

Her life changed when she was five, it took a complete turn, something she never could have even dreamt of but the new unexpected people who entered her life showed her a different side of humans she didn't know about. Did she like her new life? Did she want to stay forever or leave? Would they let her go even if she wanted to leave? Who are they? They have huge secrets hidden from her and she has too. Will they ever get close enough to reveal everything. Maybe, let's see. She sets onto a journey to find her own identity, something she always wanted.

_mokshikaWrites_ · Urban
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7 Chs

Brother or Brothers


I still had no clue about her name, as after she gave me more candy she went away because someone called her before I could even ask her name.

I was just left to myself and my thoughts.

I didn't really mind being alone but do you ever feel alone in a room full of people.

I was looking around when Royce came out of his office talking to someone else.

He looks at me smiles and walks into another office.


The nice lady however comes back.

"Are you interested in knowing my name now?" She says hopeful

"Yes, may I know your name Miss"

"Mhm my name is Leah" she says tapping my nose making me giggle

"So Lorelei tell me more about yourself"

"I'm five"

"Ooo a big girl ain't you"

"I am?"

"Yes you are"

"How old are you?"

"Mmm try to guess"

"Are you 20?"

"20?" She chuckles "close, I'm older"

"Yes 20, since your a big pretty lady" isn't twenty a big age?

"I'm pretty?"

"Very much"

"Thank you baby" she kisses my forehead, I realize I'm clutching my head and blushing this is something new, no-ones ever kissed my head.

Royce then walks over to us alone this time and says "Lorelei, there will be no need for you to go to the foster system again" but what he says next makes me dizzy.

"You have brothers" not brother but brothers.

"What? I have brothers?"

"Yes dear, you have five brothers and I have called them, your oldest brother will be here to pick you up tomorrow evening till then you may stay with me or since you've gotten closer to Leah here you can go with her just for the night, I think you'll be more comfortable with her, yea?" he says looking at Leah who then looks at me.

"Lorelei, do you want to come to my place I have two little sisters just a bit older than you, you can play with them till your family arrives"


I didn't know I had that.

I thought it ended with my mother.

But I have brothers, not one but five and I'll be seeing the oldest tomorrow.

What about my father.

Maybe my brother's would know about him maybe he's with my brother's.


"Lorelei" I felt someone tap my shoulder and realized I had gotten into my thoughts again.

"Yes I would like to stay with Miss Leah"

"You can just call me Leah, okay wait for an hour here I'll finish my work and we can leave" "There's no need Leah you have permission to leave early" says Royce

"Oh alright thank you Sir" she goes out and comes back in five minutes with a jacket on.

"Let's go sweetie"

"Okay" I hop off the chair and say bye to Royce "Bye Lorelei" he says smiling which unintentionally always makes me smile.



"Sir, here you go more details on the little girl" "Why is there only one page"

"That was all we could get Sir"


"Yes Sir even if you try for more, all her details have been deleted from hospitals and places and she hasn't visited anywhere much, she has lived every second in that house with Kennedy and Cole"

After scanning I realize the more information is just about the death of her mother and stay at the foster system along with the families she has shifted from.

"Why is there nothing about her father, even if he's dead it should be written"

"We don't know Sir, we don't know if her father exists, is alive or not"

"What are you talking about"

"We tried digging up on her parents but everytime we keep entering some system and a warning is sent to keep away"

"Warning you say"

"Yes Sir"

"What does the warning say"

"It keeps mentioning something like 'The Vinci Family', Sir".

"Did you just say Vinci"

"Yes S-sir"

"You did not breach further did you"

"We're still trying Sir"

"NO NO stop this instant, we might all die"

"What, but sir..."

"STOP THIS INSTANT" he goes running outside and comes back seconds later.

"Did you stop it"

"Yes Sir, but why?"

"When were you recruited officer?"

"Recently Sir"

"Right, weren't you recruited for your talent and determination"

"Yes Sir"

"Well you almost got us killed"

"Sir? sorry Sir" he looks confused and then looks down"

"The Vinci Family, it's well known all over the world for its businesses and all the talented people it has produced from that family are all over the world in many countries but there's something else nobody knows about them, I myself might not know everything about them but if we spoke another word about them we could have been killed and you almost breached their system"

"But the Law Sir we could-"

"Law, funny word.

It only applies to people like us and other normal people, people in poverty or middle class people and only some rich people.

It does not apply to politicians, business men and certain famous celebrities.

But then the Vinci Family who are above all of these, do you think the 'Law' applies to them officer?"

"No Sir"

"Good, now leave this matter be, pretend this conversation never happened, if you speak about this to anyone else officer your life is not in your hands or mine"

"Yes S-sir" he runs out the office as if he's on fire.



"Why do I seem to always have to repeat myself" "We're extremely sorry sir, but we did as the client asked, I don't know where we went wrong" "You don't know where you went wrong?"

"N-no Sir"

"Very well, leave my office and come back when you know what you have done wrong"

"Yes Sir"

I clutch my forehead and sigh.

Someone enters my office and starts clapping.

"What do you want Adrian?"

I look at my younger brother, second oldest after me.

He always just keeps to himself and never teases or smiles as much, like me ever since she took her away from us, so he's clapping today and smirking?

"How is that someone who always fires people immediately or shouts usually at the slightest mistake and ofcourse unalives them the second they get on your nerves, has given the employee a second chance today, this is new no to be exact this is a miracle, who are you, you also realise there will be no people left on this planet if you keep killing as you wish"

"So? Won't it be peaceful, it's not like I kill because I want to, besides I haven't killed anyone in two days"

"Are you joking right now?"

"Look who's talking for someone who never talks, what's with the dramatics"

"Well first you answer"

"Hmm, I got a call"


"Lorelei was found"

I knew this was coming but I didn't know he would become that rigid, his cold lifeless eyes that match mine and most of my brother's coming back again.

"What are you saying brother, have you finally lost it?"

"I got a call from Royce, he said he found a girl whose name is Lorelei but also she very much fits the description of our little sister, I'm going to pick her up tomorrow and then to confirm she is indeed our little princess we'll have to test her"

"She's only five this year, probably right?"

"I know I just need to make sure"

It's been six years since she disappeared and none of us have ever been the same.

We were a happy family, it was all because of father's mistress and everything turned to the worst.

I clench my fists at my own thoughts.

"Your really not lying"

"Have I ever, do I need a reason to"

"I want to come to pick her up too"

"No you will be taking care of the work I'll be leaving here for you, I'll be back soon and then we can introduce her to the others"

"Alright you better be fast"

"As fast as the plane goes" I grin for the first time in my life, not a fake grin, a genuine one.

As promised in the before chapter, multiple Pov's was written :)

New characters introduced.

As always you will find out more about them in the next chapter.

I hope you liked this chapter.

See you next time *~*

"Do you ever feel alone in a room full of people"

~ M

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