
TVD: reborn Heretic Vampire

Adam smith all his life he tried to repay the debt he owed to the loan sharks. In the end he got killed during a police shootout. Now gets a second chance to truly live his life and enjoy a little at least not try dying a visit again. _______________________________________ Overpowered MC: NO, Weak to Strong: Yes, smut: little bit, r18 or sex scenes: depends on power stones, ______________________________________________________________________- Disclaimer none of the characters in Tvd belongs to me just writing for fun

spirits07 · TV
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11 Chs

chapter 06: Vampires

[Time Skip- few months]

I woke up in bed and looked at the wooden ceiling of the house beside me side there was Pearl beside me sleeping naked it's been a few months since we have been dating, quite more bit like sex in secret to me it was great. she didn't want anyone to find out about it, especially her daughter. Though I wanted to court her and date openly I had to compromise here.

I just love every bit of her these few months every moment I spent with her was special. I couldn't quite put it in words it just felt magical.

She looks so uptight to the world in front of everyone but in bed every time we have sex she's quite the opposite and I loved it, every bit of her.

"This is getting very addictive" I looked around the mess we made in bed and the whole room. I moved out of bed and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. About the house, as my income increased and I started to expand my business. I bought a house that is quite far from the center of town and I stopped working for the Lockwoods. Pearl liked to visit since the house was far from the prying eyes and no one worked in here.

 I began to trust her and also wanted to tell her my secret but whenever I tried to tell her I couldn't as I always kept having this feeling that I shouldn't but I just ignored it. Today is the day I want to confess my secret to her and propose to her.

I took a bath wore fresh clothes and made some breakfast. just as I was about to go back to wake her up Pearl came and hugged me from behind.

"Hey, what is it," I asked these past few days I felt like she's been on some edge and I was worried about what it might be.

"No, it's nothing evening do you have any plans," Pearl asked him still clinging to him from behind.

"No, actually I have something to tell you, can you come here in the evening," I asked Pearl.

"Yes, even I have something to tell why don't you come to my home." 

I was a little bit shocked when Pearl invited me to her house but I guess it's finally time to reveal our relationship.

"Yes," I just turned and kissed her.

After our brief exchange 

I was on my way towards the Lockwood mansion. There was a council meeting and my brother invited me to be present there. I think this might be about the recent animal attacks or massacres. They might have claimed that it was an animal attack to keep it a secret from the public. I also investigated it at first the council claimed that the culprit was a vampire but the magic books never mentioned them being this messy in hunting. So, I didn't believe that it was a vampire and started my investigation and found two leads one was a vampire and another was something till now I never encountered werewolves.

Every time the mass killings happened they all took place during a full moon and the bodies of the victims were ripped apart into large chunks of pieces. According to my knowledge, I knew that werewolves were involved in this and they tend to travel in packs. So carefully without raising any suspicion, I searched for any new groups entering the town and found none that led me to think that it was a newly turned werewolf and I cast a wide area locator spell whose radius was a bit small. So it took me a while but I was surprised about where my results led me to the Lockwoods mansion.

As I was thinking I was already in front of the Lockwwoods mansion. every time I came here it never ceased to surprise me how big this house was its walls were filled with paintings and antiques. I walked the corridors and I reached the study room of the mayor.

Knock! Knock! I gently knocked on the door.

My brother opened the door and gestured for me to enter. Inside there were all the heads of the founding families and their heirs of course only a few families brought their heirs, and few bought their trusted sides. I just stood near the corner of the room beside my brother as they were still waiting for others to arrive.

Soon in a few minutes, the room was filled with members of the council starting from Jacob Lockwood, his son George Lockwood, Thomas Fell, Honoria Fell, Guisesspe Salvator, and the two idiots of the town Johnanthan Gilbert, and the town Sheriff William Forbes. 

'Why they are idiots because they tried to hit on my woman. So I just gave their house a visit and compelled those freaks I mean those old men can't they look for someone of their age' Adam thought to himself.

My first objective in coming here was not to attend this council meeting but to find the wolf because if this was a part of the Lockwood family or just a servant working for Lockwoods because if it was Lockwood that meant each person in their family carries the wolf gene but for now I only need to kill the werewolf as I need to put a stop to all these deaths it was responsible for.

