
CHAPTER Forty Nine

  Oh not again!

  Author POV

  He looked around himself, getting enraged. The sight of the wolves before him, disgusts and brought nothing else to him, but anger. How dare they to attack him! How dare they to mess with him.

  Counting them with his eyes, he realized the wolves were not less than ten, so it wouldn't be much for him, dealing with them. Even thousands of wolves doesn't freak him, so how much of just ten?

  Tilting his head sideways, as it made a cracking sound, he glared at them menacingly. He suddenly roared loudly, as his body started swelling up, tearing his clothes in pieces, his fingers suddenly growing into long claws, his legs slowly popping out, with furs on them, as the fabric on them, tore into pieces, his hands kept swelling up, and soon, he was in his wolf form, howling at them menacingly, while they took steps back, but not ready to back off.