
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter Three

The next morning they all woke up around the same time. They wasted no time and phased into their wolf forms. They told Vlad to phase first to allow him time to get used to his wolf before they phased. Vlad nodded to signal the go ahead and they were off. Vlad lagged behind to start with and almost lost them, but he remembered what Seth and Ateara said 'If ever you get lost, use your telepathy and listen to our voices and you will be able to find us'. He did just that. Although it took him a few moments to connect, he managed to find them. He caught them up, speeding past them a little but stopped when he sensed a unfamiliar scent. He growled as Ateara came up behind him closely followed by Seth.

"It's ok Vlad, that scent is home and you will get used to it," Ateara told him.

"We're here?" Vlad asked.

"Yes we're home now, the lands we are standing on is our territory," Ateara explained.

"There is a lot of land to run and hunt Ateara," Seth spoke, stating the obvious. Ateara rolled his eyes and chuckled at him.

"Yes, it certainly is," Ateara humoured him. "Let's meet my family shall we," Ateara added, phasing back. Vlad and Seth followed suit.

Ateara smiled ear to ear, he had missed his family and couldn't wait to see everyone. As well as introducing his boyfriend and son.

As they approach, Renesmee stops and looks at Ateara, almost not recognising him. Then they both soon run into each other's arms. Jacob walks out to see what all the commotion was about.

"What's go…" Jacob started to ask until he saw Ateara. With a laugh, he wrapped his arms around Ateara and Renesmee who had refused to release him.

"Easy Renesmee, let our son breathe," Jacob chuckled.

"I know, sorry Ateara. Let's get you inside," Renesmee gestured warmly.

"Who do you have with you Ateara?" Jacob asked, staring at Seth and Vlad.

"Mum, Dad this is Seth, my boyfriend and our son Vlad, we adopted him as he had no one else," Ateara explained, putting his arms around both Seth and Vlad.

"Alright, let's all go inside. We can have something to eat and get to know everyone," Renesmee suggested, gesturing to them.

As they all settled inside, Renesmee started preparing some food, but not expecting guests she had to send Jacob out to get some more food. The rest of them chatted and laughed, Vlad seemed to be enjoying himself, but he sensed someone, feelings overtook his thoughts. He needed to know who this person was. He thought he was concealing his expression, but everyone noticed.

"Vlad, are you ok? Do you want to go for a run?" Ateara asked.

Vlad thought for a moment before nodding, looking back and forth between Ateara and Seth.

"Go on, you boys go, I will explain to your father when he gets back and I will have food for you all," Renesmee said.

"Thanks Mum. Make sure dad leaves enough food for us," Ateara joked, before turning to face Seth and Vlad, "I will take you around the perimeter, that way you know where it is and you can go off on your own," Ateara suggested.

Ateara shifted first, Seth and Vlad followed immediately after and followed Ateara. He started off slow, but soon sped-up. Seth and Vlad suddenly stopped by the big rock in the field. Seth had sensed a magical force field around it and called for Ateara, he ran to them.

'Ateara! Has this rock always been there?' Seth asked through wolf telepathy.

'Yes! Yeah it has. It was used during the fight with the newborns years ago, well that's what Mom and Dad told me. I noticed a hole but it doesn't look like it could fit anyone,' Ateara replied..

As Vlad steadily walked around the huge rock he sensed something familiar, but he couldn't quite figure out what it was. 'This couldn't be possible. Could it?' Vlad thought so much it gave him a migraine.

"What isn't possible?" Seth asked.

"I'm not 100% sure, but I think I can sense my parents' presence inside," Vlad confessed.