
Chapter 62


Enitan thought Tobi was joking when he said no more kids for them but actually he wasn't,

He was damn serious about it,

With his reasons not wanting her to go through the same ordeal she went through with the twins.

Not even her explanations nor her crying would make him change his mind,

She decided to take the bull by the horn right after the twins turned five,

She lured him to bed with her during her ovulation period and she made sure he went in bare and climaxed inside her.

She wasn't going to miss her opportunity,

So she made sure they went on throughout the night, no matter how exhausted it made her,

Thank God the boys were fast asleep in their room and the sound vibrator in their room was on especially for Demilade who was a light sleeper and more clingy to his mother.

Fortunately, her labor hadn't been in vain because she was confirmed pregnant a few weeks later.

Tobi had been extremely careful with this second pregnancy,