
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Movies
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53 Chs

Ch.4 Cat.

(Catherine's Pov)

Many people think of immortality as a gift, I consider it a curse. My family is a family of vampires, but we are different from most, we consider ourselves vegetarian because we only consume animal blood.

I was 17 when I turned. I remember feeling the warmth of sunlight, I remember how I could walk in the sun without any fear. I remember how it was before I was like this, I had a whole life in front of me but now everything seems like it is stuck.

I was sitting in the living room reading a book. My whole family was also there Emmet had Rosalie, Jasper had Alice, Carlisle had Esme only me and Edward were the ones who didn't have anyone, but I was still happy with what I had. But I didn't know that it was all about to change

We were all sitting enjoying the lazy evening but then we heard a crashing noise, I immediately went to check what it was and found that it was Alice. She was having another vision. Everybody also gathered around.

She took in a deep breath and was elated, but Edward looked concerned, he surely had seen it already. I asked Alice "What did you see?"

She grabbed me and hugged me and said "I saw your and Edward's mates." As I heard those words a sense of happiness and somewhat of guilt washed over me.

Alice then looked at me and hugged me even tighter and said "It will all work out Cat, I am sure of it."

I just smiled and nodded, I didn't even know if he would…

She then told us who they were and how they looked.

When I first saw him, it was like something was drawing me towards him, it was very unusual, I had never experienced it before. I saw those brown eyes of his, they had a little green in them. As I saw those eyes it was like they were beckoning me. I sat down next to my family and heard what he was saying.

I saw him giving a look to his sister to pry about me, I thought if he heard what I was like surely he will back off, but when Jessica was bad mouthing me, it hurt a little but then he said something that made me and everyone at the table laugh he said "You can stop now" I felt happy it felt like he was protecting me or something he continued "my sister takes interest in mysterious things, she is like a cat." Edward chuckled at that and brother said "She will like you then seeing you are sparkly."

But then he said something that made all of us a bit welcomed and "But she does have a supernatural sense of sorting good from bad." But then Edward being a paranoid weirdo tried to look into his mind and I was also interested in what it was but he said nothing so Emmet asked "What happened?"

He had a frustrated expression and said "I can't read their minds.."

We were confused and Alice asked "How?"

He had a frustrated expression and said "I don't know."

After the "lunch" was done, I had history. As I walked into the class, I smelled his scent. It was heavenly. It attracted me, it was like he was calling out to me, his scent was driving me wild. I was hoping that I was not sitting next to him but unfortunately, I was.

I asked if I could change seats but no other seats were available. I tried to control myself and walked over to him and sat down, I was holding myself back with everything that I had.

But then he turned to me and said "Hello, I am Chris Swan, you are." I wanted nothing more than to just suck him dry but I controlled myself and played the part of the obnoxious stuck up girl. I snapped at him, but it looked like he was not all that offended by me, which was weird.

He still tried to talk to me but every time he did all I could just think about was just how easy it would be to just let myself go, to indulge myself in this desire to grain him of his blood and how satisfying it would be but I controlled myself and said "Please don't talk to me" and he just stopped. He didn't pry any further and I was somewhat scared.

I somehow managed to get through the class. I kept wanting to look at him and every time I looked he just had this smile on his face. Which just confused me even more. As soon as the bell rang I left as soon as I could.

I was fortunate that I didn't have any more classes with him as soon as school was over. We were standing in the parking lot and I just wanted to go home. Edward was also not doing so well, either.

So we went home and Carlisle told us that they were our singers. We both decided to take the week off to calm ourselves.

After a week-long break, I was sitting in history class and I was looking out the window. I was trying to stop myself from thinking about him, I didn't see him during lunch or school in general, and now was the time to see if I'd gotten over his scent.

But deep down I knew I didn't. But at least I was somewhat more prepared than last time. But all those thoughts went out of the window when he walked in.

If he looked good before now, he looked drop-dead gorgeous. He was about 6'6" now, and he had also gained a lot of muscles, what happened to him in a week when I was gone.

(Chris's Pov)

For one week a lot has been on my mind, like how am I still growing, I have grown about 5" in the last week and I have also gained quite a lot of muscles but I am not jacked actually, it is like some muscles were added and then they were sculpted.

And a few other things, my appetite has increased quite a lot but it wasn't all that much of a problem, Charlie being the chief had quite a lot of benefit, people gave huge discounts to him.

