
Two Faces : Second Chance

After Bakugo told him to take a swan dive of the roof, he didn't feel sad or useless or anything, he just feels... Stupid. He feels very stupid. Why didn't he think of that earlier? *** Izuku woke up in a strange place. He wants to get up, but he can't move a finger. In front of him, a man is sighing repeatedly. The man look at him with a tired face. "Just why did you do that?" Deku wondered what this strange man was talking about. What did he do? As he wondered that, the strange man began acting strange. He repeatedly banged his head on the wall. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUMP OFF?!?!?" Ah, that? Cause his childhood friend told him too???

SAS3SSS · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


Hello everyone. As I look back into my past chapters, I realized what kind of abomination of a fanfic I had wrote. The chapters are cringy, It's progression is too fast, like when I revealed the brother's origin, and the MC is just too fucking strong with no weakness. So after a long and tiring months of denying my work, I decided to rewrite this from the start.

Don't worry, I'm not dropping it, I'm going to improvise it. Here's a few things you might want to watch out for the new version of this novel though, so I'm gonna list it below.

1: I'll be changing Midoriya's design. The rabbit costume is something that I just took out of nowhere cause I was too lazy, but now I'm gonna try thinking of original ideas. But don't expect a character art, I'm just a teenager who's just about to exit their rebellious phase. Make use of your imagination.

2: Midoriya's power are going to be tweaked a little bit. I realized it's too freaking OP to be copying other's quirk with no repercussion, so I'm gonna add something. Please look forward to this one!

3: THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE. I may have mentioned this before, but I didn't watch MHA till the latest season yet, so I'm going to write it based on what I know. So if you don't like it, feel free to drop it. I'm going to write it based on what I understand about the world settings. I feel like it's stupid to try to write about a world that I know nothing about, as it will ruin the story. So if you find something unfamiliar with the version that I'm creating, just know that it's me being fucking clueless and deciding to add my own element.

So yeah, I think that's all of it. I might have been a little prick with my readers though, but I guess I'm just nervous about this being my first fic that I want to do seriously. I don't know how to treat you guys.(And my texts are dry, so I might have come off cold?) I don't even know if you guys are gonna read this announcement though. This novel might have already been buried in your library for all I care. Well, that's all. And thank you for staying, for those who did.