
Two different :worlds

Elizabeth is a seventeen year old girl who has an ugly past due to family and emotional turmoil. She lost her best friend in the process and since then she has been having nightmares constantly for two years. Not until she meets Adam, an eighteen years old boy who helps her with her emotional problems where she's able to get over the death of her friend and the nightmares. But there's more to Adam. He drinks, smokes, and loves partying. He is known as the school golden boy as he is the striker and also the captain of the school football team. He isn't also a popular boy in Southwest high school. As they get close, they start to see past their big walls as they fall in love but none of them are willing to admit it since they belong to two different worlds.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 31

I'm in a room, I looked around but I couldn't see a thing, it was so dark. I tried to move but I couldn't move my body at all because I was tied up.

" Hello !!! " I yelled out but the only thing I heard was my voice, echoing back.

" Hello !!! " I yelled again louder than before

" Is anybody there ?. " I yelled again trying to hard to free my hands

" Hello!!. someone is in here, " I yelled and kept trying to free my hands but the rope was too tight for me to even move

" Help!!. " I yelled

" mum !! " I yelled again

" Help me!! " I yelled again and the door bursts open, then suddenly a light switch is flipped and the room is bright now. I look forward at the person who had flipped the switch


In his arms was mum, also tied but her mouth wasn't taped just like mine wasn't taped

" Elizabeth " she yelled with tears in her eyes and seeing her like that made me cry too

" Mum. " I cried out but dad laughed at the both of us.

" Don't you dare hurt her " I yelled still trying to let my hands loose.

" What are you gonna do " he asked, his voice made me shiver as it echoed in the room before he dragged her hair.

" Let her go " i cried out as I watched mum sob

" You don't call the shots, I do " he yelled pulling a gun out of his back pocket before pointing it at her head.

" Bastard!! " I yelled and I regret the fact that I said it because the next thing I heard was a shot, a gun shot and mum's body falling to the ground with a thud

" No! " I yelled, fighting to free my hands with all my might

" Asshole!. you are a killer!!. " I spat out with anger

" Murderer " I yelled still kicking and trying to free my hands

" I told you to keep quiet didn't I?. you killed your mother, I didn't " he said with anger before pointing the gun at me.

" You won't get away with this, you will rot in prison. " I yelled

" Oh I have already gotten away with this my dear Elizabeth. it's too bad I have to kill you too " he said laughing out loud.

" You will rot in hell you son of a bitc.. " my sentence is cut in mid sentence at the bullet that pierced my chest.

" No!!! " I yelled out loud and opened my eyes immediately tears flood my vision.

" No!!. mum!! " I yelled kicking the clothes off my body as I wrapped myself hugging my legs

" Betty ?. " I heard my name but I couldn't look. my lips were shaking, I was shaking as tears spilled down my face with force.

" Mum! " I kept on saying

" Betty " I looked to the direction to see Alex with tears in her eyes too.

" My mum " I cried out still sobbing.

" Hey, hey it's gonna be okay. your mum is fine " she said touching my hands, trying to reassure me

" No, he...he...he shot her , just like he shot Dena " I stammered, tears falling from my eyes.

" He shot her right before my eyes... " I cried out and she pulled me into a hug.

" No no one shot your mum, she is fine and she is healthy and it was just a dream " she said rubbing my back.

" How do you know that. mum, I have to call her " I said shaking.

" Betty, she is fine. it's just a dream. you had a dream " she said crying

" It's not a dream, he has my mum " I cried out still sobbing into her chest.

" It is a dream. you just had a dream. don't worry, she is fine " she said

" How do you know that, you don't know that " I whispered crying

" Betty you are driving me insane please stop crying will you. " she muttered Patti g my back

" My phone, I have to call her " I said looking around as tears kept falling.

" Betty please stop you are scaring me " she said trying to hold me in a place

" My mum " I said and looked at her in the eyes.

Alex was crying, she was crying, she shouldn't be crying. why was she crying too.

" Alex stop " I cried as I touched her face.

" You too, please stop, you are scaring me " she said and burst into tears.

" I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't think of you. I'm sorry " I cried and hugged her tight.

" Your mum is fine. she is okay and you just had a dream. we are gonna give her a call in the morning okay " she said looking at me as she wiped my tears off my face.

" Okay okay " I said repeatedly trying to stop myself from crying. he killed Dena, he wants to kill mum too, I shouldn't have let her go, at least not like that.

" It's fine. it will be fine Betty I promise " Alex said and pulled me back into her chest as she rubbed my back over and over again.

A different person, another promise, but why didn't I believe any of them, why do I find it hard to believe that everything will be okay. why do I gave this gut feeling that everything is not okay and that everything will never be okay.

" It will be fine " her voice was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep again


" Mum " I yelled and opened my eyes, the bright light coming into the room from the sun shining outside the window made me shut my eyes back and I faced the other side of the bed.

