
Tsundere Princess

Kurehashi Aiko's translation of "Tsundere Princess," originally by Kanzaki Mizora. I'm just sharing this here so other people can read it. As a reward for preventing the assassination of the current king, Rou Coral is rewarded with becoming and escort of the Royal Princess Reaina who the boy adores so much. Thus begins his new life of servitude under his beloved high-headed Princess full of happenings and happy little accidents. Surrounded with Busty Head Maid, young Loli Princess and a Childhood Friend Maid, for the boy knight today is yet another day of struggle in this womanly paradise!!

Richard_Forrest · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Childhood Friend's Service


Several days have passed since that eventful day.

Rou wakes up at the light of dawn, changes his clothes and equips his knight armor.

[Peacock Tower] is said to be the most beautiful place in the entire castle. On its top floor, besides Reaina's private bedroom and living quarters, are various rooms such as: study, gym, grand bath, cafeteria, maid's quarters and the guest rooms.

Rou was given one of the guest rooms as his own bedroom. From the corridor's windows you could see a large garden with exotic trees and plants.

"Good morning."

"G, good… morning…"

The maids would always greet the newcomer carefully. He always returned the greeting, but he was clumsy at doing that, as he did not get accustomed to living in a place full of women quite yet.

Living in a royal castle as a knight was way different from when he was living together with his parents. Of course, he had to adapt himself to it, but it was a process impossible to achieve in a manner of few days.

"Oh my, if it isn't Rou-sama. Good morning."


It happened right when he got in front of Reaina's bedroom and tried to brighten his spirit for the incoming work. The door to the bedroom opened suddenly and a beautiful brown-haired woman appeared in front of him, bowing down to him slightly. However, the boy could not bring himself to look at Diana in the eyes since that night and averted his gaze.

"I believe that Reaina-sama will leave her room shortly. Please do you best at work today, too."

"Y, yes!"

Whenever the boy saw the Maid's gentle smile, his heart would immediately start to beat faster. His voice also sounded rather nervous.

Thanks to his constant swordsmanship training, he had no real romance experience and had little to no immunity to women. So for him, an adolescent boy, it was even harder not to get conscious around his first sexual partner.

Besides, Diana was a tolerable adult beauty. Every time he saw her beauty, the sensation of that time from the bathroom would surface clearly, and his face would become bright red.

(I'm on duty right now! I cannot think of such strange things…)

While he was trying to collect himself, the luxuriously decorated door opened.

Reaina showed up, accompanied by several maids. Her presence was truly overwhelming for him, so full of elegance for a mere teenage girl.

"G, good morning, Reaina-sama… I hope that you are well today…"

"…Oh, morning. Thanks for working hard so early."

While the boy knight was looking at her golden hair shining in the light and bowed down, she only cast him a lonely glare and walked away with the hem of her dress fluttering.

"Ah, please let me accompany you."

Rou was determined to do his duty as the princess's guard until the end, even though the Princess herself seemed to be dissatisfied with that idea. Even so, lately she seemed to somewhat acknowledged the boy seriousness, as she was not complaining about him following her around and she kept him with her during her morning public meetings.

(Reaina-sama really is wonderfully beautiful…)

The place where the public meetings were held was not so far away from the Peacock Tower that housed Reaina's room. Rou walked behind his Mistress' back while walking down the long corridors filled with weavers, luxurious paintings and antiques.

Even among the beauty of all the county's fair maidens, Reaina's beauty was still outstanding.

"S, sister. Good morning."

"Morning, Ann…"

It was Mirianne who appeared from behind the corner of the corridor together with her maid Karen. She saw the Princess's group and greeted them. She may have looked young, but it was all elusive, as the elegance, nobility and beauty could be well seen in her facial features.

"Ah~, it's Rou-san! Good morning to you~~"

When she saw him following the Princess and her maids, the little princess rushed to him with a smile on her face. Of course, the Princess as well as her maids looked at surprised all at once.

