
Two Faced, Embarkment

Hello there, my name is Franklin Lloyd Wright. Hello there, my name is Jessica Fisher. Hello there, my name is Lloyd Franklin Wright. We believe that this is our story. The story of a two faced man and his cunning(Crossing out can be seen here) sweet Juliet. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there. I am basically new to being an author and I had this thought in my mind. So when I saw this prompt I new I had to write up the thoughts into paper. This is Multiple leads and I say R-18 though the odds are that is for later. The concept of this is two stories that occur at once. The one man who secretly is two and the one lady who has a bit of a temper problem. IF/WHEN you find errors tell me. Don't care whether its a plot hole or just spelling and grammar. English IS my first language ,but I type like I assume the character would in this scenario. Still not entirely sure how I will deliver the story to you all, but please If you like and enjoy tell me something I am always open to critique and opinions who knows it could even go into the story.

Jmp0330 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prologue (Method 3)

Hello there, my name is Franklin Lloyd Wright.

Hello there, my name is Jessica Fisher.

Hello there, my name is Lloyd Franklin Wright.

We believe that this is our story. The story of a two faced man and his cunning(Crossing out can be seen here) sweet Juliet.

First Face:

I am Franklin, the only child of the Wright family. My father Floyd Wright adopted me when I was young and I was taught by him his people throughout my life. I am what one would consider as a science experiment and a prodigy. Throughout my life I have been trained and taught of the ways of business and strategy. My purpose was never to take over the franchise my father created, instead it was to be the trophy child of one of the wealthiest and most cunning people in the world. For my father has his goals and aspirations and I am just the child that he will support so somewhere down the line his last name will be spread.

I am Jessica, the disciple and daughter of a very old and wise man. Henry Fisher adopted me when I was brought to his doorsteps with a note, before I could remember anything. I am what one would consider a bit of a two faced person. I switch between approaches to a problem pretty easily. Throughout my life I have been brought up to be the epitome of an elegant lady of the Fisher family. Though that may not have been as successful as my old man would have liked. I was to be that epitome ,because my old man believes that only by trying to be a great lady can I end up becoming a great woman and mother. Besides I think he just wanted to play with dolls as a kid is forcing that thought on me. 'Okay, I'll erase it'

Second Face.

I am Lloyd, the only child of the Wright family. This may be confusing for some ,but me and Franklin 'cough' Franklin and me are both the same person. For reasons I don't want to spoil mainly because Jessica would pinch me. I suppose throughout my life I was shown the care and attention Franky never was. I am what some might say is a natural charmer. 'Hey you pinched me' Besides that I take care of the interactions in New Era mainly, while bro takes care of the Alternate World. Corny I know.

*Unknown Year*

"General even with the strength and data we were able to crack and receive from World X we can't seem to decelerate the Meteor. We must now use one of the other avenues. I was told by the president that we will be using method 3, but sir if we do something of that caliber there could be drawbacks. Please I implore you, talk to him and find a way for something else."(U/nknown)

"I believe this here is where we and the crone finally agree for once." (G/eneral)

"Oh do tell."(P/resident)

"Hello there Madam. When will we enact method 3 and you know doing so gives a fair amount of power into my hands."(G)

"Ha, when did you ever question having more power with how many times you implored for a budget raise I might as well have given the treasury for you."

"Would not have been enough."

"*Sigh* I suppose so. Listen Jeremy."

The pause seems to settle in as the president looks directly into the general's eye. The metal interior of this bunker. The air is filled with chatter as individuals stare at the screen's before them. Multitasking becomes near instinctual as they all pause from their work of logistics and communication with those from multiple worlds to hear what they assume to be either a confession of love or an imperial edict.

"We can't stop it. Polaris will impact the earth and most likely destroy all infrastructure we have on it. I know that in the panic I will stay as the president for being either the savior or kicked out for being the downfall of this planet and civilization as we know it. The power brings a lot of responsibility and troubles I just frankly don't want to deal with. So all I can say is Thank You, for being a great friend throughout the years and I assume it's time for all of us to get even more busy."

"Oh great Deloris. The first time I see you in months and you confess to giving me half the world in military might and are going to cause me to have many sleepless nights aren't you. Damn, Vixen. Well you all heard the lady start mobilizing who we have to and dear old madame president if you would do the honor I believe a secret conference has to be scheduled now."

"How sweet Jeremy. Do you believe I haven't already talked to them and discussed what I have to. Unlike a certain someone I don't go around being late to appointments or forgetting important information."

"How was I supposed to know what a 3 month friend anniversary was? I was 19."

"Yes, but at least I don't call old men like you old and properly respect the age of a lady."

".... *Puff of air* I am sorry"

There are multiple stages and contingencies in place for method 3 or as others call it the Two faced approach. I will only go into the public assortment of knowledge. Reason being that is all our characters could find out publicly at that moment in time. All beings will be brought to certain capitals and bunkers. Populations the size of the entire East Coast of America brought into ever expanding cities. Throughout the entirety of the world this is being enacted in different ways. America and other technological giants already have their hand dipped in the unknown that is magic and a new world using the strength and tools of past forays into the land to facilitate the transition. People of different calibers will receive similar treatment, with the rich and wealthier obviously better accommodations as they would say the world runs on money. Though the poor, homeless and poverty stricken as well as those middle class and up are escorted to centralized hubs known as nexus. Supposedly centers where they can tap into the ether of energy easier to facilitate what is nicely known as the transfer yet for first timers lovingly termed the torture. Transfers are when beings who have been awakened to certain classes of ether can use their strengths in meditation to bring humans and others into what is the fold or conscience of the other world. To allow for awakenings of power. Those who fail are given the choice to enter the new world early or to live out the rest of their life in what is left of this one and planet. While those who triumph are sent to do a myriad of things. Though only two matter in this scenario.

They are sent to be strengthened and understood psychologically. The two tasks accomplished by sending the individuals into two worlds. One that the others find themselves in and the other a virtual side project to help facilitate morals and speed up the transfer and efficiency rate of using either by making the person anew. In the virtual world all memories are stripped from you and you are sent into the Template though publicly known as Alternate world. Though I am going into a bit of a tangent and instead will let our lovely lady tell the rest for a bit. Besides I think I left the stove on.

Wow these Fast phrases to put in the Authors note are so corny. Either way Hope you enjoy the story. May add more here in the future.


"He is finaly gone"

'Yup we are good'

*Hey Jess, why are we hidding again I don't think they will care much*

'You can never be to sure besides we can't talk with him here. I'll be embarased.'

"HEY, why did you pinch me."

'I saw your eyes roll.'

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