
TWISTED: Chess Piece

"We are the Pawns. Disposable pieces used by the King to maintain their reign." But is that all there is to it? 8 twisted Pawns in a board of 64 squares with 32 Black and White Pieces, who would win this game? Is it the Whites who delivers the first move? Or is it the Black who successfully parries the first blow? Whoever you thought the winner might be, please keep in mind that twisted Pieces are bound to twist the entire game.

Kiyaaan · Realistic
Not enough ratings
212 Chs


For readers, I just want to tell you in advance that you can read or not read the chapters that I will soon release, entitled like: Chapter XX: [name]'s Story.


Because I've decided to dedicate a whole chapter to tell the background story of the main characters, which will be the Pawns. Those chapters would only be about [name]'s past and the reason behind why they ended up as the University's Pawn.

Whether you read it or not, it wouldn't affect the flow of the story. It may also be longer than the usual chapters.

So, if you aren't that interested about the certain character's past, you don't have to waste your coin to unlock that chapter. But if you do want to know the character more and know the person's story, then you are free to read those chapters.

You can consider it as special chapters, not entirely affecting the story.

Thank you very much for reading~❣