"G, good morning…"

The boy hung his head while the young princess was laughing and her older sister was glaring daggers at him.

Mirianne seemed to like him quite a bit, with him saving the King from a murder attempt on his life before.

"Wow, you are the knight protecting my sister~. Rou-san, you're so cool~."

"Eh… Ah, this is… Thank you very much…"

Mirianne is staring at Rou with the eyes of a true admirer, while her eyes glitter and shine. Rou felt glad that someone was thinking of him like that, but on the other hand he was somewhat embarrassed. Moreover, the one who said that was a prestigious princess known throughout the whole kingdom, and that fact made him become even redder in the face.

"Huh, I wonder why that man seems cool to you?"

"No, that's exactly why…"

The young knight hurriedly changed his expression under the cold gaze of his Mistress.

"Eeh~, that's because Rou-san is the Hero, isn't he? He is so cool~, I'm so envious that my sister is being protected by someone like that."

"He's not all that good. And besides, I don't need to be guarded all the time."

Since Mirianne was praising the boy so much, Reaina finally got irritated and answered like that, as if not being convinced at all. In addition to that, during their whole conversation Karen was glaring at him so much as if she wanted to put a curse on him.

"Well then, since you don't need him, sister, you can give Rou-san to me~!"

"Wh–! Eeeehhhh!?"

"A, Ann!? Are you being serious right now!?"

This sudden proposal left everyone speechless and amazed. The little princess laughs happily seeing their reaction.

"Ann-sama… This is a little bit too much…"

"Ufufu~, I am quite serious about that. Well, what do you say, Rou-san?"

The princess comes closer to the boy, seizing the opportunity, looking into his eyes with so much hopes and expectations.

"Eh, ahh… Even if you say that…"

Surprisingly, it was none other than Reaina who got in between Mirianne and the boy who did not know how to answer her.

"Stop it right this instant, it is utterly unbelievable that you, Princess Ann would like to be with someone like this man."

"Geez, sister, please, no need to be angry. Well then everyone, please have a good day."

Mirianne grabbed the hem of her little skirt and bowed down while laughing innocently like a mischievous child, and then turned around and walked away while swaying her blonde hair, totally disregarding her older sister.

"P, please wait for me, Ann-sama!"

After casting a quick glance at everyone one last time, Karen also chased after the little princess.

"Wh, what was that… Goodness gracious…"

The Princess crosses her arms on her chest and sighs heavily.

"The same thing goes to you, as my personal guard don't be be flustered by such petty things!"

"Y, yes ma'am… I am terribly sorry about that…"

Winning the trust of his Mistress was a hard task indeed, so Rou dropped his shoulders and continued to follow the group. Diana was the only one to smile while watching that whole situation.

"So, the only thing left to do now is to go on a patrol…"

It was well past midnight when the party finished and Reaina returned to her bedroom. Rou finished his duty guarding the princess for the night.

Lately it has been raining all the time, with rain getting especially strong at night and you could hear the roaring of thunder in the distance. Because of that, he felt more and more tired, but he mustered his strength and went out on patrol late at night.

"Now then, where to go now…?"

He didn't wanted to walk alone through the dark corridors that depended only on the light of candles, creating an atmosphere completely different from the glorious one during the day. But a true knight cannot be afraid of the dark, so he walked forward in silence.

(Diana-san is nowhere to be found…)

When he was alone, that sweet memories kept on surfacing inside of his mind. Since that time they hadn't got the chance to be alone together, but those sensuous experiences as well as her gentle presence became the support for the boy's heart, unfamiliar to the castle life.

Then the image of Princess Mirianne came to his mind. Apparently she took quite a liking to him and was fond of the idea of him becoming her very own knight.


Her behavior was totally different from his Mistress' cold demeanor, and it was truly a breath of fresh air. But he was merely a boy whose sense of loyalty was so strong that he wanted to win Reaina's trust no matter what.


