
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Movies
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53 Chs

Ch.47 Matters of the heart.

I was sleeping peacefully in my bed and suddenly I heard Lucien in my head but it was weird because I wasn't in a dream state like before, I was just a little sleepy, I opened my eyes and I saw that Cat was wrapped in my arms and Lucien's voice was clearly heard "It's so boring, why do you sleep so much? I wouldn't sleep if I was lying next to a beauty like that."

'Ah Lucien, how are you talking to me?' He was also a little bit excited and he said, "So it finally happened. I can finally talk to you while you are awake! Ah we are going to have so much fun!"

This is just great, just great, haa… and he said, "Congrats on getting a full pack!"

I said, "Yeah"

He sounded confused and asked, "Why are you not excited? I thought that you would be excited to have someone like her."

I asked, "What do you mean?"

He said, "Well, it is clear from your behavior that you feel something for that wolf girl albeit a little more primal but love is a very primal feeling."

I looked at him and asked, "Is that why all this is happening?"

He sounded a bit disappointed and said, "Well, a little because of your biologies but also because you two may have some deep seated feeling for eachother who knows."

My heart ached like it was breaking. Cat also looked like she was feeling bad and she turned around to check on me and I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep and he said, "Ah, it's the soul bond isn't it. Have to say not the brightest of ideas on your part kid." He exhaled and said, "Try to take it easy kid, loving two people is not as bad as it may sound and it's easier for you since you are capable of forming more bonds since you are an alpha and all… haa how nice it is to be young."

I exhaled and said, "I can't, I can't hurt her. Please help me man."

He sighed and said, "Ah, why do I have such an idiot as a successor." he sharply exhaled and said, "Try to take a step back, you are too close to see it, but the truth lies close to you."

"Why do you have to be cryptic?" He chuckled and said, "Ah you'll figure it out soon and if I spoon fed you how will you grow and learn to see for yourself. I don't want you to end up like me." He went out and I tried to call him but he wouldn't answer. What the heck did he mean by that? What am I not seeing?

I tried to remove my hands from Cat and I knew how she felt and it was not by her facial expression it was something I felt from inside. I tried to test. I hugged her closer and I felt that she felt warm and happy inside. It seems like I can feel what she feels. I guess then she can feel what I feel?

I opened my eyes and I was greeted by cat's lips. She gently kissed me on the lips and she looked concerned and asked, "Was it another nightmare? You haven't had those in a while."

I shook my head and said, "It's nothing, I am just concerned about Leah, that's all." When I mentioned Leah, Cat felt light and hopeful. I believe it is hard to understand her like she is shrouded in mist. She said with a plain face "She will be fine."

I chuckled and nodded, I looked at her and said, "I love you." She felt light and happy but a bit hesitant but she smiled and said, "I love you too." She then kissed me.

There is something going on with her but what is it? Lucien said to step back and look at it, I am too close to it to notice. I need to step back, but how?


After the school was over I went to go and check on Leah. Cat had gone home with Emmett and others.

I parked my bike out the reservation and went on foot to Leah's home where she had been resting for the day. I saw Seth walking towards me, more like running.

He stopped in front of me and I though is Leah alright? Did something happen to her? I asked Seth, "Is everything alright?"

He nodded and said "Yeah, I just came here so that you can find our house… "

I chuckled and said, "I am also a wolf Seth… I could track the house using your sister's smell but I am thankful for your help."

He awkwardly nodded and I heard Leah exhaling sharply and she said, "Why does he say stuff like that?"

I said to her, "I can hear you, you know."

She gasped and said, "You can hear me? How much did you hear? Have you been listening since yesterday?"

That's when I realise that I can tune their and my thoughts out gaining some degree of privacy. I said, "No, I just listened now."

She grumbled, "You promise?"

I laughed out loud and Seth looked at me and I shook my head and said "Sorry man, I just remembered something."

I said to Leah, "I promise."

She sighed in relief and then she said, "Shit I am not ready." I turned her out. I concentrated on dad and I could hear him say "That's a damn fowl ref. open your eyes damn it."

This is better at least some form of privacy. I reached their house and I saw Leah outside the house. She was wearing a white cotton shirt and a pair of jean shorts.

I walked up to her and I had an instinctive feeling of protection and care and I asked her "Are you feeling okay? Everything good?"

