
TVD: reborn Heretic Vampire

Adam smith all his life he tried to repay the debt he owed to the loan sharks. In the end he got killed during a police shootout. Now gets a second chance to truly live his life and enjoy a little at least not try dying a visit again. _______________________________________ Overpowered MC: NO, Weak to Strong: Yes, smut: little bit, r18 or sex scenes: depends on power stones, ______________________________________________________________________- Disclaimer none of the characters in Tvd belongs to me just writing for fun

spirits07 · TV
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chapter 08: Hunt Begins

After my deal with Katherine, I walked out of the room although healed still a bit weak and also low on magic.

I looked at Damon outside the room. I just looked at him didn't speak anything to him and just walked out of the house where I was trapped. I know that damon might have been compelled by Katherine but looking at the bracelet he was still wearing something tells me otherwise for today I just wanted to go home and recover.

 I realized that this house was inside the woods of Mystic Falls. Walking through the woods my legs felt weak and I suddenly tripped over something just when I was about to hit the ground. Someone caught me I looked back it was Pearl.

"I'm sorry we just wanted your help." looking a bit guilty peral spoke to Adam.

"Don't, just don't give any excuse." Adam just replied to her with a disappointed look on his face.

"Why do you hate me now that I'm a vampire." trying to hold back her tears pearl asked him.

"Pearl I would have killed you the moment I knew you were a vampire but I didn't what I hate is that you just watched as Katherine tortured me but did nothing. All this time we have been together and suddenly now it all feels like a lie to me."

After saying what I had to say I just walked without looking back.


It was already afternoon by the time I reached my home my clothes were a mess filled with blood stains and stab holes and I was dead tired ate nothing and I regretted buying the house this far from town.

Suddenly the door opens and my brother walks out.

"Oh God!, What happened to you Adam are you alright." looking at the worried and concerned look on his brother's face I knew I owed him an apology and an explanation.

"I'm alright brother just let's go in the house I will explain everything" James still looked worried as there were a lot of blood stains on his clothes but looking at how his brother was talking normally. he still reluctantly followed him inside.

Inside the living room, I calmly explained everything to my brother as to how I could wield magic why I had returned early from the military, and also why I killed George Lockwood. He panicked at first but when I explained that he was a werewolf. when he asked me where I was all night I hesitated at first but still confessed everything including about the deal.

" Wait the woman you were dating was a vampire and on top of that, you were tortured and were forced to make a deal with another vampire who is currently staying in Salvator boarding house and there are also many vampires under them who are currently in this town." James gasped and was shocked about everything and was worried about his brother's safety after all he is his brother how could he not be worried about him and was also angry at how he hid this much truth.

"wait that's enough of me why did you come to my place last night? Did something happen at home." my brother usually never came to my place as he was busy with work and also was married and recently had a child. 

"No nothing is wrong. Yesterday after George Lockwood was declared dead Guiesspe Salvator, Johnathan Gilbert, and Sheriff Forbes called for a council meeting the night and today they are about to begin the hunt for the vampires. looking at the time it might have already begun."

Listening to my brother, now I could just happily go to sleep and take rest but I gave my damn word to that bitch and Pearl is also out there. I need to warn her.

"James, I want you to go home and lock the doors just listen to me, brother."

"No, I'm not going go knowing that you would just go out there and put your life at risk." knowing that nothing would convince my brother.

"Brother give me that ring once." James absentmindedly gave the ring that I gave him to protect himself from compulsion from the supernatural. 

After he gave me that ring I absorbed a little magic from the ring and looked at him. Stunned as it was the first time I performed a spell in front of him and this also emitted a red glow.

"I'm sorry brother forgive me. 'You will go back home and stay with your family and until tomorrow morning you all should not leave the house under any circumstance and you also shouldn't invite anyone in the house until then.' Now go brother and always wear this ring don't forget." even though I felt guilty I still compelled my brother to go and stay home with his family.

I watched my brother leave and ran inside the house. Inside the bedroom, there was a hidden door back of the wardrobe which leads to an underground room. I walked through the narrow staircase until I reached the door. I opened the door and walked in, inside there were two shelves one filled with grimoires and other filled with potions and in the middle there was a chest. I walked up to it and poured my magic into it. It's a kind of fingerprint thing like magic print.

Inside the chest, there was a parchment, a necklace, and a few rings. I took the necklace and wore it around my neck. A few years ago I experimented to find out just how much magic is in this necklace I was surprised I filled myself to the brim with magic yet this thing kept producing it. I guessed this necklace might have an infinite or finite amount which I couldn't measure. So I hid it to make sure I didn't get marked by the other witches. This necklace is like an immortal elixir or a philosopher stone to witches I guess another thing to thank the god.

Suddenly a light shone on the parchment, it looked like the location of the grimmore and there was also a name on it. 'Emily Bennett' so the witch has a powerful grimoire. Every time a name shows up on the parchment it's always something that will be useful to me in the future.

I looked the rings and took a ring and wore it. One of my amazing creations in order to battle vampire speed. As you insert magic into this ring it increases my agility and reaction speed to let me face older vampires. right now I need it.

I just took the Necklace and the ring and closed the chest. Walking out of my house it was already night and poured my magic into the ring and ran. Suddenly all my surroundings became slow and I became fast it always exiting and incredible but overuse damages my body in the end everything depends on it.

I rushed towards the town immediately.