
Twisted Fate of Magic

What is Fate? Fate is a predetermined flow of events that one cannot completely overwhelm by their control. Ezekiel Fernandez A Filipino citizen who had lost a part of his significant circle of life. He met an incomprehensible phenomenon that permanently changed his life. A new life was given in an unwanted era. The existence of Mana and Martial Arts is his only way to break the shackles of Fate. Along the flow of his Journey, he will be meeting acquaintances who will be intertwined by his rough journey. Can they succeed in overcoming the consequences? or they will be washed away in vain by the hope of civilization?

WeirdWriter · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 5: Maniacally Incomplete

"' My father was a mage?'" Rubick pondered.

"' If my father was a mage, then, that would be much better!'". He unconsciously smiled inside his thought.

Rubick thought of being taught by his father personally.

First, about the foundation of magic. Second, extensive information in regards to magic. And lastly, on how to cast a simple magic!

These were all Rubick's imaginary thoughts.

After about ten minutes of Mary's story-telling without anyone listening to her.

Rubick finally felt his sleepiness and he just let it happen without resisting.

Mary saw her child who had already fallen asleep and gently kissed the right cheek of the child with her soft and rosy lips. Mary also decided to fall asleep beside her child.

Three days passed, and the same thing was happening inside Mary's residence.

On the fourth day, an unexpected event had occurred. Rubick's father arrives on this specific day.

Yusoph's wife wasn't even aware of the early completion of the mercenaries respective task. He also wanted to surprise his wife with his early return.

Yusoph was currently holding a basket that contained a plentiful amount of edible goods like root crops, vegetables, and expensive size of cow's flesh.

He was quite delighted because he realized that even though their own family aren't privileged enough, they are very much lucky to have a sustainable income.

Yusoph's job had always been a mercenary mage, while he was on his mission he realized that his family are luckier than the most of the villagers that lives within Za'astaroz village.

Although being a mercenary was a very dangerous job to mages like him who was just below the standard of mages, he did not feel his inferiority to those within and above the standard of mages, it's because of his precious family; and he is ready to risk his life just to feed his family well enough.

Mages are known for a very complex and studious profession which was also a difficult one to pursue. Huge financial support and outstanding knowledge and wisdom are the main requirements that a mage must possess. Yusoph only has the latter mandatory requirement.

{Present Time}

Yusoph knocks on the door of their own shelter.

Mary who's currently breastfeeding her child had heard the knocks on their door and thought it was just one of their neighbor villagers who wants to gossip with her.

Mary decided to open the door with Rubick who was resting on her arm.

Mary walked near the door and opened it to be surprised that the man in front of him was similar to his husband! No! in fact it was really his beloved husband.

Mary felt the sudden eruption of her emotion and a tear had fallen from her eyes.

Mary had been longing for her husband!

Yusoph had been away for almost ten days due to his job as a mercenary.

Yusoph looked at his wife gently and redirected his green irised eyes to the baby resting in her arms.

The baby had small silvery hair and golden-green colored irised eyes.

Yusoph felt his connection to the baby and he is sure that it is his child!

Yusoph was very happy to see his very first child who had been born from his significant half.

He did not know what he will be doing first, and after sorting out a few thoughts, he finally decided to give his wife a lovely and lustful kiss.

"' Really? Right in front of my Pancit Canton?'" Rubick's regretting thoughts as referenced to a Filipino meme.

Rubick didn't expected that lustful kiss and he just ignored it and closed his eyes.

After about ten seconds of Mary and Yusoph's kissing, Rubick finally opened his uncomfortable eyes just to see his mother who had a pale and smooth-skinned face turned into a completely ripe tomato.

Rubick also felt a foreign gaze coming from his father.

Yusoph looked at the baby after lustfully kissing his wife and he saw that the baby also looked at him directly.

He really wanted to lift the baby in his arm but he is quite afraid of accidentally killing the fragile baby.

As a father, he truly loves his son but it also scares him.

It scares him because he can clearly see his own and his wife's physical features, it was almost like an alien to him.

But as a father of the child, he just gave it a slow and gentle kiss on the cheek.

His lips felt a very different soft skin texture compared to the skin of his wife, and after kissing the child he felt the uncomfortable gaze coming from his child.

"' Yuck! You, disgusting man! Your saliva sticks on my precious cheek!'" Rubicks' agitated remarks within his thoughts and he gave a disgusted look on his father.

After a few minutes of moments, they finally entered the house and closed the door.

Mary and Yusoph shared conversations with each other in able for them to catch up with anything that happened in their daily lives when they weren't present.

*The night-time arrives.

Mary puts Rubick on the wooden baby cradle that had been made by Yusoph after their serious and long conversation.

Rubick was very tired of the events that occurred this present day and quickly fell asleep.

Mary saw his son who had already fallen asleep and looked at her back just to be surprised that her husband Yusoph had hurriedly put some barrier made of cloth that surrounds and covers the entire bed.

She knows what will happen after she arrives within that cloth barrier, and she is also quite very excited because of her longing for her husband.

Mary decided to go inside the barrier because of the sudden heat she felt inside her body.

She started to take several steps to reach her desired destination that her body had been searching for.

Mary successfully entered the barrier and saw her husband who had also started looking at her with lovingly but strongly lusted eyes.

The graceful Mary started to act seductively in front of her husband and started taking steps in short paces.

Yusoph saw the seductive act by his wife and started to feel his rare and delicious meat starts living.

Mary saw her husband and her husband's SSS rank long and thick meat who was quite angered and she gave her lips a wet and seductive lick.

Mary entered the ferocious beasts' danger zone.

She was dragged gently by the aggressive beast.

Mary has been finally captured and held hostage.

Rather, Mary also became a seductive beast who wants to devour the forbidden seed.

Mary's gracefulness was devoid because of her hunger for that priceless and incomparable quality of meat.

She reaches out to where the forbidden seed belonged.

Mary did not waste a single second opening the present she desired from the very first time she saw the beast whom she loved.

After opening the present, she-

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I will be uploading 1 chapter daily and if I have spare time I will be uploading 2 chapters. I will not disappoint you all!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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