
Twilight Marus Volturi SI

Memories, of a life I haven't lived, and of a life too long for a mortal, they flood my mind as I come to the realisation that my life is now crazy. original work is not mine pic isn't mine, hope you lot enjoy this absolute master piece.......

asgardianDgod · Book&Literature
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numb fiv

As i lay there in the bed of this inn with Jane resting on my chest i cant help but think about an upcoming problem, as i've stacked more and more vampires strength onto my own i have noticed a slight decrease in the amount of Benefits a single vampire is giving me.

I suspected this was eventually going to happen and that i wouldn't be able to get stronger infinitely, but to have it confirmed has put a slight dampener on my mood.

My only solace is that i am pretty sure this will not effect my ability to steal powers, 

i now just have to try see how many more vampires i can kill for there strength before i start to feel that i am gaining nothing from it anymore.

Brushing those thoughts aside i nudge Jane to let her know that it is time to meet our guest downstairs, and as she slides off me she sneaks a hand around my member and gives it a light squeeze before standing up,

looking at her stand there with a impish grin on her face causes me to grin as i have just the idea to make my mood better.

(30 mins later)

walking down the stairs of the inn with Jane behind me i go over to greet our guest that is waiting for us at one of the tables.

"You must be this Galvidan that Caus as spoke so highly of" completely ignoring the fact we made him wait 30 minutes so that we could fool around, and the fact that he could definitely hear us from down here. 

"Yes your highness, it is a pleasure to meet you." He stands up as we approach and bows.

"Now i hear from Caus that you have quite the ability, would you care to explain how it works" i question, but from my tone of voice he can hear the underlying command.

He then went onto show us his ability, i had hoped it would be like Bella's but  it seems to only be able to stop an ability from working on himself, 

Still wanting the power i give Jane a signal and she goes to fetch some fire from a local smithy or wherever else she can find some and i proceed to grab the face of this man and crush it in my hands, 

And as i look at the headless body at my feet and the shards of exploded head around it i cant help but wonder, at what point did i become so ruthless and power hungry that i would dismiss someone else's life so effortlessly,

Was it at the point where my memories and Marcus's combined, maybe a bit after, or was it when i killed Aro and instead of feeling revolted i felt pure euphoria from the added strength.

Brushing off my thoughts for the second time today i let Jane kill the witnesses and burn the body, and then we both head off back to Volterra, where i can be alone with my thoughts for 5 minutes before another problem will need sorting out,

Truly a king lives to please his subjects.