Suddenly a flash runs outside of the window. Then, after a short delay, a huge crackling sound hits the ground. It seems that a lightning bolt struck nearby.


It was in this moment, when yet another lightning bolt struck hit the night sky without warning. He thought that he heard a shriek coming from Reaina-sama's bedroom.

"Reaina-sama… Is everything alright!?"

Even though it was the middle of the night and he knew he might be overstepping his authority, he knocked on the door to Princess' bedroom without hesitation.

However, there was no reply at all. No one opened the door for the young knight. Faced with this situation, he had no time to worry about a similar bathroom situation that happened just a few days ago.

"Please pardon the intrusion!"

He looked into the bedroom, surveilling the dark room for any possible assailants, and was relieved to find nothing of the sort. There was, however, a movement on the bed, visible in the dim light of a candle.

"… Who goes there!? It's beyond rude to enter someone else's room without permission!"

"Ah… It's Rou. I heard a scream, so I thought that something might have happened…"

He wasn't able to see the Princess's facial expression right now, but judging from her tone of voice it must have been really sullen. The boy hurriedly reported the situation, falling onto his knee besides her bed.

"A scream... Ahh, th, this is… It was nothing…"

"I understand…"

This answer was truly unexpected to the boy, who was ready to be rebuked for barging into the Princess' bedroom without permission. However, that scream couldn't possibly be a mere 'nothing'.

"Good work, but you may leave now…"

Another lightning bolt struck again as Reaina was uttering those words. This time, however, the flash and the roar were almost simultaneous.


The Princess let out a scream, covering her ears with her hands.

"A, are you alright, Your Highness…?"

The fact that Princess Reaina was apparently afraid of thunder came as slightly surprising to the boy, but almost immediately after that he heard her angry voice.

"Y, you little! J, just now, you smirked, didn't you!?"

"Eh? Aah, no, I, I did no such a thing…"

Her pride was so great that the Princess couldn't stand the fact that someone learned of her fear of thunder that her face became beet red as she hid under her sheets, glaring daggers at the boy.

(Ugh… R, Reaina-sama… S, so cute…)

He felt as if he just got a glimpse of Reaina's true, girly nature, instead of this cold front she was putting everyday.

"About that, this is… I, it's a secret! The maids… and of course my Sister, you mustn't tell anyone about it!"

Her face turning ever redder than before, it looks like Reaina was desperately trying to hide the fact that she was afraid of thunder from everyone else.


"Of course… I was also not good with thunder when I was little and had to sleep alone…"

"I, it's not like I'm not good with it…Besides, weren't you growing up without your parents?"

He wanted to finish the thought, but Reaina interrupted him, suddenly showing interest in his family history. It was probably so that she could change the subject.

"That's right, they passed away when I was still little. Since I was always by myself, I decided to try to aim towards achieving knighthood…"

"I, I see… Always by yourself…"

It was surely unexpected that the Princess would listen to the story of his past so interestingly. So the boy carried on with his story, but Reaina looked as if she suddenly came to realize something.

"Hey, if you want to be a knight, you can't be easily scared by something like a mere thunder!"

"Eh? B, but of course, now I'm handling it just fine…"

"Are you sure about that?"

Seeing how the blond beauty was doubting him, the boy shook his head vigorously, afraid that he might have just completely lost his reputation.

"I, it's true! I am perfectly fine with both rain and thunder right now!"

"Fufu, ahaha… Oh, I see how it is, it only stands to reason you would eventually overcome it…"

He had no idea what was so funny about his words, but for some reason Reaina's stiff mask broke as she burst into laughter.

"T, this is…"

The Princess laughed while covering her mouth with the back of her hand, while the boy just stood there, not knowing what was going on. Just like that, he had to return to doing his rounds, but all this time he wouldn't stop worrying about Reaina, thinking that there must be something wrong with her.

