
Two dimensional love

Kat let out a breath of relieve, she decided to continue running to make sure she puts enough distance between them. nothing in world could have prepared kat for what was about to happen. Just as she turned her gaze forward, she was greated with the most frightening sight, the old woman stood just two steps away from her. "Jesus Christ!!!" kat screamed. Her voice echoes through the woods, causing, the birds that nested on the nearest trees to fly away as the sound of the birds filled the sorrowing ------------- "How did she...?" my mind struggled to process anything. But before I could react, the old lady blocked my path with an unsettling smile on her face, sending panic coursing through me. Despite my desperate attempts to flee, it was as if the old lady possessed some dark and mysterious power that held me captive. With each passing moment, the sense of dread grew stronger, and I found myself scrambling to escape her clutches. In my frantic attempt to get away, I stumbled and fell hard on my bottom, the impact jolting through me. As I struggled to regain my footing, she stood a few steps away from me, but it felt like she loomed over me, a menacing gleam in her eyes. Desperation welled up within me. I couldn't comprehend anything, my heart pounding drastically in my chest. "Don't come any closer! Stay away from me!" I shouted in panic. ----------- As the old lady moved closer, Kat felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, causing her to sway unsteadily on the ground. She tried to push herself up, but her strength failed her, and she collapsed back down, her vision growing even more distorted. ------------ Through my blurry sight, I could see the old lady morphing and changing before my eyes. The wrinkled face and hunched figure transformed into that of a tall, ethereal woman with radiant beauty. She now glowed like the sun in the dark woods, casting a warm light over me. As the figure approached, I strained to make out her features, my mind struggling to comprehend the transformation before me. I managed to muster the strength to speak, my voice barely a whisper as I gazed up at the transformed figure before me. With a mix of fear and curiosity in my voice, I rasped, "Who are you?" The words escaped my lips almost involuntarily, a question born out of confusion and desperation as I struggled to make sense of the surreal situation unfolding before me. "What is going on? I feel so dizzy. What are you doing to me?" I weakly asked the transformed her once again, "Who are you?". She responded enigmatically, "You would know soon enough, my dear." Despite my distorted state, I could hear her voice clearly; it sounded nothing like the old raspy voice she portrayed earlier. It was sweet and smooth, her tone elegant, sounding like a melody used to lure children to sleep. The cryptic reply sent more questions my way, leaving me with more questions than answers. Undeterred, I pressed on with another question, my voice trembling with fear and anticipation, "What do you want from me?" The old lady's response was equally unsettling, "You. It will all begin to make sense to you when the time comes." With those ominous words hanging in the air, I felt a wave of dread wash over me as I realized that my fate was inextricably linked to this mysterious figure before me. And as darkness closed in around me, I could only pray that I would soon understand the truth behind her cryptic words. 'I remember this feeling, the feeling of being powerless and helpless, not being able to do anything, just like the night my mother and Nathan burned in front of my eyes. I couldn't do anything.' "Mum, Nathan, I will meet you both soon. I love you,"I whispered to myself, ready to reunite with my family. Tears streamed down my eyes, surprising me in the brief moment. 'I hadn't cried since the time I was separated from you two. Now I shall cry when I reunite with you both,' more tears welled up in my eyes as I spoke. **** disclaimer: cover not mine.

Liya_Rose_6706 ¡ Fantasy
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35 Chs

A tragic scene

"Author's Note:

Welcome to my historical fictional romance novel! Please note that this is a work of fiction, so if you encounter flying rabbits or talking donkeys, just remember that it's all part of the creative storytelling process. While the first few chapters may seem slow paced and boring, please trust that they lay the groundwork for the plot twists and character developments that follow. Every detail, no matter how small, is important.

As a debut author, I'm eager to hear your thoughts and feedback. Your input will help me grow and improve as a writer, so please don't hesitate to share your comments and suggestions.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the journey!"


The sound of a gunshot shattered the silence of the dark alley.

Before him stood the woman he loved, her face a mix of fear and shock, a single tear rolling down her cheek as she looked at him. Collapsing into his arms, her once lively body now lay still, a clear bullet wound visible at the back of her head, blood staining the pavement beneath her. With each passing moment, her body grew colder, blood trickling from the wound.

