, I'm a boy.

Time passes quickly. All I did was relax when I was in her tummy while watching my brother. Sometimes I move because it's fun seeing mom reaction.

Though today, I felt stuffier than usual.

I change my movement again and again. Then I kick around. It's getting harder and harder to breath.

I heard some noises outside, and it's annoying. Mom sounds like she's hurt. Wait, what day is it?

Is it due already?

Oh my go- I'm finally getting out!

But is every time a baby is about to go out they feel this uncomfortable? It's getting harder to breath. Ughh...

Oh no, I feel like sleeping all of a sudden.

Well, when I wake up I could probably see mom's face for the first time.

But that's not what happened.

When I come to my senses, my soul is floating next to a woman that I figure is my mother.

Did I die again?


Why did I say again?

It feels like a there's a missing part in my memory. Come to think of it, how can I think when I'm just a fetus?

Why did I deduce that a baby couldn't talk? How did I know these things in the first place?

Then I saw a baby in a man's arm. That baby isn't moving. Guess it's dead.

Wait wait wait, isn't that me?

Man, I really died again. Guess it can't be helped. Then is that man my father?

I stared at the man that I deduce is my father. He has some weird features. But still, why do I feel sad when I look at him?

Well, father, I hope you're not too sad with my death. Please bury my body properly. That is my last wish and I hope that you'll take care of mother and little brother properly.

Mom and lil bro is sleeping, maybe too tired. Eh?

I look at my surrounding.

I thought she gave birth at a hospital? But this place...

Did mom gave birth at home?

I turn to look at father.

What are you doing? Quickly bring mom and lil bro to the hospital now!

Was what I hoped I could say to father. Sadly, my soul don't even have a form, so I don't have a mouth. Even if I do have one, there's no way he can hear me.

But then, I don't know how, father turn and look at me directly.

"What are you doing there? You're supposed to be in here..."


His voice is trembling, and I can see his broken eyes. His eyes look at me directly.

So father can see souls. And he can see me.

I really hoped that I have a mouth right now. Then I can tell him to take care of mom, bury my body properly, and take care of his health. But I don't have a luxury to.

I turn my back from him. I can't bear to stay at this place any longer.

But then, I saw father running out of the room and take out a shovel. He ran to the backyard and started digging. I ran after him.

What are you doing?

After he's done digging, he took me- my body, and put it slowly inside the hole that he digged. I quickly rush at him.


Even though I don't have a solid form, I can feel my anger boiling. He looks at me with crazed eyes.

"I-if I tell your mother that her son died, she would feel really sad right? Y-you understand me right? I-I don't want your mother to be sad. S-so it's better if she doesn't know your existence."

He said while convincing me. No, he's convincing himself. And I don't know if it's because of the extreme anger that I felt, memories that I long forgotten came back to me.


I already swore that I'm going to become a good person in this life, but I don't even have the chance to live.


There's still a chance.

I rush back inside and found my mom and my brother. They're sleeping soundly. Father didn't chase me and continue planting my body. I dash to my brother.

I knew it.

For some reason, I can possess my brother's body. It's a strange connection that I felt ever since I woke up.

The anger I felt earlier resurfaced.

With this body, I'll get my revenge. And when I do... I hope you're prepared for it.



Tears drip out of Izuku's eyes. Izumi look at him with a pained expression.

"Do you get it now, Izuku?"