I sighted Alex sleeping beside me and holding my hands, her face had a line, did she cry. I try to get up but my head really hurts making me hiss out in pain.

" Hey " she whispered and opened her eyes, they were blur too and I can't help but think she had really cried

" Good morning " I said with a smile.

" How do you feel ? " she asked trying to smile.

" Well I slept well, I feel great " I said and she frowned

" Stop it. I don't like that you are trying to act like you don't remember anymore " she said slowly.

" I don't understand " I said with an odd look

" what are you saying ?.. I should be asking you why you cried " I said with a frown.

" Betty do you really want to keep secrets from me ? " she whispered

" Okay now I'm getting annoyed " I said and she stood up from the bed and then walked to the mirror before bringing it to the bed, she handed the mirror over to me

" Are you pranking me ? " I said, smiling

" Look into the mirror Elizabeth " she said with so much seriousness and I looked into the mirror. the person I saw in the mirror scared the death out of me. my eyes were red and swollen. I had tear lines all over my face. that explains my headache.

" What happened to you ? " she asked me.

" I don't know but I think I have an idea. what happened last night Alex ? " I asked her

" You really don't remember ?. you woke up from a bad dream and you were screaming and yelling no. you were saying something about your mum dead and you were crying. you really scared me Betty " she said touching my face.

It happened again, I haven't had a panick attack in more than a year.

" Betty " she called.

" I had a panick attack " I said

" Why ?. you didn't tell me this, Betty are you still keeping secrets " she asked, hurt written all over her face.

" I will explain everything to you Alex I promise but first I need to call my mum " I said touching her hand.

" Okay then. I will give you privacy " she said getting up from the bed.

" Thank you " I muttered and she gave me a soft smile before leaving the room and shutting the door.

I sat on the bed for a while staring into thin air, I had a panick attack, I had a panick attack and a nightmare, worst is that I don't even remember any of it. I don't remember what happened in the dream, I don't remember what happened when I woke up, I don't remember anything. virtually all my memory of last night just varnished into nothing.

Would I have to start therapy again?. I bit my lower lip as I called mum's number. it was just past seven so she should still be sleeping I guess

it rang and then went to voicemail.

I tried her number once again and it rang again before going into voicemail again. why wasn't she picking her phone up. Did something bad happen?. was she alright. fear sipped through my veins as I tried to calm myself down.

I dialed her number once again and it kept on ringing and ringing. mum where are you?. Did?.. what if dad had gotten to her?. what if he has her now. what would I do

" Hello "

What did I dream of last night?. Alex cried last night, I cried last night. what did I say to her?. what did I do?. I can't remember anything no matter how hard I try.

" Elizabeth "

I shouldn't have stayed at her house, what if I also put her in danger just like I put Dena in danger too. what if I get her killed just like I...Dena. I shouldn't have done anything

" Betty.. honey " I turned back to the phone to see that she had picked up.

" Honey " her voice makes me less scared and I suddenly burst into tears again

" Mum " I whispered


I walked down the stairs after I had taken my bath. Raphael and Alex were both making breakfast as I sat at the dinner table.

" Good morning princess " Raphael said with a smirk, causing me to roll my eyes

He was such a flirt, good thing I'm gonna be stuck here with him for a week. Yay

Note my sarcasm.

" Good morning " I said and managed to smile making Alex laugh. I put a glass of water to my lips and take part of it.

" The atmosphere around both of you is always so tight. sometimes I think the both of you are dating secretly " Alex said, causing me to choke on my water

" Or are you ? " She said

" Calm down " he said and I nodded before laughing.

" I hate you " I said to Alex and she did a fuck you sign to me before smiling.

" Breakfast is ready. who wants toast " she said dropping a plate for me and her filled with toast.

" Am I invisible ? " Raphael growled at her.

" I'm not gonna serve you. You have hands don't you then serve yourself will ya " she said

" We adopted you " he said and walked off to the sink to get his food,I giggled.

" we adopted you " Alex mimicked him before smiling at me again.

" How are you feeling ? " she whispered as she took the seat beside me

" Well aside from the bad headache I guess I'm just fine " I said and smiled

" Good because we are going shopping after breakfast " she said and I stared at her in shock

" No school ? " Raphael asked

" You can say that too " Alex answered

" I'm going to tell mum that you ditched school today to go shopping. " he said to her

" I'm going to tell mum that you brought two ladies over last week when she was working late at the hospital. " She said and he just shut his mouth before turning to me.

" She is a really bad influence over you betty so you had better run before it's too late " he said to me chuckling.

" It's too late betty. you are mine forever " Alex said with a smirk before laughing. I watched her and then started laughing along, Raphael joined in too and we all laughed out asses out as we discussed over breakfast.

I stared at Alex's face, even if I had kept a secret, more than one from her, she still loves me with all her heart and for that, I can't help but want to tell her everything.

I think I finally found someone Dena.. someone like you.