His world shattered before his eyes, confusion and sorrow clouding his mind as he struggled to understand what had happened. Trembling, he sank to the ground, holding onto her tightly, refusing to let go even as darkness enveloped him. He remained fixated on her, his eyes empty and full of grief.

A figure passed by the man, her heels clicking on the cold ground. She stopped at the entrance of the alley, looking at the scene with a mix of disdain and satisfaction. With a disapproving click of her tongue, she spoke with contempt.

"You should have listened," she said, her voice dripping with anger. "Now, like me, you'll know no peace."

With a bitter laugh, she disappeared into the night, leaving him alone with his grief and the lifeless body of his beloved. Oblivious to her departure, he held onto her, his cries echoing through the empty alley.

"Agnes!" he cried, his voice weak. "You can't leave me. You can't!"

His desperate pleas echoed in the darkness, a sad song of loss and longing.

"Cut!" The scene ended on the bustling set, the director's voice echoing through the megaphone. The woman, previously motionless, stirred in the man's arms. With a blink, she exclaimed, "Ahhh! Feels so nice to blink again," earning laughs from the crew.

"Great job, both of you," the director said, addressing the man and the woman. The woman's name was Katherine, but she was known as Kat.

Katherine was captivating, with vibrant eyes and flowing black hair. Her radiant skin glowed, highlighting her flawless features - from her cheekbones to her lips, always curved in a smile.

The director, Oscar, a tall and friendly man, approached Kat as she finished her final scene. "You and Alex did a fantastic job," he complimented, his eyes filled with admiration. "We're going to miss your presence on set."

"Of course you will, Oscar," Kat replied with a subtle smirk, earning a chuckle from the director. "The set surely won't be as lively without the black goddess in our midst" remarked the man named Alex.

Before their attention could shift, a voice exclaimed, "We will miss you so much, Kat!" Everyone turned to see a young girl named Amey stepping forward, her solemn expression contrasting with her lively energy. Her brown hair cascaded in gentle waves around her shoulders, and her piercing gray eyes held a depth of emotion.

Amey's urgency was evident as she reached out to embrace Kat tightly, paying no mind to the fake blood on her. The hug was almost suffocating, causing Kat to yelp and struggle for breath as Amey clung on fiercely, unwilling to let go.

Despite the discomfort, Kat couldn't help but smile at the genuine display of affection from Amey.

"This was your last scene in the movie, you'll be leaving the set today," Amey stated, her tone tinged with sadness and upset, her grip tightening even further, causing Kat to gasp for air. "Amey, too tight, can't breathe!" Kat managed to choke out, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the embrace.

Amey, who had portrayed the character who shot Agnes in the movie, now exuded warmth and friendliness, a stark contrast to her previous role filled with hate and disgust.

Amey's presence on set was always lively and spirited, her contagious energy lighting up the room.

"I'm leaving the set, Amey, but it's not like I'm leaving the world. We'll still get to see each other," Kat reassured, gently patting Amey's head as she giggled.

"She's right, we'll miss you a lot," Alex chimed in, having returned from his conversation with the director. He joined the two ladies, his presence adding to the bittersweet moment of farewell.

"How sweet of you to say, Alex, but you don't have to hide behind my words. Why not just say what you mean?" Hanna remarked as she released Kat from her tight embrace, a teasing smile playing on her lips". And what would that be?" Alex inquired, raising an eyebrow slightly. "If you know, you know," Amey replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

As Kat finally caught her breath after being released from Amey's tight embrace, she let out a sigh of relief. Alex, wanting to avoid further interaction with Amey, turned to Kat. Their relationship had always been like that of cats and dogs, constantly getting on each other's nerves.

However, before Alex could speak, Hanna, Kat's manager, approached them. "Interview in two hours," she announced, handing Kat a cup of coffee. After exchanging friendly greetings, Hanna anticipated Kat's unasked question and replied, "It's a one-hour drive." "Alright," Kat replied with a tired sigh escaping her lips.

"Don't forget to be here for your party tonight. It's going to be awesome. We don't want the main guest to be too tired to attend, so don't overwork yourself, okay?" Amey exclaimed, holding both of Kat's hands in hers.

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