
Tumbling Emotions

Gu Jingze Born a Virgo , die a Virgo.A perfectionist , a complete workaholic. He had his entire life set , become the Ceo of Gu industries before 24 and get married to his childhood sweetheart,Qi Chenxi .But an unknown woman was thrown into this perfect plan of his by his own mother , how will he accept this unknown woman or will he divorce her? And what happens if he somehow feels about her more than he should? Li Yun Given a second chance at life.She woke up on her wedding bed with her suppose to be husband , Gu Jinze . But this man never loved her in her previous life .Her plan was simple ; make lot of money,open a company by herself and divorce this husband of her's . But what happens when her old feelings hinders her development, making it impossible for Li Yun to divorce Gu Jingze , will she keep track of her emotions or will she succumb to her husband's charm once again? After all when love comes knocking emotions tumble

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Li Yun was beaten up .

After finishing up her Monday class ; Li Yun made her way to the nearest bus stop .Imperial drama University , was a high ebd university and was quite far way from the hustle and bustle of the city .Even the nearest bus stop was at a fifteen minutes walk . She was supposed to hitch a ride with Gu Furan but the latter had some urgent class matters to attend to . Therefore , Li Yun decided to take the bus .

The next bus was scheduled at five forty and currently it was five twenty which meant she needed to wait for the next twenty minutes , however Li Yun didn't care , it has been a long time since she enjoyed the life of a commoner .

"Li Yun?" a rough voice called her and on reflex Li Yun turned around .

The man who called was buff and tall.A deep scar on his right eye .He was tanned and obviously someone who dealt with dirty matters .

On instinct ; Li Yun Took several steps back but Sge bumped into a meaty wall. Four and Five goons stood behind her .She was surrounded .Li Yun's breath hitched ; this ..this Didn't happened in her past life.

" Who sent you , was it Li Shaoting?" in a false bravado , Li Yun kept her voice steady .She was nearly shaking in fright inside, but he couldn't show her fear to her attacker .This was something she learned in her ten years of marriage with Gu Jingze .

The man with scar chuckled as if he founded her question funny .

"It doesn't matter whether or not he sent us , or someone else did .You just need to know that be a good girl and agree to stealing Those drafts " said the man

Li Yun sneered but didn't speak instead she turned on the recording mode in her watch . This was Gu industries latest model that Gu Furan gifted her a few days ago , who would have known that this watch will be of use in such situations !

"I will not " Li grabbed a pen from backpack and stabbed the man on her right in the eye , before pushing the man on her left.Maybe she took them by surprise but both of them fell down .

Taking her chance Li Yun rushed opposite to those goons , she just need to run for fifteen minutes. She just need to call for help once she reached the campus .

But maybe luck wasn't on her side ; the goons leader .The man with scar caught up with her and pulled her hair .For the first time Li Yun regretted letting her hair down .

The man with scar forcefully tugged at her hair making Li Yun scream in pain .She kicked , puched and scratched .She did everything to protect herself but the man was strong . With a single punch in her stomach he sent Li Yun down , for precaution he even slammed her leg down at an odd angle, making sure she couldn't run away .

"What a feisty bitch " snarled the leader , he was obviously not happy with her stabbing a member of his gang in the eye .

"You think you are all that great huh?" the leader slapped Li Yun so hard that her teeth rattled .

" Just do as I say ; say you will steal those drafts " the leader tugged at her hair and pulled her up , Li Yun cried in pain .She could feel her hair being torn down .

"I will not " Li Yun was stubborn as well getting killed by these goons now or getting psychologically killed by Gu Jingze later on was no diffrent.

"You bitch ;don't test my patience !" the leader lost all his patience with Li Yun and slammed his leg on her abdomen .Li Yu screamed she could feel her ribs crack because of the force the leader inserted .

"Say it !" slamming the recorder in her face ; the man with scar demanded .

Li Yun only spat a mouthful of blood on his face .

"Very well , " wiping the blood of his face ; the leader looked at Li Yun with a maniacal smile .

"You are quite stubborn , looks like beating won't take us anywhere but what about screaming in pleasure, eh?"

Li Yun paled ; she never thought that these goons will go this far with her .She expected the beating but this ..This was way over the top!

Maybe the other gangster agreed with her and they tried to stop their leader .

