
Chapter 61

"So Mr Oluwatobi Williams,

Would you mind explaining yourself?" Enitan asked him trying to mask her surprise with sarcasm,


Remember that night we first met?" He asked her,

Her brows knit,

"The first time we actually met." He reminded and she nodded.

"Well I wasn't a student of Unilag then,

I'd gone there with Delami to see his brother who was a final year student in computer engineering.

You see,

I wanted to take Delami with me back to Germany,

So he could work in my company," He turned to the others,

"You might've heard of Kell Communication?"

It was a question which Dayo and his dad nodded to,

The ladies were at lost not familiar with the name,

"Actually I'm the CEO."

He threw the bombshell and everyone gasped with shock.

"You what?"


About fifty seven percent of its shares I've got to my name,

That's just one of the long list of companies I've got shares in,