Also, I'm okay with killing after participating in a war it somehow changed me I was okay with killing my fellow humans why would I have any emotions in killing a supernatural?

As the council was discussing I silently slipped some wolfsbane into the air present in this room. 

"We have ordered many vials of vervain." Honoria Fell

"But that wouldn't be enough."Jacob Lockwood

Hearing enough of their pointless discussion suddenly Johnathan grabbed their attention.

"All your answers lie in this watch." Johnathan Gilbert stood up and placed a watch on the table.

it looked just like an ordinary clock to everyone. looking at their doubtful expressions Johnathan explained it working in detail looking a bit round at his invention.

"This thing here is something that I created to help us battle against the vampires. Look the daily inside this watch will point out towards the vampire if it's present in the room."

He opened the watch and I didn't turn it so it was still. Everyone was still skeptical about how it would help but still decided to believe his words.

As he kept talking about his invention the wolfbane already spread around the room and everything was normal.

'Was I wrong' Adam thought.

Just as Adam was thinking George Lockwood suddenly started to violently cough and scream catching his throat as if he ate some poison.

Everyone in the room was alarmed, but as they know everyone in the council always drank vervain in front of each other so they knew there were no traitors present in it.

"George, George what's happening Someone call the doctor quick" his father Jacob panics as he watches his son in pain afraid that something bad might happen to him.

My brother immediately rushes out of the room to bring the doctor.

"Why don't everyone postpone this meeting to another time" I suggested to them to leave. knowing the current situation was not appropriate everyone left.

I just stood there and watched George Lockwood as I knew he was the werewolf now all I needed to do was kill him.

Looking that there is no one in the room except the three of us.

"Sir Jacob look at me." I approached Jacob as he looked at me I used a spell to make him faint. 

"No NO don't kill me " George tried to fight back but I restricted his moments and soon he couldn't even breathe slowly in a few minutes he just died before the doctor could even reach him.

"What happened here? After you left suddenly George stopped moving and Mr.Lockwood just fainted." I answered my brother as he just walked into the room with the doctor.

The doctor examined them both "Mr.Lockwood is okay. I think he couldn't bear watching his son pass away in front of him." hearing the doctor's words James was shocked as to how a person who appeared fine till morning just passed away like that.

"Doctor what's the cause of his death" I asked the doctor to make sure he followed the script.

"According to what I see here I think he might had a massive heart attack except that I couldn't think of any other reason." The doctor replied and we sent Mr.Lockwood to his room to rest I left that place and didn't want to deal with any of their family and my brother was also busy because of what I did.

'Now one objective complete next stop Vampires but seriously I need to keep an eye on the Lockwoods since they have a wolfgene but first I need to go shopping cant go empty handed as Pear invited him.' Adam thought as he walked out of the mansion.

I reached the market and after shopping went home to get ready.


Later that Evening

I stood in front of Pearl's house and gently knocked on the door.

Knock! knock!

There was no response just when I was about to call out to see if anybody was home. Suddenly I sensed something behind me before I could take action I lost consciousness.

Somewhere inside a dark room.

I slowly opened my eyes only to see nothing but darkness I just thought If I was dead again but soon a flickering light appeared in the darkness My eyes adjusted to it. and I was able to see my surroundings it was some kind of basement.

"Who are you? why did you kidnap me If it's just for some money then I can just give it to you no need for you to go through all this effort. Seriously tying my hands and legs with rope dude you got some weird fantasies and I'm not into those things." I just jokingly replied of the many things they thought in the army this was what I liked the most 'No matter what kind of hopeless situation you're in never show it on your face.' 

Just as I was about to speak again Katherine Pierce appeared in front of me " Hello Adam "

"what do you know it might just be my thing" I replied to my earlier joke in sarcasm.

"Now you see we have got a lot to discuss and this might need your cooperation. So I brought him here. " Katherine just pointed towards the corner of the room and there was my brother on the floor passed out.

"James!!" I shouted and now I'm panicking and angry as how the hell did I not notice that she was a vampire and how things turned out this way.

"Well, now shall we start" Katherine walks up to me as her eyes turn blood red and fangs appear, and walks towards me.


Word count: 1871

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