
Twilight: Olympus

I only own the MC MC is Lesbian. a girl with a big secret is in Forks watching over Bella.

Hero_Acension · Movies
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9 Chs


MC: Thalia Nerris

(Dominique Prvost-Chakley)

Former Position:

Head Captain Commander of the Olympian Royal Guard.

Current Position: Daughter of Chaos,

Princess of the Cosmos, Head Captain of Chaos's Royal Guard.

After being framed she was dishonorably discharged from the guard to be kicked out of Olympus.


Nigh Omnipotence

Nigh Omnipresence

Nigh Omniscient


Protengoi Physiology

Supreme Power

Unfathomable Strength

Unfathomable Speed

Unfathomable Durability

Unfathomable Agility


Powers of the Olympians, Titans, and Progentoi.

Immense Magic Energy

Immense Divine Energy

Flight (Wings)

Unparalleled Combatant

Master Magician & Sorcerer

Master Swordsman

True Magic


Chaos (Father)

Hestia (Best Friend)

Hades (Like a brother)

Bella Swan (Future Wife)

Maggie (Future Wife)

Tanya Denali (Future Wife)