
Twilight Marus Volturi SI

Memories, of a life I haven't lived, and of a life too long for a mortal, they flood my mind as I come to the realisation that my life is now crazy. original work is not mine pic isn't mine, hope you lot enjoy this absolute master piece.......

asgardianDgod · Book&Literature
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the next chapter

I hear them coming, 23 of them, shuffling there way through the grand tunnels of our home, being escorted directly to me by corin, who has the ability to make people content with there situation, the only reason that Aro and caius's mate's are happy to be locked within these underground walls 24/7.

And also the only reason that 23 local farmers are content to walk to there doom.

The huge hand carved double doors part with little effort by corin as she directs the humans to stand in the middle of the throne room,

With there heads on a swivel looking around at all the grand paintings and intricate gold chandeliers, looking like kids walking into Diagon alley for the first time, unknowing of all the hidden dangers around them.

Before there eyes eventually come to rest upon the thrones slightly above them, the art of intimidation tactics that the volturi have mastered over the years coming into play.

With the middle throne now gone, and mine and caius's throne pushed more forward and center, we look like the pinnacle of royalty.

"Well then my friends, do not wait on us." And with that sentence from me the near 30 vampires standing around the room dive onto there prey, slaughtering them and draining them dry faster than a human could say stop.

once they where done they immediately clear up the mess and get ready for what i have to say, the main reason for the gathering of the coven.

"It pains me to have to say this, but it appears we have a traitor among us."My tone holds no sympathy despite my words, putting on the perfect act of a ruthless leader, the same act that has kept the three volturi kings on there thrones fo all these year.

And as the simple soldiers below me, the ones without abilities, begin looking at each other suspiciously i motion for chelsea to stand on the steps below me,

moving from where she usually stands of to the side with all the other inner circle guards, the onces with abilitys, i watch her move over to me, a cold look adorning face to keep up the act, i can see she is visibly bewildered, obviously having never betrayed the coven, but unfortunately for her i would never trust anyone with the ability to manipulate loyalty.

Motioning for two guards to pin her down i can see her fear, knowing it takes a couple days to shifts someone's loyalty completely between people, and that she has no way out of this situation.

Looking over the Caius i let him know i will explain later, as i walk down to chelsea and without hesitation remove her head from her shoulders, already feeling her power wanting to enter my body, i get them to burn her immediately feeling her power enter me and her ability become available.

"It has been nearly 8 months now since our beloved Aro was taken from us, and to see one of the coven member that Aro trusted, betray us so soon after he's gone hurts more than words can say." My words causing sounds of agreement to rise from the vampires below me.

"you are all dismissed" And as the loyal subjects they are, they leave the throne room without question, going of to do whatever it is they do as free time in there immortal lives.

"Were you just going to leave me in the dark! make me look a fool in front of our subjects!" the easy to anger Caius immediately explodes, the minute they are out of ear shot as expected.

"These walls only have so many places we can speak privately brother(not actual siblings) i didn't want her catching wind and causing unnecessary problems." i explain Calmly with the patience you can only expect from a person centuries into there lifetime.

And while im convincing one of the only major roadblocks in my plan that it was the only way, im also putting my newfound gains to good use, with the ability to not only see, but now manipulate the bonds between a person, i get to work on making caius completely subordinate to me, and as i watch the progress happen right in front of me, i estimate it to take roughly a day and a half before his loyalty to me beats that of his loyalty to his own mate, without the wanting to suck my face of part.

Already being able to dismiss him due to his mindset changing, i take a stroll down to where Sulpicia lives, already set on giving her a new bedmate in the form of the soon to be only king of the vampire world, and it wont even be that hard, due to the nature of mate bonds i can see the lingering strands of a bond thats been broken, and with Aro being dead and her bond with him being broken, i can take those strands and connect them to yours truly, i can already see the future harem of impossibly beautiful women im going to collect.


Walking down the passage way of my home, i cant help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

On either side of me passing vampires bow at the waist while resting there hand where there once beating heart used to be.

All these apex predator's, and yet they are completely loyal to me, with but a word i could force them to do my bidding.

"My lord" i turn to see Jane addressing me, at 17 years of age she looks like a complete bombshell, no human from my previous world would ever be able to hold a candle to there shear beauty that the vampire's from this world wield.

"Caus wish's to speak with you my lord" done admiring the beauty before me i give a slight nod to Jane before making my way to the library.

(Volturi library)

If there is one way to describe the library of Volturi, it would be ancient, it started as Marcus's personal collection before others started adding to it over the generations, until it has got to the point where no library in the world could ever compete.

Walking over to caus i cant help but look at the cyan coloured strand that represent our bond, it is very thick aswell.

Cyan representing his stance as my subordinate, and the thickness showing his loyalty.

At this point every single vampire within our coven has the exact same colour and thickness, manipulated by me so that they have the upmost loyalty and would never even think of betraying me.

At this point most of them live just to please me, Sulpicia being one of them, using aro's old power i can tell her train of thought is mostly on how to best please me in and out of bed, all by my design of course.

"My lord" caus bows down to me, exactly like all the others.

"You seek my audience brother, what is it you want?" Even if im now his king, its not like im going to treat him or any of the others horribly, depending on how people view what i've done to Sulpicia.

In her mind she does love me, its not a fake feeling, all that love and affection she had for Aro has just been shifted onto me, and as it was centuries worth of love there was no hesitation about how she feels.

Not even a lick of guilt over Aro, as if she was never in love with him in the first place.

"Yes my lord, i wish to ask permission for me and Athenodora to go on a trip to England, i wish to see how there iron forgery differ from other parts of europe" He states.

"I see no problem with this as long as your back by the decade" We would let many coven mates go on long trips around the world, to explore before they settle back down at the coven, but unfortunately for the rulers they needed to mostly stay put, to keep the monarchy they built running smoothly.

So with caus 'willingly' stepping down from his throne, he wishes to finally spend some alone time with his mate.

Already knowing he cannot betray we, and reading his thoughts with a brush of a hand to be safe, i allow him to go.

But with the order to take a vampire as a messenger between us, so i know he isn't in trouble.

not that i particularly care about his well being, but having him die could make us look bad, and setting another example so soon could start setting a bad pattern.

one that the majority of the vampire world will not like.