
TVD: reborn Heretic Vampire

Adam smith all his life he tried to repay the debt he owed to the loan sharks. In the end he got killed during a police shootout. Now gets a second chance to truly live his life and enjoy a little at least not try dying a visit again. _______________________________________ Overpowered MC: NO, Weak to Strong: Yes, smut: little bit, r18 or sex scenes: depends on power stones, ______________________________________________________________________- Disclaimer none of the characters in Tvd belongs to me just writing for fun

spirits07 · TV
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11 Chs

chapter 07: Deal

cough! cough!

"You do know that I take vervain don't you." I stared at Katherine who was struggling in pain on the floor as she had just drank my blood.

I unbound these ropes and went near my brother to untie his ropes and I just glanced at him for a moment to understand what was happening I just did nothing stood up turned around and looked at Katherine who was already standing at that place and smiling at me as if nothing has happened.

"Let me guess, I'm inside my dream I have read about vampire prowess and how they could control a person's dreams and now I get to experience it. You almost fooled me but you did not think I would just let my brother walk around with no protection. When it concerns the safety of my family trust me I can go paranoid sometimes." I smiled at her saying that I saw through your plan.

"You're good you guessed it right but not quite right. You see I'm not the one in control of the dream" As she said a woman appeared in front of me.

"a witch" shit now things got complicated. I silently exclaimed 

"I never thought vampires were able to compel witches. So what's your name lady." I looked at the witch who was just staring at me calmly.

"She's Emily, my witch." Katherine walked beside her and spoke.

"Alright let's get started," I said and started to remove my clothes. first, my shirt, and next my pants as I was about to remove the last piece of fabric on me.

"Wait what are you doing" This time it was Emily who shouted to stop me and was also covering her face with her hands but Katherine looked like she was just enjoying the show.

"What! First, you kidnap an innocent young man and next you try to rape him and now you are even shouting at him. How cruel are you." I shouted as I was deeply wronged and accused them of kidnapping and rape. but I'm sure no cops would rush in to arrest them.

This time both of them are dumbfounded at how shameless Adam was.

"Ok, Let me guess you both are Pearl's friends" Again they were shocked at how I figured it out.

then suddenly Pearl also appeared in the room and was also shocked by his earlier statement.

"Hello, Pearl." I just greeted her as if nothing was wrong.

"wai- How did you know I mean, when did you find out." Pearl appeared a little flustered but still wanted to know when I knew about her.

"That's the million-dollar question. why don't you take a guess try to think when would I have noticed." I just asked her to take a guess because I would like to look at her face when I say how I found out about it.

"Still can't remember. why don't both of you also guess." Adam tossed the question around and started to wear his clothes.

"Let me answer you see babe everything was fine that ring I presume it has a 5 or 6-meter radius and you can't wear the ring because I would just touch it and figure it out. You see during our night activities when we used to shift secens from one room to another I kinda found it out but you know you're beautiful, sexy So I just let this thing between us go on."

"Don't get me wrong dear this doesn't mean everything is forgiven. at first, I was hurt and wanted to confront you, kill you but with time and these recent animal attacks increasing I kinda of figured out that there were too many vampires gathered in this town. I wanted to know the reason why you approached me."

"But you know with involving my brother in this, you just signed your deaths." 

I gathered all the magic present in me and fired a powerful psychic blast. Everything around me crumbled and I was out.

I looked around it was a cellar inside a house and looked at myself bleeding my wrists were cut and Im tied to a chair and three of them had fainted in front of me.

I tried to bring out the last remaining bit of magic to untie myself from the chair. I dragged my body towards the door, opened the lock, and walked out of the room. Just when I got out of the corridor I recognized the place where I was But suddenly something hit my head and once again I lost consciousness.


"Ahh...." I groaned as I was forced awake by the harsh pain in my mind.

"Ahhh... stop it, just stop it please" I screamed in pain as I pleaded for the pain to stop.

"Why did you kill George Lockwood." Katherine playfully questions.

"Don't tell me you had hots for him," I replied looking at her.

seeing that I was not going to open my mouth Katherine stabbed my body.

"Okay, okay, he was a werewolf he has killed many people that's why I had to take him down." I gritted my teeth bearing the pain I replied with much difficulty trying to keep myself conscious.

"So now we make a deal you give me what I want and I will not kill you" Katherine made her point by again stabbing me as she smiled looking at me.

"Aahhhh.... for god's sake. Yesss yess...." I screamed in pain.

After that she said her terms but I was not in the mood to listen all I wanted was to get rid of thae pain.

"Allright good deal now hear drink"

"You got to be kidding me cant you just bring the witch to heal me not the drink please." Even though I knew vampire blood would heal me but it would give an edge for her on me.

Katherine forced her blood into my mouth and I didnt have any choice but drink it.

"Now you have 24hrs to complete our deal or I will kill you and turn you into one that you hate." 

I could just take away the magic from the blood but I had to heal so I just let it be for now.