He had seen various new sides of her, like the one that is afraid of lightning or the one that laughs with innocent look on her face. He felt like he managed to ever so slightly shorten the distance that was set between him and the Princess he adored so much. While he was basking in this personal joy, the rain outside has stopped before he even noticed.

"Haa? Why are you even asking me something like that?"

The red-headed maid tilts her head slightly.

The next day, Princess Reaina was back to her usual high-and-mighty demeanor and selfish tone of voice, but when their eyes have met by chance, she reacted by shyly avoiding her gaze.

Also, while he was doing his rounds on the Peacock Tower's top floor, Karen approached him and told him that Mirianne-sama would like to have a word with him in her room.

"No, you see, I thought that you might know the reason…"

"And why would I know…? No matter how you look at it, at the moment you are the one who's closest to Reaina-sama, are you not?"

"Yes, but she's still cold towards me, only occasionally something feels different, but… Wait a moment, I just got here, and you've been working here far longer than I am…"

Seeing his Mistress' unexpected sides yesterday made him realize that he didn't know a thing about Reaina. So he tried to ask Karen about her, since she was in the castle far longer than he was, but the sudden questions only seemed to have startled her.

"I don't think she particularly dislikes you. I think it's because of her position and her own pride that she tends… she tends to act that way towards everyone else."

"I see…"

Knowing that, the boy-knight felt a little bit relieved.

"Or it may have something to do with what happened to Reaina-sama's mother…"

"Eh, what do you mean?"

Hearing Rou's surprised reaction, the girl covered her mouth with her hand as if she said too much, and tried to change the subject on the spot.

"M, more importantly, why is it that Ann-sama like you so much?"

While walking down the wide corridor, the maid's expression changes into a sharp one.

"I don't really know myself… Maybe it's because she saw me stopping the assassination attempt on that day…"

"Hhhmmm, so that's how it is~."

For some reason Karen's face changed into mysterious expression, one that Rou had no idea what was the meaning behind it.

After a short while, the two have finally arrived in front of the Mirianne-sama's bedroom.

"Ahh, it's Rou-san! Come on in, come on in!"

When he entered the room together with the maid, the blonde Princess greeted him with a huge smile on her baby-like face. She urged him to sit right in front of him on the sofa, while her natural innocence made his jaw drop ever so slightly.

"Is there anything you want, Mirianne-sama?"

"Geez, I thought I told you to call me Ann, didn't I?"

"I, I am terribly sorry, Ann-sama…"

"Ehehe… Right, right, that's the spirit!"

The Princess' cheeks were round and red just like a pair of ripe apples when she was smiling like that. It may be a little bit rude, but watching her right now, anyone's heart would be filled with this sense of inner peace.

"Wh, why are you grinning like that…"

"Eeh… Oh, no, it's, it's because…"

The twin-tail maid noticed the boy's expression and coughed a few times to address that, thanks to which he tried to correct his expression in a panic but it was already too late. Karen pouts and leaves to the room next door, while the Princess hit the palm of her hand with her fist as if she suddenly remembered something.

"That's right, Rou-san. Have you thought about that?"

"Thought… about that?"

Not understanding what the Princess was talking about, Rou cocked his head.

"Eeh, have you forgotten already? I asked you if you'd be willing to become my very own knight!"

The Princess bluntly explained to the oblivious boy. She certainly did say such a thing, but at that time he thought she was only trying to be polite with him, nothing more.

"I am very honored by your offer, Your Highness, but I am already serving Reaina-sama, so I must…"

"Eeh~, so it's a no-no, then? And here I thought I would be able to persuade you to choose me over Onee-sama~."

Just like a normal child would, the Princess naturally came closer to Rou and took his hand in her own, looking him straight in the eyes. He got really excited the moment she held his hand, but was trying to keep his composure and averted his gaze.

