
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter Seven – Part Two

They had a few friendly battles before Ateara decided to take this opportunity to try out his gift as he hasn't really had a chance to focus on that particular part. It's the part of him that makes him so powerful that he has yet to master.

Ateara started talking to himself going through what stages he thinks are necessary 'first I need to try and connect with Bella to absorb my opponent's power, then it's just only a matter of learning how to use it'

He can't always deliver on command, he took him several attempts, even if he manages to create the energy he still feels like he's failed and he has great power inside of him that he wants to use.

He suddenly felt a strange energy fill him, he heard a deep voice, Ateara looked around him and then at Igor and saw that he was oblivious so he listened intently to the deep voice. 'Ateara'

'Who's this?' He asked

'Being powerful without control isn't everything, learn what's more important first'

Then there was silence and he continued what he was doing trying not to think about how much power is surging through him, he also wondered about the familiar deep voice he was sure he knew, but it wouldn't come to him. He continued to train by himself using Bella's shield. He felt he was getting better and better, but little did he know that the more he used it, he was preventing Bella from using her shield to its full power.

Later that night Ateara and Igor opened up the book to see what else they could find out about Igor's past. It started off slightly confusing as it was vague in how it was written. As Ateara was a much faster reader he continued reading on and after a page he let out a smile and it did not go unnoticed, but that did not stop Igor from reading on even though the majority of the context was another language. When Ateara stopped and smiled, Igor understood and smiled too: however, he was still confused in the areas about his ancestors.

"Ateara…I'm a bit rusty on this language, so I'm very confused"

"Well basically your ancestors use to rule one time, so they were powerful and because they let the power get to their heads, their followers lost respect and one by one they all left"

"But where does it say that? There has to be someone out there who knows something, maybe they just don't want to talk…" Igor said.

"This is true, but also this is where we need to think and dig deeper, we also need to start being careful with each route we take. Now I understand what he said earlier."

"Who said what earlier?" Igor asked

"Oh! Earlier I heard a voice that reminded me of the chief but I'm not fully sure. It said 'power isn't everything, control what you have' it wasn't much to go on then but after reading this it all makes sense now." Ateara explained.

"It is getting late now. We need to get some rest so we shall keep the book safe…goodnight" said Ateara.

Igor laid there thinking about what else he could find out, he slowly drifted off with Ateara laying there next to him, a million questions floating around his head. He knew that more than half of the questions were for Igor's mysterious past as well as his own powers. For weeks Ateara had sleepless nights, sometimes he would just lay there next to Igor but most nights he would run to the stream to think clearly and try to make sense of it all. He wouldn't return until the morning. The nights he's away from camp he tries to amplify his telepathy to give Igor a message, but could only manage 'keep training'. The times that he does come back result with him looking to Igor sleeping peacefully till he wakes up, Ateara usually makes him breakfast before going off and phasing running to his usual haven.

Ateara finds himself by the stream a lot as he helps him focus on connecting with Bella and Jacob, most times he tries to have a 3-way conversation, but that evening he felt his head was about to burst and somehow connected to the Chief. "Ah! Ateara…I knew you would summon me sooner or later, but why pick this time of night?" Chief asked expectantly.

"Yeah sorry I was trying to connect to Nana Bell and my father at the same time then you appeared, I don't know how that happened."

"Yeah! I can foresee some things, but it can be subjective. This depends on the person changing his or her mind and this also includes timing like tonight for instance…" Chief said.

"Ah I see, much like Alice's vision then."

"Yeah exactly. So Ateara! You mentioned something about 'connecting with your nana and your father at the same time…" Chief asked.

"Yeah it's only because that dad won't always be around Nana Bell all the time, he'd be with my mum or just out. I know you said something about power isn't everything, but I feel I need to learn this." Ateara said determinedly.

"This is quite advanced my dear ambitious Ateara, this usually comes when you have a bit more experience but I do know you are determined and you come from two very supportive families this is why I am going to make an exception tonight and only tonight" Chief said sternly.

"Is that all it takes just one night, or will it take longer?"

"It will take time to master. What I mean is it will take one night to tell you what you need to do, then I will be out of here so, are you ready to begin? not that you have a choice."

"Erm…well I guess I will have to be ready in that case." he stood there overlooking the view waiting for the Chief to start.

"Just remember this, Patience is the key, don't let the thought of being powerful get to your head. Oh and try to train Igor more he needs you more than you know" Chief said in his final words then he disappeared before Ateara could even get another word out.

Ateara let it sink in and thought things through about everything the Chief said to him including the part about Igor. 'I guess I have been neglecting him a bit lately. I should really listen to the Chief as he has experienced a lot in the past, present and afterlife…' Then a small voice in the distance startled him, "Who are you talking to?" Igor asked

"I was talking with the Chief just before you came and I was thinking out loud" Ateara responded.

"Ain't that a fancy way of saying you are talking to yourself" Igor said with a smile on his face.

They chatted throughout the night by the flowing stream, they really connected and as the conversation ended Ateara said "It's getting late now we should head back, I want to take another look at that book, there might be something we have missed".

Igor nodded in agreement "You think you might be onto something, or are you just winging it" he added.

"Not sure yet till I take another look, but I've always relied on my hunches and they haven't let me down yet" Ateara explained.

It was a quiet walk back. Igor knew Ateara was in deep thought and he knew Ateara did not like to be interrupted, so they arrived back at camp without a hitch. Igor went straight to sleep and left Ateara to look through the book, it did not take him long, a few pages in he whispered "I knew it …. But …. How did I miss this before??" he asked himself, closing the book he decided to keep what he learnt to himself until the time is right.

In the far distance Chief Ephraim Black nodded approvingly and turned away...