
Twist N Turn

Anna was no where near like his father. She was always determined towards her goals but end up training for something she never thought would become part of her life. She was a tangle mess of silky string. Her past and present was the biggest turmoil in her life which left nothing but trauma and damage Talking about him he's the strongest mountain of peakest peak but she was the tiniest crack in it which made him fall in love with her. Dealing with his past he got more cautious when he was ordered to train her. Everything was opposite in their lives but what made them fall in love was the quote which says opposite attracts. Their story is beautiful mess of hurtful byes and flashback of beautiful memories. To them the definition of love was more then personification and metaphor. Was it necessary for fate to unite and separate them or will they ever find way back to each other......... She loves him, he loves her, but fate has its own way which is unknown to both! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Are you serious? I am not going to swim in this chilling whether even if that means you are going to complain uncle.I don't care." "Anna you think too much I don't need your uncle to make you do what I want? You are insulting me then, I have my ways" "You are joking right? You will not make me swim?hmm? "Keep telling yourself this because tonight you are definitely going in that pool and yeah ofcourse in this chilling whether."

Uzma_Memon · Teen
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15 Chs

My haunted past

The day went on and on with same pace as last 3 days but today he was not that rude. In fact he was not even looking at me while giving commands. Talking was far away from the way.

I know I should have not blurted what I said but I was tired of this. Of pretending that we were some strangers arranged to be met and work under it.

My thoughts my reaction every thing in me was just bound to him and suddenly one day everything came clashing down to the core.

We were destined to be forever but you never predict the actuality of the future.

Your plans are just temporary thoughts which could be ruined by your final destiny.

I wonder these 3 days that have been so workful, he really forgot me, our mishaps my stubbornness and our first meet. Even if he says he have forgotten everything above he can't resist forgetting our first meet.

It was special as special as it could be. I never thought we did meet in such a circumstance but we were in it and we maybe enjoyed that coherent meet our first meet.

6 years back:

"Zoya, no, please babe don't put me in that fire."

I pleaded Zoya while playing truth and dare. It was her turn and I was the opponent.

She did dared me to ask someone from senior year for a date. I was thoroughly poor at it. I never did such stunts and was never looking forward to do any.

But it was do or die game. Either you complete the dare or you are out of this game. I wanted to play further so I intrude myself towards the group of seniors in the mess. If I said I was scared that would be an understatement because I was terrified with what would happen after this stupid blueing.

There was one boy who I had a little crush on. I went towards him. When you have to do necessarily something do it the way you wanted to do for a long span.

So with confidence I went towards a group of boys where he was seated.

Each step made my confidence go down in alley. But still I tried to act bravely. I reached there and all 7 eyes were on me. Okay now I am terrified.

But before I faint I have to complete my dare. I can't show them that I am scared.

I eyed towards the boy to whom I don't even know a name off.

I went on my knees and hold out a hand while I said

"Will you be my boyfriend."

Oh no! I am terrible at this. It sound worst then I thought off.

Every boy in that group were eyeing me. He took my hand and took me away from the stares of everyone in the mess.

It was indeed a big thing to do in such a place.

After we were out of the crowd I shrug off his hands, but his hold was tight on me.

"Leave me, I am sorry it was just a dare. I don't mean that."

"Sorry? Come again."

Oh, his tone is raising with danger and I am stunned with his move. What should I say him next?

"We were playing truth and dare and I was suppose to ask you out for a date. So it is was it is you know."

"No, I don't know and you better don't try to continue this innocent delicacy of yours. I know how smart and erudite you are. But for a fact I have being a bad boy of the town and I am not a type for you. So stay away from me, and I better not see you around me and my boys posterior.


Ughh! Just got out of a steamy conversation and I saved my head with drop of shame.

The days went by and weeks all along. That little incident and that boy never left my head and so did him.

I was terrified from him. He had started stalking me after that very day. I regret asking him out on a date.

After weeks of him stalking me, I finally decided to confront him

I went to cafeteria at same time and same place just in hope to meet him and his boys. There they were sitting like they are the only one in this whole cafe.

I went there and pulled him out of his group which was pretty bold for me to do. Every eye in this cafe was on me. It seems like I am some bad girl forcing a man to do some crazy shit.

But I don't care about this at all. I really need to stop the shit that he's trying to do with me currently.

Turning around a corner we step in a vacant space.


I turned around and hault

"Please stop your stalking or whatever you are trying to do. I am not that type of girl who is easily available to the guy like you."

"Guy like me? What do you mean by that Anna?"

Seriously he knows my name. No no, he's stalking me too much.

Okay, calm down Anna.

"Please, I am sorry if I offended you but I and you are not meant to be together."

"Who said I want to be with you? I hate scarred girls. I am pretty sure you were holding your breath while dragging me till here, so chill, I am and not was interested in you."

I released my breath which I didn't knew I was holding up till now.

"You were stalking me from past few weeks, and you dare lie this because you even know my name. So definitely you were keeping an eye on everything of me."

I said in one breath. I don't know why I am so trepidated.

"I was stalking you little girl but I am not interested in doing any lovey dicey relationships. That sucks for me."

"Really? Then that just justify your title of play boy I suppose."

"Maybe, so do you want to get played with me little girl?"

I raised my brows and turned around running away from him.

I suppose that was the maximum I could talk to him.

I wonder how even had a crush on him once, but no longer.

After today I will never see this person. I hate him as much as I really want to try him.