
Tumbling Emotions

Gu Jingze Born a Virgo , die a Virgo.A perfectionist , a complete workaholic. He had his entire life set , become the Ceo of Gu industries before 24 and get married to his childhood sweetheart,Qi Chenxi .But an unknown woman was thrown into this perfect plan of his by his own mother , how will he accept this unknown woman or will he divorce her? And what happens if he somehow feels about her more than he should? Li Yun Given a second chance at life.She woke up on her wedding bed with her suppose to be husband , Gu Jinze . But this man never loved her in her previous life .Her plan was simple ; make lot of money,open a company by herself and divorce this husband of her's . But what happens when her old feelings hinders her development, making it impossible for Li Yun to divorce Gu Jingze , will she keep track of her emotions or will she succumb to her husband's charm once again? After all when love comes knocking emotions tumble

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Dear Father's, call

After finalising everything Li Yun happily skipped over to an ice cream shop .With her skills and Ye Han 's intelligence ; she was certain that this deal of their would surely be successful .Now all she need to do was to wait for this month to come to an end.

Li Yun purchased a triple scoop ice cream , this could be considered as her celebration for successfully completing the first step for her success .

She was still enjoying her ice cream when a familiar ringtone resounded . It was her phone .Li Yun pulled her phone out and her face darkened .There goes her good mood .

The person calling her was none other than Li ShaoTing , her father .

"Yes?" swiping right for answering ,Li Yun answered the call.She wasn't willing to call Li ShaoTing 'father'.

"What 'Yes' , Where are your manners , I'm your father !" As expected when Mr.Li heard Li Yun he at once reprimanded her .

"You need to fulfill your responsibilities as father before you demand me to call you father! What is it don't waste my time ; you have never called me for the past five years ; I know you need something or else you wouldn't have called . " Li Yun spoke mockingly .

When Mr.Li heard Li Yun mocking he was enraged he wanted to scold Li Yun right away but his wife , Li Yun's step mother , Xia Yang stopped him .She fervently shook her head and urged Li ShaoTing to speak about their matter. Recently,The Li family has been suffering damages .All their fashion designer could not compare to the latest design of the Gu textiles and fashion . If this continued then Li family will go bankrupt in few years ; Gu industries were excellent in their field no matter what they do , even though Gu Jingze entered in the fashion industry a lot later than Li ShaoTing .He still made tremendous progress and surpassed Li ShaoTing in just a few years .With this the public opinion drifted to Gu Jingze 's side and Li ShaoTing 's company 'LX' suffered huge damages . Thankfully ; they still had their jewelleries store open or else they would totally go bankrupt by now .

Therefore; from stopping LX fashion to go bankrupt ,Mr.Li and Xia Yang came with a plan .They would ask Li Yun to steal Gu Jingze 's company drafts and design their clothes on Gu Jingze 's company design . And once they successfully completed their design they will release it before the Gu fashion!

However; they knew of Li Yun's timid personality thus they decided to use her as a scapegoat .They jnew that Li Yun wouldn't want crossing them and will agree only orally but that would still be alright .They already had a mole in Gu industry who will steal those drafts .When the time comes and the Gu family demands an explanation they will blane everything on Li Yun!

"I want you to steal the spring collection of Gu industries " Mr.Li could careless about this daughter of his ; he didn't even want to see her her face much less talk to her .

Li Yun sneered when she heard her father's demand .Oh how could she forget in the past life , Li Shaoting called her as well and asked her to steal those drafts, not wanting to irk the Li family's , she agreed half heartedly .But what her naive self didn't knew that her father was recording their conversation! He only needed her , Li Yun as his scapegoat. Once the matter came to light Li ShaoTing pushed all the blame on Li Yun. He said that he only wanted to check whether Li Yun would betray The Gu household or not .Li Yu tried her best to explain that she was innocent but all the proof pointed her way .No way , in hell she was going to suffer again!

"And why will I do that? What have you done for me ? I married Gu Jingze , atleast I no longer need to worry about going bed hungry. And you want me to destroy it?" Li Yu too started to record their conversation , If her father could play then she could play as well .

"You ...How could you say that I didn't do anything ! Didn't I fed you , gave you clothes? Now that the Li Family is suffering , its your responsibility to help us " Mr.Li felt that what he said was correct, he gave food and clothes to Li Yun and Li Lei .He fulfilled their basic necessity, at their status what else could they ask from him?

"Yes you did gave me food and clothes but let me correct you ; those clothes were hand me down from the servants , your wife didn't even let us use your precious children's clothes .As for food , sure if we are talking about what you did , let's talk what I and my brother did .I was cook in your damn family while my brother was used as Li Zhao (Li Shaoting's eldest son) servant; something that we should have been paid for , which you didn't .If we are going to talk about old scores , then you need to first give me the payment for my work at your house!" snarling at her phone Li Yun ended the call.

"You ...." Mr .Li was so furious that he threw his phone at the floor cracking its screen . He never thought that after marrying Gu Jingze ; Li Yun's wings will harden and she will talk back to him! Her father!

"Ting , what will we do , Miss Qi already asked us to hurry , if we failed than Miss Qi won't sponser the latest release of our brand " Xia Yang saud fretfully , she was truly frightened. Yes, it was Qi Chenxi who asked them to do this , she didn't want Li Yun to even have a chance to strengthen her footing in the Gu household .

Li ShaoTing heard his wife fret but he didn't said anything .His eyes were dark and unfathomable .