
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

Igor meets his man…

Igor spent a lot of time thinking about who was talking a week ago..... 'That voice I'm sure it's Carns, I'm certain...' Igor muttered to himself, which he has been doing a lot of. He has been on his own path for a few months now and he feels like he hasn't gotten any further than he had when Ateara had left him. He was still partly mad at him for leaving so suddenly, but on the other hand he understood why he had to and why he left the way he did.

With Ateara being his main thought majority of the time, he was surprised he hadn't gotten as far as he wanted. 'Maybe I had been relying on Ateara too much, I've got to try do this on my own. This starts by blocking him from my head for a while' Igor muttered again. At this point he realised he may have taken Ateara for granted and feared he may have lost him, he also had the urge to run to him or at least talk to him but he had no way of contacting him as he did not possess that kind of Telepathy.

Igor paced the grounds of the forest just thinking out loud, to plan his next move in the hope there would be a sign that would guide him in the right direction.....Then suddenly he had a strange feeling he was being watched, Igor growled whilst weaving in and out of the trees. He could not see anything until he got back to his camp he sniffed around and smelt something very familiar. The scent grew stronger, the closer he got the more it turned to a stench almost unbearable, he wanted to turn away, but he needed to know where or whom it came from.

So he stealthily snuck around his own camp area, saw a shadow in the corner of his eyes and he swiftly turned around. 'Hmmm...He's fast but not fast enough' Igor mumbled to himself. As he walked inside he saw no one and sniffed around and there was an odour he did not recognise. He carried on searching...then suddenly...out he came and shouted 'IGOR!!! What brings you here?'

Igor just stood there and only managed to say 'E...E...Excuse m...me this...is...my camp...And how do you know my name?' He stammered.

He eyed Igor up and down and winked at him, which Igor had found slightly disturbing, but he couldn't stay away, there was something that he liked about him. 'You don't recognise me do you Igor...?' Jal asked.

'No...sorry.....should I...?' Igor said confused

'I'm Jal, I was with Carns when you met me for the first time.' Jal explained, feeling slightly hurt.

'Oh Jal...how's it all going? Obviously not well considering you aren't with Carns anymore, but what brings you back here, thought you would be long gone by now.' Igor said, Jal stared at him for a while and placed his hand on Igor's Triceps 'Wow...looks like you have been working out...' Jal flirted a little bit, 'I did go off on my own for a while but turns out I needed some company, that's where Carns and I were in different places, he wanted to go off on his own and I wanted to move on with the relationship so we split...' Jal said feeling sad.

'Aww... well I could do with the company, Ateara left me on my own one night with only a note, as he left to pursue his own journey, as have I been continuing on my own. After a while I do get used to it, sometimes I revert back and think having company would help me' Igor said, bringing the feelings back up again that got him welled-up.

'I'm with you now' Jal gripped his arm a little tighter and pulled him closer, 'Your story has only just begun' Jal pressed his lips against Igor's. Igor didn't have time to think and reacted in sync, the soft lips and his sweet breath was irresistible. He didn't want this moment to stop, but when it did Jal smiled as Igor struggled to regain his breathing. Igor stared at him wondering what had just happened, being with Jal and still thinking about Ateara, he was feeling all confused, but Jal placed his hands on his thighs and leaned in closer still kissed Igor on the neck. Jal worked his hand up to his neck and kissed his tender soft lips. Igor found his hands all over Jal's body.

The next morning Igor woke before Jal and found himself dazed, but glowing happier than he ever felt, he looked around him and saw Jal lying naked beside him and looked down at himself he too was naked. He shrugged it off and laid back down snuggling to Jal. Jal felt his touch and placed his head on his chest to hear his heart beating rapidly. 'Igor...Your heart is beating fast?' Jal said, 'I know, it is beating you' . Igor reacted without thinking, then he looked away from him. *why did I say that...stupid* Igor mouthed to himself.

Jal hugged him from behind 'you are so adorable, you know that' Jal said turning Igor around so they were looking into each other's eyes again. Igor feels so different around Jal he felt wanted, 'Igor I will with whatever I can to find what it is you are trying to find' Jal said passionately. Igor was speechless and he did the only thing he wanted and kissed his sweet lips.