I was also utilizing the time to train myself, by lifting weights and learning about self-defense.

But I also found that I could lift an abnormal amount of weights. Eventually I had to go to the woods and I started to lift boulders and Logs, but that was also too easy.

And Strangely for some reason Edward and Catherine were not in school for the whole week which was weird. But they are vampires so… I don't know.

I didn't get any more visits from Lucien, but he did warn me about the full moon, so I have bought some sturdy chains in preparation for the full moon.

I was currently getting ready for school, the bike was almost close to being done.

It was a rainy day .It is pretty awful weather if you are a klutz like my sister.

I was walking to my history class and after waiting for one week I saw her and yet again I was mesmerized by her but it looked like she was too. As our eyes met she instantly looked away and I smiled and sat down next to her.

And after waiting for some time she said "Hello"

I decided to tease her a bit and said "Who, me?" She nodded and I smiled and I had a coy smile on my face and said "I thought you didn't want to talk."

She smiled and said "I was having a rough day back then, I apologies."

I looked at her smile and it was breathtaking, what was happening to me. I controlled myself and smiled and said "Apology accepted." I then asked "Where were you? You didn't come to class for a week."

She nodded and said "I had some… personal reasons, but I am back now, so can we start over?" She composed herself and said with a smile "I am Catherine Cullen, it is a pleasure to meet you Chris."

I nodded a little and said "I am Christopher Swan, it is an absolute delight to meet you Catherine."

She laughed a little, and I chuckled and said "You can call me Chris. My mother calls me Christopher."

She then nodded and said "Then you can call me Cat, Catherine is a bit too long and my family calls me that so."

I chuckled and said "Okay then, Cat."

After that the class started and the teacher told us to pair up and discuss historical events, and write about them. Today's class was about the cold war.

She asked "Do you like the rainy weather of Forks?"

I thought about it and said "I don't particularly like it, but if you give me a day off any weather is good weather."

She just chuckled and said and said "So if you don't like the rain then why did you move here?"

I said "It's because my mother and Phil. Phil is a minor league baseball player and mom is trying to support him and Phil's work involve moving a lot so, Bella and I decided to stay here, for now."

I then smiled and said "My turn, why is it that you act all cold in front of others?"

She chuckled and said "Other's are boring, you on the other hand are amusing, someone worth knowing."

I looked at her and said "Huh, I also think you are someone worth knowing."

She then gave a coy look and asked "If you wanted to do something what would you do?"

I thought about it and I did have some goals, but I actually didn't have any plan for the future "I still don't know, I have some goals that I want to accomplish. But I don't have a clear plan of the future..."

She just looked at me and I asked "What is that you want to be?"

She looked a bit sad and said "I don't know..."

I said "Well, we are not the only ones who are unsure about the future, maybe we will do something together who knows?"

She then asked "How are you so easy going?"

I looked at her and smiled and said "Well, there is no point of living if all you are going to do is worry, just try and make the best of the situation, Cat."

After the class was done we were still talking but then she went to her other classes, I finished up my classes. My sister was standing in front of her truck looking over to Edward, I said "Did that weirdo, did something again?" Bella shook her head.

I then saw that most of them were laughing and I saw Cat so I waved to her, she stiffly waved back at the teasing of her siblings. Bella looked at me and was confused and asked "Chris?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said "She is my friend, she sits next to me in History. We talked and she is actually not all that stuck up."

She just scoffed and I asked "Come on tell me, did Edwierd do something?"

She looked at me and laughed and I could hear the laugh of the Cullen's as well. Bella said "No, he didn't do anything, he was actually nice to me today."

I said "Huh, well, he better be because your brother will otherwise kick his ass."

She chuckled and said "Yes, my strong brother..."

I then heard something, it was screeching of tires and I saw that Edward and Cat were moving towards me and I remembered and said "Fuck."


I hope that you liked the chapter, I would like to address the whole werewolf thing about mc. So he is more powerful than humans in human form but is weaker than vampires. When transformed he looks like the werewolf from the van helsing movies, but he has control over his transformation like the Lycans and is more powerful than vampires. He also has super regeneration but at the time he still doesn't have that to the full extent. After the first transformation he will unlock his full powers.

I would like to thank you all who voted and please leave a comment as well.