"N, no… Even if you tell me something like that…"

Holding hands with the second most beautiful Princess in the entire kingdom made the boy feel like he was about to faint. While he was beginning to think that it would be a good idea to put a little more space in between himself and the Princess, Karen came back to the room and assisted him.

"Ann-sama. If it is an escort knight you want, we can easily arrange that for you… Ah, that's right, it may be better for Rou to have it with milk and sugar."

"Uhm, thanks a lot."

Karen puts the two teacups on the table and joins the conversation while pouring the tea for them from the expensive-looking pot. Next, she cut the cake in small, easy to handle portions and served it to her master and the boy.

"But I don't want anyone else! It has to be Rou-san!"

The Princess threw a tantrum towards her maid, hearing her casual remark.

"And why is that?"

The Princess again turned toward Rou, trying to woo his attention towards herself, getting even closer. Her body was still developing, but it already had a certain softness and warmth to it. What's more, there was a sweet fragrance drifting from her hair, making his heart race in his chest and his thoughts stop working normally.

"I am definitely not going to be a bother to you, so please, won't you become my knight!?"

Feeling as though he was about to lose to this innocent temptation, he suddenly remembered Reaina-sama's face from yesterday, being helpless and afraid of thunder. What's more, he remembered what both Karen and Diana-san told him, that the Princess didn't really disliked him and she was just being full of pride.

"… Ah, umm! That's right, there was something that I wanted to ask you, Ann-sama…"

"Of course, what is it?"

Even though he forcibly changed the subject, the Princess still responded him with a huge smile on her face.

"It's about Reaina-sama's mother…"

"W, wait just a second there, Rou…"

It was Karen who reacted to the boy's words, by trying to interrupt him. He didn't wanted to this, either, but it was a matter that's been bugging him since a while back.

"About Onee-sama's mother… I'm afraid I can't tell you much about that, since our mothers are different and Onee-sama's mother was already dead when I was born."

"Is, is that so…?"

Hearing that the royal sisters had different mothers only made it clearer to Rou that it was a subject he shouldn't have touched. Moreover, since he had also lost his mother, he suddenly felt as though there was some kind of connection in between them.

"So, is that the reason why you don't want to comply to my request…?"

Seeing that Rou's conviction would not really change, Ann's voice lost its cheerfulness as her shoulders dropped.

"Umm… A, Ann-sama!"

"Yes? Did you made up your mind?"

He carefully looked at Ann-sama's small face, now full of expectation. And then ––––.

"I am terribly sorry, but I am dedicated to serve Reaina-sama!"

"Ehh… W, wait just a minute, Rou-san!?"

Rou freed himself from Ann's hands and left the room in a hurry, as if trying to escape from something. He was dead-set on doing whatever it takes not to betray Reaina-sama's trust.

"H, hey, wait a minute… What's wrong?"

He went back to his room after doing his rounds when he heard knocking on the door. He was surprised that someone would ever want to visit him this late at night.

"What's wrong, you ask? I just wanted to ask you for a favor, Rou-san."

To Rou's surprise, Mirianne comes into his room without any kind of restraint as if she owned the place.

"A favor? What do you mean by that…?"

He asked again, trying to get to know what this was all about.

"Like I said~ I want to ask you to become my knight one more time, Rou-san. "

"… This is, I thought that I already refused…"

He tried to calm himself down amidst this sudden situation, but there was no way he would be able to remain calm while being alone with a young girl, even more so the representative of the kingdom.

"Why do you keep refusing? Is it because you hate me so much, or…"

"I, it's nothing like that, I swear! But I already sworn that I would serve Reaina-sama…"

Seeing that Rou's answer was repeating itself like a broken record, Ann-sama was clearly starting to grow dissatisfied, as it was perfectly visible on her baby-like face.

"I like you, Rou-san! And I am sure that I care about you more than Onee-sama ever will!!"

