
Twilight: Sometimes Immortality Sucks.

A boy born into a normal life in the Mediterranean that was destroyed by chance and he was left to wander not knowing what he is . ( First story ever so if it's bad well that's why. Constructive comments please) And thanks for reading. Also I own nothing to with twilight or any other things this story has in it and they belong to their respective company's. There may be magic haven't decided yet most likly runes and such. There is Some gore.

Ripperdoc12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

6 Land Of The Gods

Atreus wakes when he hears cheers from the people and looks for what they are cheering about then seeing a city that looks like gold sitting on the horizon gleaming in the sunlight, atreus seeing that the sun is high makes sure to cover his arms to prevent being to weak. As the boat docks and everyone starts to disembark and make their way to the city temple, while this is happening atreus walk off in another direction to learn more about this city of gods is about.

Atreus sees a giant golden shape rising into the sky wondering what it's about he decides to see it up close, as he is walking towards the shape he spots market stalls and gets distracted by all the new things he is seeing wondering if they use the same sort of money he has or if it's different but by looking around he sees people trading food or things that look like jewlery. Confused atreus asks one of the locals " Hey do you guys accept this " as he holds up a silver coin from his pouch, but then atreus realised that they don't even speak the same language so to get his point across he goes to find a vendor after slightly bowing his head to the confused local. After he found a food vendor he pointed to some bread and showing his coins , the vendor seeing this holds up two fingers while pointing at the pouch then the food. Atreus seeing this is happy that it worked and shakes out two coins onto the wood bench and is handed the bread.

Atreus spends 30 minutes walking around while eating his bread and looking at all the new things like the weapons the clothes and the new language that he is finding fun to listen to but having his fun he feels someone looking at him, so ducting into a small path way between buildings he waits to confront who ever it is they don't make him wait long as they jump down from the roof. " Who are you " they ask surprisingly in Greek atreus replys " I heard people talking about a city of gods so I thought I would come and look at it" the two men look at each other not believing him say " You need to come with us " " why do I 'need' to come with you I'm not even doing anything I got some bread and I was on my way to that giant golden shape over there" as he points in it's direction. The two men get annoyed at this new stranger that is not following their orders so they decide to drag him back, as they reach out for atreus he steps back asking " I wouldn't do that" as he gains a red glow to his eyes' as the the two men see this they now know what they are dealing with but this man doesn't seem to be the same as them and as they get into a ready stance they notice the stranger seems to grow taller and bulkier while growling slightly their eyes widen a lot because they have never seen one that can do this before and know their master he would want this stranger. Atreus is feeling massive amounts of anger that he hasn't felt since his parents died to that thing and seeing that he seems to be transforming and growing bigger he notices the two men are in a ready stance he lashes out at them with his new claws.

3rd pov

As the two men dodge back and avoid the claws they draw their weapons and split up one taking the right and the other taking the left and they start to slash and stab at atreus who is trying to retaliate by targeting one of them but when he foucus on one the other stabs him in the back over a d over again getting increasingly angry his transformation furthers as he gains fangs like daggers and claws like short swords, as the two men think they are winning the first gets slightly careless and was grabbed by this monster and basicly bitten and torn in half. As the atreus is eating the man he mind is in panic because he has never done thus before and is trying to stop what his body from going further , the last man see his friend getting eaten is enraged and jumps on the creatures back while ramming his weapon into the base of it skull putting the monster down and as he watches the monster shrink back down to normal size he quickly looks around to see if anyone has seen them, but luckily having it be a day or tribute no one was around sighing the man looms toward what his friend used to be while grabbing the strangers legs and dragging him away.


( Hi sorry I forgot to add a description for Atreus but he has charcoal coloured hair that reachs the small of his back and his face resembles posiden from god of war 3 without the tattoos his eyes are Amber when his is calm but when he is annoyed or angry they turn lightsaber red. His height is 5" 11 when calm but grows to 7"4 when he transforms as he sports wings and claws like the van helsing dracula transformation and most of the time he wears a cloak that covers most of his body to prevent becoming to weak in the sun.

But hope you guys like this story so far and if you have any ideas about what you might like to see in the future so ya have a nice day.)