
Two Faces : Second Chance

After Bakugo told him to take a swan dive of the roof, he didn't feel sad or useless or anything, he just feels... Stupid. He feels very stupid. Why didn't he think of that earlier? *** Izuku woke up in a strange place. He wants to get up, but he can't move a finger. In front of him, a man is sighing repeatedly. The man look at him with a tired face. "Just why did you do that?" Deku wondered what this strange man was talking about. What did he do? As he wondered that, the strange man began acting strange. He repeatedly banged his head on the wall. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUMP OFF?!?!?" Ah, that? Cause his childhood friend told him too???

SAS3SSS · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

I'm Sorry

-Bakugou's POV-

Deku has changed.

That was obvious ever since he came to UA. The way he looks at me, his playful tone, and the way he talks. Everything changed. But something bothers me more than his behaviour.

How did he survive?

I, as the prime suspect of his case, saw his mangled body after he jumped myself. The sight that haunted me until I entered UA.

I even visited his grave. His body is supposed to be underneath the ground. Of course I never saw his body after the rooftop incident. Come to think of it, even auntie never saw his body. All we know is he's in the casket all the time until he's buried.


Was he even in the casket in the first place?

Reflecting back on the interrogation, there was something off about it.

They interrogated me half-heartedly, even after I admitted to bullying him for years. Then they let me go. Seeing how auntie still treating me kindly, I don't think they informed auntie about me bullying her son.

One thing I know, someone was pulling the string from behind. And I might find out the answer, when I talk with Deku.

That's my plan... but I don't know why I asked him about auntie all of a sudden.

And the rest of the conversation... I didn't even get my answer.

I ended up feeling like a shit instead. I hate this feeling.

That's why, I planned on talking with him again today. But All Might had to do this nonsense. I hope I can just finish this fast, then talk to him.

"Start the fight!"


Deku disappeared from my sight and suddenly appeared again in front of me. I'm quite shocked seeing his speed. Watching and experiencing is two different thing. I immediately raised my hand to block whatever attack Deku prepared for me. But instead of the attack I'm anticipating for, Deku came closer and put his lips to my ear.

"Aren't you excited to bully me again?"


I'm too shocked that I can't comprehend what he's saying. Just then, a punch was launched directly to my face. I raised my hand to block it, but I was still send flying.


He's too strong that I'm still trembling just from that one punch. I look at my hands, they're bruised. I clenched my teeth. Maybe because he saw me out of focus, he immediately appeared again next to me.

"But why are you so quiet? I've never seen your shadow these past few days. Until yesterday when you came to talk to me." Deku sent a kick to my rib.

I quickly used my quirk and keep my distance. While I'm at it, I processed what he said to me.

So that's what he thinks of me now?

Deku appeared again and launch another attack.

"Come on, lash at me like you did before!"

I dodged his attack. I can't afford to block it if I don't want to break my hands. And it looks like he increased his strength. He launched a barrage of attacks on me while I struggled to dodge them.

"You said I'm an eyesore."

I know.

"You said why I was even born."

And I regret that.

"You said I better off dying."

I want to take that back.

"You said this world would be better without me."

I didn't mean that.

"You said to kill myself and pray to get a quirk in my next life!"


I get it now.

Why I feel so shitty right now.

I stopped dodging and stay where I am. Miraculously, Deku also stopped barraging me with attacks. He waited. I slowly bend my body, and uttered words I thought I would never be able to say directly in front of him.

"I'm sorry."


-Deku's POV-

What did he say?

I can't quite understand what he's saying. Did I hear that correctly?


He did say sorry.

Means he apologized?

What for?

For bullying me?

For betraying our friendship?

What did you actually apologize for?

Why didn't you do this long ago?

Before I strayed down this path.

Before I thought dying is a better choice.

Why didn't you say this before?




I don't understand.

Before I knew it, my consciousness slip out. Ahh...

Izumi, don't overdo it.


-Uraraka's POV-


Utter silence.

All of us who are spectating the fight never said a word since the fight started. All are too stunned to speak.

'So that's why...'

Is probably what everyone is thinking right now. Truthfully, I think the same. Hearing the words Deku uttered makes me feel suffocated. And the fact that Deku can still smile and act like he's okay breaks my heart. Although I wonder why we can hear their voice, that's not important at this moment.

To think that he suffered like that, I can't even imagine the pain he's been through. I think even I would become a villain after all that.

Though, after Bakugou apologized, there's been no reaction from Deku for 5 whole minutes. And his expression...

It's blank.

Suddenly, I saw some changes happening. Deku's hair rapidly changed colour to white, and even his eyes glowed. No, is it changing colour?

I can't tell what's happening, wasn't Deku's quirk supposed to be sealed? And seeing All Might panicking...

"This fight is over! Both of you-"

All Might didn't get to finish his words, as Deku suddenly turned to him and attack him. Deku's hair has completely turned to white.