
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Movies
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53 Chs

Ch.31 Back from Florida

I was coming back from Florida, I was there to meet my mom. Edward had told me to take every chance that I can get to see her since I will be turned after graduation. Honestly I wanted to meet her too… I may not be able to see her for a long time.

Chris and Charlie came to pick me up at the airport and Cat was there for Edward. He kissed me and said "See you at school." I nodded and he went with Cat.

I walked up to them and Charlie and Chris hugged me and Charlie said "Good to have you back. How was the trip?"

I smiled and said "It was nice to see mom again." Chris then took my bag and we went to the car and drove towards the house.

I asked Chris "So what have you been up to lately?"

Charlie said "Well, Cat has been spending more time at the house lately she has been cooking us meals."

I looked at Chris and I said "Oh, come on don't be jealous sister. You can always make me more food if you stop fantasising about Edward at every moment." I punched his arm and he chuckled.

That day Chris, Charlie and I just enjoyed a normal evening, we ate and watched T.V. exchanged stories. It was nice and peaceful. After a longtime I felt normal.


I woke up and breakfast was already made, Chris made it. He was out for his morning workout and Charlie was cleaning his gun. I then ate some breakfast and went to change. I heard the car honk and I looked outside the window.

It was Edward who was here to pick me up for school. I took my bag and went downstairs. I said goodbye to Charlie and went out of the house. Edward was standing out of the car.

I walked up to him and kissed him. He said "Good morning."

I said "Good morning." He then opened the door and I went inside. He got in the car and we were off to school.


We reached the school and he looked at me and he sighed and asked "Did you regret going?"

I shook my head and said "No, it was really great seeing my mom. It was just hard to say goodbye to her."

He said "It doesn't have to be good bye."

I looked at him and asked "Is that why you asked me to go?" He looked away and I said "You thought that it would have changed my mind?"

He chuckled and said "I am always hoping for that."

He looked away and he seemed a little pised and I asked "What?"

He looked at me and asked "If I asked you to stay in the car would you?" He then opened the door and I was confused why he said that. I opened the door and he said "Of course not."

We were walking and I saw Jacob, he turned around and looked at me and it looked like he was angry.

He walked towards us and I said "Hey."

He said "I heard you left town?"

I shook my head and said "Yeah, to visit my mom, why are you asking?"

Edward chuckled and said "He is checking, to see if you are still human or not."

He said "I am here to warn Bella." I looked at Edward and he had a grave expression. I asked "Warn me about what?"

Jacob looked at Edward and said "You didn't tell her?"

Edward said "Leave it alone, Jacob."

I looked at Jacob and Edward came forward and said "Leave now."

Jacob said "She has a right to know."

Jacob said "There was an attack a few days ago."

I looked at Edward and I asked "Was it victoria?"

Edward shook his head and said "We still don't know who it was orchestrated by, but we took care of it."

I said "Alices's vision was about this?"

Edward said "We were trying to protect you Bella."

Then we all heard the motorcycle noise and I turned to see it was Chris and Cat. He got off the bike and tried to go into the school and I said "If you leave I am going to sell off your bike's tires."

He stopped and walked towards us, he smiled and said "So it seems like you are up to speed on all the events that transpired in your absence?"

I looked at him and asked "When were you going to tell me?"

He shook his head and said "Never, I shifted those duties to Edward. But I knew Jacob would be here to spoil the fun."

Jacob glared at Chris and Edward stopped him and Chris looked at me and said "Yes, we lied to you to get you out of town… because we all know you wouldn't leave otherwise."

Cat said "What he means to say is. We are sorry that we lied but it was the only option to keep you safe."

I sighed and said "We'll talk about it later." I then turned to Jacob and said "Why haven't you been picking up my calls?"

He looked away and said "I have nothing more to say." He was walking to his bike.

I said "Well, I have tons, hold on."

Edward tried to stop me and I said "Edward you have to trust me."

He looked at me and said "I do trust you. It's him I don't trust."

Chris said "Come even after what he said to you?"

I walked to the bike and hoped on. Jacob had a grin on his face and I said "Lose the grin we are just going for a rise."

He smiled and said "Hold on tight." He revved the engine and we were away.


We reached the reservation and we both were immediately stormed by people and I saw quill and I said "Quill you made the pack."

He smiled and said "Yep." He then said "I am glad you are here Bella. Maybe we can finally get a break from Jacob's obsessive inner monologue."

They started to tease Jacob and he said "Alright you guys can shut up now."

Then Leah came out and she looked at me and I said "Hi."

She nodded and asked "How are you Bella? How was Florida?"

I smiled and said "It was fun. I got to see my mom… it was nice."

She asked "How's your dad and Chris?"

I said "They both are fine. Chris is still a knucklehead but he is fun."

She said "Alright then I won't keep you." She then looked at the guys and said "Perimeter check come on."

Sam and Emily came out and Emily said "I was wondering when we would see your face again here." She hugged me and I said "Same here."

Jacob then said "Sam, we good?"

Sam said "Yeah, we're good. Leah and some others are on parameter check. Next time we will catch that bastard."

We were then walking to his garage slash shed. I asked "Who was Sam talking about?"

Jacob sighed and said "That's the thing Bella, we don't know that. Your brother and the Cullens made sure to kill every last one… although the chances of them knowing could be low but it can never be zero."

I then asked him "Hey did the number of you guys increase or something? Like there weren't this many the last time I was here."

He chuckled and said "We have your brother to thank for it. It's because of him that the numbers have increased."

I looked at him and said "It looks like my brother is quite something huh?"

He shook his head and said "It's not that we see him as a threat. It is something inside us that kinda awakens when he is here. Or so I have been told."

I laughed and said "You really need to pick a land there."

He chuckled and said "I am fine dabeling."

We reached the shed and he sighed and asked "Has Chris imprinted on the cullen girl?"

I looked at him and asked "Ah, what even is that?"

He then told me about imprinting and I said "Who knows maybe… they have been shaking like two bunnies."

He shook his head and said "That doesn't necessarily mean he did."

I asked him "Why are you asking?"

He shook his head and said "It's nothing… I asked out of curiosity…"

I then asked "Have you imprinted on someone?"

He looked at me and said "You would know if I had imprinted on someone. I just have a direct line to Dance thoughts."

I looked at him and asked "So for now, you are still you…"

He looked at me and said "And you are still you."

I sighed and saidYeah… until graduation."

He looked at me and said "Graduation?"

I said "You knew this was going to happen."

He looked at me and said "Yeah, but not now! not until you have lived or before I could." He threw the wrench at the wall.

I was scared of him right now. He looked at me and said "For a second, just a second I thought… but he has got his hooks in you so deep."

I shook my head and said "I decided this, I want this not him."

He was in pain and he said "Bella, they aren't even alive! It makes me sick! Better you be really dead, than be one of them"

I shook my head and walked up to him and said "Wow, I can't believe you said that." I looked at him and said "They were right, I shouldn't have come."

I tried to walk away and he said "I am sorry."


I have a question to ask. How would you guys feel if I turned Charlie into a werewolf?

1. Y

2. N

Let me know.