
Two Faced, Embarkment

Hello there, my name is Franklin Lloyd Wright. Hello there, my name is Jessica Fisher. Hello there, my name is Lloyd Franklin Wright. We believe that this is our story. The story of a two faced man and his cunning(Crossing out can be seen here) sweet Juliet. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there. I am basically new to being an author and I had this thought in my mind. So when I saw this prompt I new I had to write up the thoughts into paper. This is Multiple leads and I say R-18 though the odds are that is for later. The concept of this is two stories that occur at once. The one man who secretly is two and the one lady who has a bit of a temper problem. IF/WHEN you find errors tell me. Don't care whether its a plot hole or just spelling and grammar. English IS my first language ,but I type like I assume the character would in this scenario. Still not entirely sure how I will deliver the story to you all, but please If you like and enjoy tell me something I am always open to critique and opinions who knows it could even go into the story.

Jmp0330 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1- Overheard Plans.

"There is no way I would willingly send her into that shit show after nearly losing my arm there last time. Send her through your pet project fine, but to that land of make believe and i'll rip off your arm and shove it straight up you-" (Henry Fisher)

"Now, now director is that, anyway to talk to a messenger. I should have left the gift for Jess in the car." (Rodger Fisher)

"Not you too. How can you let them send her in like that? I am fine with you guys sending her to play all those war games. Hell even fine with letting her get hooked up into that template of yours ,but don't let my little girl go into that World X or whatever it was again."

"Director you know"

"Drop that Director shit I left for a reason."

"Brother you really are making this difficult on me. *Sigh* Do we really have much of a choice and we both know she would probably prefer that world than this one. Where the only jobs that require physical labor and allow the muscles to work is being a maid or a soldier under another. We both know how well she does with getting told what to do."

A minor chuckle escapes from the older man as he signals the messenger from before out the room with a wave of his hand and prepares a cup of tea. All those pleasantries about special preparation when a guest of caliber comes in he knows, but frankly doesn't care.

"Yeah I wouldn't expect her to be able to be a maid, though she would make a damn fine soldier. Not like they are needed as much. Two sugars or one?"

"Three don't tell Matilda a bit stressed with all these preparations. Though you do know that we can't use most of our technology over there in that world."

"Yeah, Yeah because of that whole electricity being changed into a form of energy that is both the same yet different."

"No we went over it. It's not the same, just the only way that energy is generated or used is in bioelectric currents. Also thanks. Is this Lemon Grass with this color?"

"Nope your favorite Ginger."

As he spits it out. They both hear a minor chuckle from a location not in the immediate vicinity and sigh.

"Give me two more sugars. Seems we are having the talk earlier than anticipated. Jess if possible can you come in here"

A minor click of tongue is heard as the glorious protagonist Jessica Fisher walks in.(Stop adding excess details J)

"Hi there honey, now please tell me who taught you that sneaking in on a conversation between your uncle and I was a good idea."(Henry)

"You do realize that Uncle only gives me gifts out of nowhere when he either forgot something, is hiding from Auntie ,or needs me to do something."(Jessica)

"Every time you sell me out as well."(Uncle)

"Sorta have to. You know that."(Jessica)


"Yes I do." (Uncle)

"So what is this about me going to some place that even pops is scared of ?"(Jessica)

"Excuse me young lady I am not scared."(Henry)

"No, he is and for good reason."(Uncle)

"Jessica this isn't like the other times where we let you have fun doing drills with spec ops or beta testing the VR games. As you have seen on the news. That meteor will crash. It will destroy the Earth or at least the habitat of it. The government and I want to send you on a select group with others into the new world with the refugees. We can't spare much man power and our weaponry does not work as well there as it should. We will be resorting to using gunpowder again. I know you and the others are-" (Uncle)

"I will cut you off there. You just are gonna go on and finish saying the assigned script before saying your honest opinion. Jess. I love you dearly so I am telling you this now I can already see in your eyes you want to go, though if you ever want to stop just tell me and none of those powder wigs in office can keep you there. Got it"(Henry)

Running up to her father who is approaching late 60's the 18 approaching 19 years old young lady gives the man with steel muscles a death grip hug and kiss on the cheek.

"You're the best. Also thanks Uncle Rodgers. I'll pack my weapons. I am gonna have to find my repair kit. Also dad, did you leave my Barret in her vacuum seal case in my armory."

