
Twisted Link: New Order

In the tranquil village of Melodin, a pair of twins with unparalleled destinies are born. While one is enveloped in the warmth of village life, the other is ushered into the splendor of royalty. They are not merely children of fate but the reincarnations of Solon and Lunos, revered divine gods choosing to walk Thaloria once more. As they grow, their paths lead them to the enigmatic kingdom of Eldenwood, set within the vast landscapes of the Thalloria continent. Here, amidst tales of alliances, love, and betrayals, they begin to uncover their celestial heritage and the pivotal roles they are destined to play in the cosmos. Bound by prophecy, their tale unfolds with Luka's memories of infancy: discovered as a baby and embraced by royalty, setting him on an altered course of destiny. Within Eldenwood's majestic bounds, these mysterious twins navigate their origins and purpose. Are they the long-awaited beacon of hope? Can they stand as the kingdom's guardians, or is their fate intertwined with something deeper and more profound? As the saga unfurls, the world watches, awaiting the revelation of their true path.

HarveyBakes · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Solunovaris Chronicles

A village in the expansive kingdom of Eldenwood known as Melodin, which is not quite popular. A run-down town with a large number of crumbling houses. In spite of the fact that they have limited resources, the people who live here are generally content, and they mark every milestone with a celebration.People in this area enjoy singing and dancing as though it were an integral part of their lives.

Alena, a lovely woman, was in labor on a solemn night within a simple dwelling that was covered with crawling vines and vivid flowers. As the contractions became more frequent, the room was permeated with a sense of both trepidation and excitement.

"1...2...3... Push, Alena!" The doula, Mr. Karim, was really encouraging. Alena is persistent in her efforts, ughh ugghhhh. Take hold of my arms, June., sweetie, just hang on. You'll make it. 

The top of the head is now visible. After then, Mr. Karim provided some further commentary. 

*A wailing sound can be heard after the delivery of the infant

The room was filled with a whimpering sound. "This baby, so this is why you've struggled to let him out has quite got a big head, Oh alena look at the baby he's very serious. It's almost as if he doesn't feel ready to greet the rest of the world quite yet."

A profound hush has descended upon the room because the infant isn't even fussing.

"Is the infant feeling alright? Concern was audible in June's voice as she asked, "Is he breathing?"

The silence was broken as the infant moved positions. "Very much alive!" Mr. Karim made a remark in an effort to lighten the atmosphere.

While he was looking at his newborn baby, June made the observation that "He has your smooth black hair, Alena."

Alena, who was clearly fatigued but yet happy, gave a weak smile in response.

"Wait! There's a second one!" Mr. Karim made an unexpected announcement. "1...2...3..."

A loud wail reverberated through the space. "This one's a lively one," Mr. Karim said with a chuckle. "Made quite the entrance with a cry, and now he's laughing as if he's up to mischief."

The boisterous infant picked his nose in the midst of everyone's laughter, and then, to the astonishment of everyone else, he had a minor accident on himself.

"Oh dear!" Mr. Karim cried out as he wrapped the infant in a blanket and passed him to Ms. Alena. "Behold, your naughty one is right here. I really hope that he won't cause too much disruption in our lives."

While she was giving Alena a kiss on the forehead, June made the following remark: "I believe both of them have a bright future ahead of them in Melodin."

Mr. Karim, who was interested in the matter, inquired, "Names for these twins?"

"Considering this lively one has my eyes, blonde hair, and a hint of June's spirit, I'll name him 'Luka'," Alena proclaimed.

"And the firstborn?" Mr. Karim inquired about it.

"With June's eyes, black hair, and that intense look, his name will be 'Aran'," Alena spoke back.

June gave Alena a warm grin and said, "Beautiful selections. My hope is that they will follow in their father's footsteps and become superb swordsmen.

Alena teasingly said, "No, June," as she continued, "They'll be exceptional mages, just like their mother."

Their oldest child, Elara, spoke out before any lighthearted arguing could take place and said, "Mom and Dad, there is no need for a debate. It's possible that one of them will use magic, while the other fights with a sword.

The parents smiled at one another and then stated simultaneously, "Elara, always protect Aran and Luka, okay?" after exchanging loving glances.

Elara beamed at me and said, "Promise!" I'll be the most wonderful older sister."

She paused with a perplexed expression on her face while she was playing with the twins in an effort to elicit laughter from them. "Mom? Dad? Why do their necks have these glowing things on them?

June and Alena rushed over to the crib where the twins were sleeping. June looked at the mark while holding Aran in her hands. "This identifier is in the shape of a crescent, and it is located here. What on earth could it imply?

Elara made the observation that "Luka, too, has a mark, but his is different." It is circular and has rays radiating out from it in a straight line".

The knowledge dawned on Alena's face, and her eyes grew wide. "What exactly is going on? What is the cause of these marks on our children?

Mr. Karim, the doula, spoke up, "My understanding is limited, but I sense something unique about them." June and Alena, the world that we live in is enormous and full of mysteries. You have a responsibility to watch after these children and protect their purity from the evil in the world. It's possible that something very momentous is in store for them. The reality will only be revealed by fate. My thoughts and prayers will be sent up to the Divine Tree, which plays a role in the creation of both our world and our destinies, for Luka and Aran. They deserve to be blessed always. " LANEN!

At the majestic castle of Eldenwood , King Aldric, a ruler known for his fair judgment and playful nature, sat upon his throne, attending to the kingdom's affairs. The morning was progressing as usual when the castle's tranquility was disrupted.

A stranger stood imposingly at the gates. "Boy," he addressed the guard with an air of impatience, "Where is Aldric?"

Taken aback, the guard replied, "You mean King Aldric? State your purpose and your name."

Unperturbed, the stranger responded, "Just tell him Separius has arrived," he laughed ominously, the tone unsettling the guard.

Inside, Cedric approached the king, "My Lord, there's an odd man outside, asking for you by name. He appears... unsettling."

"Who is he, Cedric?" King Aldric asked, intrigued.

"He claims to be Separius, My Lord."

Aldric chuckled, "Separius, that eccentric fellow! I should've known. I'll have a word with him. Maybe even tease him about his room in the undercroft!" He added with a hearty laugh.

Separius entered, and as he did, his appearance shifted from that of an odd old man to a wise-looking prophet. His aura was unmistakable.

Greeting him with a teasing grin, Aldric said, "Ah, Separius! How long has it been? I hope your room down in the undercroft still suits your taste. Missed you, old friend. Now, what brings the 'grand prophet' to my court after so long?"

Separius, rolling his eyes playfully, replied, "Grand prophet, indeed! I'm still that humble adviser of yours remember? Aldric. But jests aside, we need to talk. Privately."

Sensing the urgency, Aldric commanded, "Cedric, guards, leave us."

Once they were alone, Aldric prodded, "Out with it, Separius."

Drawing a deep breath, Separius leaned in, "SOLUNOVARIS has opened, Aldric."