She smiled and nodded and I saw her mom behind her and she didn't look too happy to see me. She still wore a smile on her face but there was pain behind that facade. I guess it has something to do with me biting her daughter and making her immortal.

I smiled and said, "I will take care of her, after all she is a part of my pack." She nodded and Leah looked happy.

Leah said, "You haven't seen the lake yet have you?"

I chuckled and said, "Last time I went on that trip I fought with Jake but I'll be happy to see it with you."

Seth said, "Let's go." Sue was happy that he would accompany us.

Leah looked at her brother and gave him a deadly glare and he said, "Ah I remember Sam had asked for me today" Before Sue could say anything Seth ran away and Leah smiled and said, "Let's go then shall we?"

I nodded and smiled. She waved at her mom and we started walking. We were walking towards that lake and it was closer to her house and I asked her "How is your family taking the news of you being an immortal?"

She smiled and said, "They are thankful that you saved my life…"

I said "Buuut…"

She said, "But they are not that happy that I will leave the tribe's pack." Ah so that's what it was about.

She said, "My dad even pleaded to Billy to take you in the tribe." She sighed and said "It's a little stupid I know."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I think it's particularly genius on your part to make me a part of the tribe, putting me under the tribe's control. I won't be able to make too many decisions on my own and not to mention adding a significant boost to the tribe."

She thought "Please don't talk about politics… I don't like it."

I chuckled and said, "Alright I won't." She looked at me and remembered I could read her thoughts.

She asked, "How does it go with the pale faces?"

I chuckled and said, "They bought the bullshit about all this being a territorial dispute."

She was surprised and said, "Really?"

I chuckled and said, "No, the Volturi are tricky… they follow, no worship rules. In our case there is no proof that Riley did all this because I killed James. Thus no proof of humans aka my sister knowing about vamps so they had to leave it alone. But they will not let it go. We just need to wait till graduation and then we will be in the clear."

She looked at me and asked "Why? What will happen after graduation?"

I hesitantly said, "Well my sister will be turned into a vampire so she can live with Edward and I am planning to move to Alaska with Cat and Dad."

She had a sullen expression and I said, "I am not going to ask you to decide now. But I would be happy if you decide to come with us."

She looked at me and said, "I would think about it but it would be nice to be wi… with all of you."

I smiled and looked at her and nodded. We reached the lake in the middle of the forest. The lake had calm serene beauty. It had clear blue water. The water was so clear I could see the fish swim in them. There was a little clearing near the lake and a huge tree in that clearing.

We walked around the lake and sat at the edge of the lake. Leah removed her shoes and put her feet in the water. I saw her and she said, "Come on it's nice try it." I shrugged my shoulders and removed my shoes and folded my jeans and put my legs in water.

We sat there and talked a lot about transformations and what is the plan for the full moon which I straight told her that I would inject her with insulin. None of the other plans have worked so that's what I am doing straight from the gate.

After some time passed and it started to get dark I accompanied her home and then went on my way. I couldn't honestly tell when my time with her ended.


I was in my room studying and Cat came through the window and she wrapped her hands around me and placed her chin on my shoulder and asked me, "How was Leah?"

I grabbed her hand and made her sit in my lap and said, "It was nice. She is adjusting well and she may even join us in Alaska."

I waited to see how she felt and she felt immensely happy but her face just simply smiled and said "That's nice." She then kissed me on the lips and was going through my notebook and I was gently patting her head.

I figured that she is not telling me something. But I just continued to pat her head. I will find out what she is hiding soon enough.


Hey guys I hope you like the chapter, so now let me try and explain the bond that I have tried to create here. Its somewhat similar to imprinting, in this the couple have forged a bond with each other and its more of a vow for the betterment of both the parties.

Secondly as you can see I have written forged meaning you form a bond its not an instant thing like imprinting, in this the couple and get what they both feel like.

Third Leah and Chris they are starting out like a very basic and superficial relation but it will become deep and since Chris can form more bonds he will form a bond with Leah.

And Lastly please don't be like why is Cat doing all this doesn't she love Chris or something? Yes she does but she also wants something resembling to a normal family. So she will do anything to get it. Yes it does seem weird but it was in the original plan before. In the chapter after Chris and Charlie come home. Cat pushes Chris to go to the meeting, again when there are fights and on patrols during the war time. So you see she has been pushing those two together.