While walking out of the room and basically jumping to get to her sweet Black Mamba (Barret)

"Yes I did. You know you don't need to repair them when they are put in their case properly."

"Yeah, Yup you're the best love you."

"Huh, I thought convincing her would be more difficult."(Rodger)

"Nope you thought convincing me would be. She basically has been itching to leave the coup." (Henry)

"Shit, I forgot to tell her about Project Template. Eh, doesn't really matter.Though I have some thoughts in store for that lovable little princess. "

"What is it this time? If you are trying to get her a boyfriend again. Well I already threatened you enough the first time."

"Yup, this tea sucks. Have anything else?"

Running through the halls back towards her room. A few thoughts on what she heard and what she needs to know flow through her mind. She remembers vividly the period where her Father left for 2 years and only came back on holidays and special occasions. Where the only way to contact him was through letters that generally were delayed from 3 days to a week. Sometimes she remembers when his eyes would glaze over and then approach her and give her a hug out of nowhere. Of course she squirmed a bit out of his grasp ,but those eyes weren't the same as the ones he used to show her of his anguish instead they felt fresh. Like different nightmares made their way into his mind, besides those of war. If she were to say that there is no fear in her than she would be lying to herself, but even more than the fear is the need.

The need to prove to herself, others and even more importantly her father that she is a capable daughter of taking over the Fisher name. Some previous research into her past let her know the significance that the name has with Royalty and how her family instead of getting stuck in the past times of politics approached the pinnacle that they could have in natural combat skills. Making her way into her closet pushing past the clothes of many types. Some for battle, (Royal)balls, school, and other pastimes. Looking at the door made of a reinforced tungsten alloy. Inputting the code. For a near silent Hiss to be heard as the entire chamber depressurizes. It is supposed to warn about those who attempt to break in. If you don't hear the Hiss either someone is inside or someone broke in. Not like anyone could.

As it swings open the lights that are always on in an amber hue swap over to bright white lights. The display cases turn on and in them you can see a plethora of weapons. Closest to her, the standard laser rifles, the outdated rail guns, the ancient gunpowder firearms, and the near extinct bow at the end of the entire corridor. Normally she would grab the family bow only to show off to her friends whenever they go hunting. She believes she is skilled in it, but her favorite is the firearms. The recoil from the guns that give her a thrill when fighting. They feel more demanding of her skills than guns that shoot in a line depending on where you shoot. Now with the calculations all done in contacts or glasses for the more demanding shots only weapons archaic as these give her proper satisfaction.

"Hey yo, Mamba Momma's home."

As a literal Black Mamba that has been bred to look like one ,but devoid of venom snakes up from a branch post onto the woman's shoulder. The polishing and taking apart of multiple weapons in a compulsive manor to make sure at all times they are in tip top shape. One of the few ways she calmed her mind when she went through her earlier experiences of war vr games. A sneer makes its way to her lips as she thinks of that group of corporates who always seem to want to ruin yet amplify her fun in the games she plays. Thinking back to some of the members.

Right now Franklin and Lloyd are talking in their mind about the newest task assigned to them. Well offered, but anything less than the best and exemplary service and rewards generally leads to a disappointed smile and a disappointed smile on that always smiling or neutral face terrifies them. The amount of times they feared being abandoned or ignored entirely can be counted one there hand, but every time happened after that disappointed smile. Lloyd gnashes his teeth at this inwardly while Franklin does his best to predict and adapt to the scenario before them.

"So you're saying Lloyd and I will be separated and brought to different worlds in order for the company to get valuable combat data."(Franklin)

"Yes that is the case. I know that you like debriefing Franklin so I have one here for you. I'll send it to your left eye so you may read that while I talk to Lloyd."(Floyd Wright)


Hope you like it. I ended up writing the other moment and not posting cause it flowed and couldn't find a place to cut it off untill I wrote this part here. Very Minor Cliffhanger if you even call it that. Hope you like it and as always feel free to critique.


"So did you read it yet?"(J)

"Yes, we read it."(F)

"Not talking to you Gramar Nazi."(J)

"I was correct though and I responded with we so it was a joint response."(F)

"Wow you guys sure are close"(C)

(C has not been introduced yet)

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