
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Movies
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53 Chs

Ch. 17 Talks & Negotiations

When we reached school, Cat and I were walking towards our classes and Cat said "Hey, how about I teach you swimming so you know you don't drown while chasing squirrels."

I looked at her and said "Ha ha very funny."

She chuckled and said "Oh, come on it is a little bit funny."

I said "Yeah, yeah." I then looked at her and said "But yes remind me to buy some catnip so that you are a little chilled out cause Emmet says you become a drill sergeant when you teach someone."

Cat was angry and said "That big lug told you that?" I nodded and she looked around and people were looking at her and then she fixed her hair and again gained this dignified persona and said "Chris I will see you at lunch."

I nodded and I was barely holding on to my laughter. She then left for her class. I then went to my locker and I was getting my stuff out and then someone knocked on my locker. I peaked over and it was Jessica. I was honestly surprised to see her. I haven't talked to her in like forever.

She smiled and said "Hi."

I also smiled and said "Hi, Jessica, how are you?"

She smiled and said "I am doing great."

I said "I am doing good as well." 

Then there was an awkward silence for a while because I didn't know what to say so she said "Look Chris, I know that we haven't talked after all that. But I wanted you to know that it is okay for you to hang out with us."

I looked at her and said "Oh, that is cool."

We then started to walk to class and she said "Yeah, they miss you."

I smiled and said " I am happy to know that we are good and I can also hangout with you guys sometimes."

She smiled and said "Yeah." She then nodded and asked "So how is it going with you and Katherine."

I smiled and said "Oh, it is going great."

She smiled and said "Good for you Chris." I nodded.


I had already eaten my lunch like always and today I decided to hang out with my human friends instead of going to the mountains with Cat.

I walked upto the table and I asked "Room for one more?"

Newt smiled and said "Yeah, man sit."

I then sat down and Newt asked "How have you been man?"

I smiled and said "I have been great."

Eric had a grin on his face and he said "Yeah, who wouldn't be Katherine Cullen man."

I smiled and nodded and Angela looked at her and then she looked at me and asked "So how is it with you and Katherine?"

I smiled and said "It is going great, I met with her family and she met with my dad. We work very well together. I am very happy with her."

Then Newt asked "How did you even get Katherine man, do you siblings have some special juju man?"

Now how can I say that we are basically premium cocaine to them. Then Cat came and she said "Let's go."

I then looked at them and then I got up and I said to them "A moment guys."

I then talked to Cat and I said "We should hang out with other people as well Cat."

Cat looked at me and said "But I don't like them."

I asked "Who you don't like?"

She said "Jessica."

I just shook my head and said "Cat look at me, do you think anything will happen?"

She looked at Jessica and Jesscia nodded and Cat nodded and she said to me "Fine, we can hang with them but we are not doing it alone."

I shook my head and asked "What do you mean?"

She said "I am getting Bella and the others."

I looked at her and said "Wait what?" She looked at me and nodded. I just sighed.


So I was now sitting with vampires and humans. Alice and Jasper and Edward and Bella. It was a very tense situation and I was begging to the world that no one asks anything about sweet home Alabama stuff. And also it was like something amazing because everyone was looking at us.

Then Jessica chuckled and asked "So… you guys are coming to the dance?"

Alice and Cat said "Yes."

Jessica then looked at me and I said "Obviously I am going."

She then looked at Bella and Bella said "Yeah, I am."

Eric then said "But weren't you guys going to Jacksonville?"

Bella was saying something but I said "Well, I wasn't and then I convinced her to stay or who else would make me and Charlie food."

Angella said "That's nice. So did you get her a dress? Because the Dance is in a week."

Alice said "Yeah, we got her something and it is so good."

The girls then started to talk about dress and Edward and Jasper and I were stuck because these two wouldn't talk so I had to say something and I was about to but the recess bell rang and I thanked god for this mercy. I think Edward and Jasper did too.

We then got up and we then went to our classes.


We were sitting in History and I said to Cat "Hey Cat."

She said "Yeah?"

I said "Maybe we should just hang out individually."

She looked at me and said "Oh, no, no Chris I am fine with Jessica. I loved hanging out with them. You know you were right, hanging out with others is fun."

I nodded and thought. I just dug a whole for myself. She then smiled and said "Hey can you pass me that marker."

I did so and I said "You know you don't have to do this for me, cause…"

She then looked at me and said "I like hanging out with them, Chris. They make me feel a bit more human… so please."

I nodded my head and I said "Sure, I understand." I then nodded and asked "So when are we starting our swimming lessons?"

She looked at me and said "Maybe after the dance."

I nodded and said "Alright, awesome."


Today Cat had to go home with her family because I had to go talk with the wolves today. I reached the reservation and Carlisle was already there waiting for me.

I parked my bike and I walked up to Carlisle and he asked "How was school?"

I said "School was fine, recess was miserable." I then asked "So how is it going to go? Cause I have already tried to negotiate with them but they didn't respond."

He sighed and said "Well, you are here with me today so. I guess we will at least talk today."

We then entered Billy Black's house. Sam opened the door and welcomed us, Jacob was not here fortunately. I don't know how well this negotiation would go with him being there.

We then sat and Billy and Sam were the only one's here.

Carlisle said "We are here to talk about the protection of Charlie Swan."

Billy looked at me and said "Chris, how have you been?"

I said "I am great. How are you?"

He smiled and said "My back is killing me." He then asked "Why does Charlie Swan need protection? He already has a strong shapeshifter in his house and not to mention two vampires as well."

I said "It's not about the numbers, it's about time. Me, Edward and Cat are at school most of the time and I am worried that he can get attacked when we are in school that is why we are here."

He then asked "And why would I risk my people to save him?"

I looked at Charlie and he just looked at me and shook his head and I looked at Billy and said "Because that is what we do. That is what we all do. We all care about humanity in our different ways. Well, you two have a similar way. But I also care about humans. I killed those two vampires that were hunting humans, and because I was not able to eliminate the last one. My family is in danger now, that is why I need your help protecting my family."

Billy was impressed and he said "You are quite the talker Chris, You will get help from the tribe to protect and to eliminate the threat."

I smiled and said "I am thankful for your help."

He then sighed and said "And as for your request, I am sorry I don't think you can be a part of the tribe even for the name sake."

I nodded and said, "Your help is more than enough."

He then said "Although you can just say that you are a shapeshifter of a different tribe and that can work for you."

I smiled and nodded and I said "Thank you for the idea."

Billy then said "Alright then if there is nothing else I have other matters to attend to. You can discuss the matter further with Sam."

I nodded and we got out of the house. Charlie said "You did good Chris, now you can go I can talk to him and sort this out." I nodded.

I then said "See you later Sam."

He waved and I got on my bike and left.


I hope you guys liked the chapter. I have a question for you guys.

How do you feel about a ff involving a guy transferred to Dc with______. You can fill in the blanks there. Cause the thing is I was about to doing a ff with the 100 but it is a little too self limiting. and I had an idea that the guy that gets transferred has the power of copying powers from others. But only one at a time with a 3 weeks cooldown period.

So let me know and yeah I am really enjoying writing this thank you.