

  What's she doing with that?

  Octavia POV

  I watched as she drew near me, holding out the dagger in her hand, and with every step she took, I felt my death, drawing near me, but heck! I'm not scared, I've been through alot here already, so death isn't supposed to freak me out, right? This is what I want anyways, but I wish I can see my parents one more time, before she take my life, I wish she take me to go see them, I would gladly submit myself to her afterwards.

  She finally got to me, and I watched, as she raised the dagger in the air, ready to stab me, but slowly, her image faded away, as my eyes snapped opened, and that was when it dawned on me that it was all a dream.

  The cold floor welcomed me, and I shivered. I tried moving my body, but it was all numb, so I laid back again.