
Twilight: Sometimes Immortality Sucks.

A boy born into a normal life in the Mediterranean that was destroyed by chance and he was left to wander not knowing what he is . ( First story ever so if it's bad well that's why. Constructive comments please) And thanks for reading. Also I own nothing to with twilight or any other things this story has in it and they belong to their respective company's. There may be magic haven't decided yet most likly runes and such. There is Some gore.

Ripperdoc12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

5 Changed for the better...

Atreus wakes in a grogy state and was instantly blinded by the sun forcing him to close his eyes, after waking up a little more he has to cover his ears as sounds unheard before rampage in his ears as he trys to bury his head in the ground and does so, pausing for a second of relief he realised his head is in the ground, after think for a bit he pulls his head out of the ground braces him self you the noise and it's there but not as intense. He then looks around a his eyes fall on his father laying against the wall, he is saddened by this greatly, as he shambles trying to stand he see's his mother as well, deciding to bury them together around the back of the house so they can be together at least.

2 hours later

Atreus has finished the dual graves with a large plank as a name board with " Dear parents to Atreus named , Astora and Darius lay here together forever. Atreus deciding to hunt down the bastard that killed his parents he grabs his sling and poach his Darius had got as a boy, He then see the broken blade laying on the ground and picks it up and wraps the base in cloth to use a a dagger of sort's , then after releasing the animals he attach the carry bags to his mule as he starts to leave his home with a heavy heart and burning rage he sets off on his journey.

2 years later

Atreus is hiking through some mouatains that's has howling winds blowing in his face, he had to sell his mule because it was to dangerous with him because he had noticed after his family dying and him changing in some way he couldn't eat normal food but he found out after trying lots of different sorts of food raw meat works the best , Also the facts he has a massive dislike of silver now when before he didn't an garlic makes him nauses when he eats it the smell is ok weirdly enough and he has found he heals a lot faster a night but 3x as long when exposed to sunlight with concerned him greatly. But as Atreus reachs the crest of the mouatains and sees a port city with a massive body of water in front of it he then jumps down the small clif in front of him landing with a small thud and some dirt being thrown around , as he strectchs his back and arms as he looks around thankful no one saw him do that cause lately he has be experiencing more changes to his strength and body cause before he wasn't super strong but now he can punch a tree in half and survive a sword to the stomach and maybe a massive fall which made him happy cause it make travel easier cause he just jumps down mouatains and doesn't have to worry about wild animals anymore. As he makes his way to the port town he notices a lot of people moving through the city toward the sea, he stops someone and asks " Where are you guys going, What's happening" the man he stopped replys " We are going to the land of the gods to see their golden temples and get their blessings" the man then continues on his way as atreus is left there confused by all this but decided that he might as well follow them which he does and as he gets closer to the pier he see hundreds of ships docked waiting for passengers. He walks up to one and asks for passage the ma replys " 3 shekels for passage" ( shekels are 1/3 ounce of silver) atreus hearing this gets a little annoyed at the price and the mention of shekels but he pays by tipping them into the man's hand not wanting to touch them but after paying he hops on the boat and pulls up his hood while falling asleep in the corner.


( I am making Atreus more like van helsing dracula where he can going in the sun and doesn't shine but is weakened by it and the silver and garlic thing were because I thought it might be funny but if you guys don't like that I can try a work around but anyway hope you are liking this so far cause the posting schedule is when I'm bored of reading so I write anyway thank you for reading ).