
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter One

A week before Ateara and Seth's big ritual, one that would bind them in wedded bliss, when an unexpected guest made an entrance. Someone who Seth immediately recognised.

"So, my dear little half-brother has found a suitable mate. I would like to meet this fascinating girl that has managed to pull the reins on you," a female voice cut through the peaceful night.

"Medea! My sister, how good it is to see you after so many years. How have you been? You've not changed. How did you hear about my betrothal?" Seth rushed to her, stopping her on the spot.

"You sound surprised? I hear everything and see all, though some I choose to not see. So, where is my future sister-in-law?" Medea asked impatiently.

"Well, for starters, she is a he. He is right beside me, Medea," Seth confessed.

"Your mate is a he? Why or how could I not see this?" Medea asked in frustration, looking around and seeing no one. 'I should be able to see everything,' she thought, 'Unless…' she pondered on.

"Ateara! let's put her out of her misery. You can reveal yourself now," Seth said. Suddenly, Ateara then came out from behind his shield. Ateara had learned to conjure it up days before.

"I'm Ateara. Seth's mate. We are getting married in a week and we don't want any trouble," Ateara stated.

"Wow! My little brother has got him a man. Now, I am impressed," Medea mocked.

"Why are you really here? What is the reason for you being here, Medea?" Seth asked again.

"I came to see my brother and I wanted to know what all the commotion was about. I also saw that a terrible fate was about to happen here in Forks," Medea answered. "I saw a vision of war between vampires, shifters and witches. It appears that the times are changing and the Elders don't like what they see," Medea explained.

"Yes! There has always been a divide between the three. Don't you think it is time for us to stop living in the past. Put our differences aside and enjoy what life has given us all," Seth counteracted.

"Wow. You should say that next week during our vows," Ateara smiled, before kissing Seth right in front of Medea.

"Hold on. I am sensing something, it's about Ateara. Are you a hybrid?" Medea asked.

"Yes, I am a hybrid. I am part wolf, part vampire," Ateara proudly confessed.

"I should have known sooner, it's no wonder I couldn't sense you earlier," a frustrated Medea said.

"There's nothing wrong with your gifts, Medea," Seth began.

"My gifts blocks all powers, that is the reason why you couldn't detect me," Ateara explained.

There was a moment's silence before rustling was heard in the surrounding trees. Ateara knew it was his parents so Ateara immediately put up his shield to protect them both. Medea, with a slight of hand, started muttering a few words.

"Mum, Dad! Stay back!" Ateara yelled.

Bella threw her shield around them and deflected just in time, weakening her slightly. Medea noticed and tried to continue but failed as Ateara conjured his shield to protect them.

"Isn't this a sight? One big happy family," Medea laughed sarcastically, momentarily forgetting the fight.

"Leave!" Edward growled, "Medea this is between you and I, leave my family alone. It's time to end this, Medea!"

"No Grandpa! She's too powerful!" Ateara pleaded. Edward reluctantly obeyed Ateara's plea.

"It will be ok, Ateara. Besides, Medea won't hurt any of us,will you Medea? She is my sister and with or without marriage we are already bound together, she won't hurt you or any of your family. " Seth called out to Medea who scowled.