"Shut up ; if this bitch doesn't speak we will lose four million! Four millions you bastards! You want to lose that bloody money ? Because I don't! I will make this slut say what I want her to say , if you all are scared step away " with that , the leader dragged Li Yun to him.

"I can pay you twice, I m Gu Jingze 's wife!" Li Yun never wanted to use this title anymore but at her desperate time no one other than Gu Jingze could save her .

"Yeah and I'm Mo Ting ; You think I'm a fool ? " The leader didn't pay any attention to Li Yun 's struggle instead he started to tug at Li Yun's clothes.

And then it happened a tearing sensation made its way in her womb , Li Yun felt as if she was dying .Breaking a ribs , broken leg and the punches didn't give her this much pain that she was feeling right now .

"B..Boss she ..she is bleeding !" someone screamed but who Li Yun couldn't see or tell , the searing pain was too much for her to handle .

The leader noticed it too , he hadn't use much force .nor did he touched her; he was still in the process of tearing her clothes, where did this blood came from?


"What the fuck are you doing "

Two anxious and enraged voice called out .And a man and woman rushed at them .

Knowing that they got caught the leader and his goons ran away ; leaving a blood covered Li Yun in a pool of blood .

"Yunyun ! Yunyun!" Gu Furan called out to Li Yun anxiously , she finished her class few minutes ago , she was going to call Li Yun but then it showed that Li Yun was still on the campus .Gu Furan gifted Li Yun a watch with a number of functions and one of those was GPS .

Gu Furan thought that Li Yun was still waiting for her bus and she decided to find Li Yun .

But who would have known that she will find Li Yun in a pool of blood all beaten up .

"Those bastards ran away " Tang Beichen ; Gu Furan 's fiancee ran after the leader and his goons but they were accomplished gangster how could a second generation rich heir, like Tang Beichen keep track of them?

"Beichen call the ambulance!"

"We don't have time , step away " Tang Beichen doubled over and picked Li Yun . Her blood seeped through his sikl shirt and made him feel all goeey but Tang Beichen didn't mind .Carrying Li Yun he ran to hi porsche .

"Hurry ; keep her still ,I will drive " Tang Beichen who hated mistresses and their children , couldn't believe himselfe that he would one day allow a mistress child to dirty his expensive porsche .

Gu Furan nodded and hugged Li Yun .

Tang Beichen stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the campus .

"Wake her up , don't let her pass out " Tang Beichen was driving like crazy but still barked orders to Gu Furan .Gu Furan nodded and took a water bottle out from her bag .

Once ; twice she splashed water on Li Yun's face , finally after her sixth splash Li Yun moved a little.

"YunYun don't faint we will bring you to hospital " anxiously Gu Furan shook Li Yun to wake the latter up completely but Li Yun could no longer feel anything .

She finally remembered her past experience when Qi Chenxi made her drink an abortion tonic , that pain she felt back then was much similar to the pain she was feeling right now . She took an after effect 48 hours pill but looks like that pill didn't work .

Her child ....Her child couldn't survive in both her life times .

Li Yun felt her heart break into pieces and she cried


Watching her cry both Gu Furan and Tang Beichen felt anxious

"Yunyun? "

"My child..my poor child ...they killed my child ...he killed my child ....my child... my poor child " Li Yun could no longer care about anyone else , she could only feel her pain, the pain of present and past.

When Gu Furan and Tang Beichen heard , Li Yun .They were shocked.Tang Beichen accelerated his car even more no longer caring how many red light he flagged down .

"Her watch is on " gasped Gu Furan as she looked at the recording mode on Li Yun's watch .She hurriedly played the recording to know better about the situation .

Once the recording was played both Gu Furan and Tang Beichen were furious .

"Damn Them " Tang Beichen cursed but still pulled safely in the hospital .


Li Yun was at once admitted to emergency when Tang Beichen and Gu Furan took her inside .

Gu Furan blamed herself but she still had to hold herself together .

As for Tang Beichen he was simply guilty because of his personal prejudices he never treated Li Yun and her brother nicely but turned out that Li Yun was diffrent from others .She nearly killed herself but didn't agree to betray her husband .

Her husband!

Tang Beichen felt that he was too foolish! The wife was admitted ; the child was lost and the husband doesn't even know .

"Furan call your brother "

Gu Furan heard Tang Beichen , she didn't want to but as the child's father Gu Jingze had the right to know .

"Brother, Li Yun was beaten up "