"… A, Ann-sama…"

He suddenly started to feel bad about constantly refusing the girl who went and said that she adores him so much. Rou's conviction started to weaver as he looked at the Princess.

"I am happy to hear that you feel that way about me, Ann-sama. But the one I truly lo… I, I mean, the one I truly adore is Reaina-sama… I want to dedicate her my life and serve her with all of my might!"

Hearing Rou's sudden confession, the Princess' eyes grew large with surprise, but slowly a shade of regret started to creep its way onto her face.


"I, I see… To think that you care about her so much, I think I'm starting to feel jealous…"

An expression of genuine shock bloomed on Mirianne's face, so different from her usual, cheerful smile.

(Ann-sama… She seems so sad, and yet so elegant…)

"But, thanks to that I think I have only become fonder of you, Rou-san!"

"Eeh, Ann-sama!? Uwah, aaahhh…"

The young and small Princess suddenly went in to hug him, but it felt more like a tackle to him. And since it was so sudden, he wasn't able to hold his balance and the two of them fell right on top of his bed.


Her body was soft and springy, and he could smell a sweet fragrance emanating from her whole body. Ann-sama was incredibly light and thin, so very soft.

"Fufufu, I got you now, Rou-san~. Hoo, you're chest is so muscular, it goes to show that you are trained well."

"Well, but still…"

His eyes meet with her innocent gaze. Holding onto a girl who smiled so innocently, it was impossible for anyone to hold back their lust. Just as his reason was about to be blow away...

"… Hey, Rou…? Are you asleep?"

*Knock*, *Knock*––––. The unexpected sound of knocking onto the door caused both of them to separate in a hurry.

Not to mention it was a strange time for anyone to come for a visit this late at night.

"W-What are we going to do!? It's Karen… Did she got mad because I sneaked out of my room?"

The little Princess got up and began to panic just like a little child whose mischief was found out by its parents.

Rou, too, was nervous, hearing the familiar voice coming from behind the door.

It was simply way too frightening just imagining what kind of a misunderstanding it would cause if he was found out together with the Princess in the dead of night. If he doesn't play that right, he might even be considered a criminal and get thrown out of the castle.

"No one's answering… Should I just come in?"

Since there was light leaking out into the corridor, it was pretty much impossible to try to pretend that he wasn't inside. Making that calm judgement, Rou began to think as to where he could possibly hide the Princess.

"… Ann-sama, right this way!"

"Ehh, what are you going to do…?"

He directed the little girl towards the huge closet in the corner of the room. He knew it was quite rude of him, but since he had no time to think of anything else, he just put her inside of it.

At that exact moment the doorknob began to turn.

"Rou… Ara, no one's here?"

At last, the maid opened the door and peeked inside. However, no one seemed to be in the room right now, even though she looked around very carefully.

"W, why did you come inside, too, Rou-san?"

To escape from Karen, Rou hid in the closet as well, in the act of desperation. Even though the inside was quite large, with all of the clothes and two people the space here became really small.

"Please keep quiet, otherwise Karen will find us…"

Young knight held the Princess close to his body, so close that they could in fact feel each other's breaths. Outside, he made shook her trademark red twin-tails.

The worst was not yet over, but their situation improved, even if only by a little bit. The nearer the face of the little girl got, the more his limbs began to shake, as though he was about to collapse. Also, he couldn't very well say it thanks to the darkness, but the warmth of her chest was transmitting through her dress onto him, making his heart beat like crazy. Blood began to rush to his lower body, and his genitals already began to answer to the stimulus, boosted by the fresh memories.

"Geez, what is this... Just when I thought I might as well tease him for a little bit…"

(… Eh? T, tease!?)

Something totally unexpected came out of the maid's mouth. The boy even had to cover his mouth with both of his hands as to not let his voice out.

Since she thought no one was around, Karen dove onto Rou's bed, where she curled up, enclosing herself with his sheets.

"This Karen, what does she think she's doing?"

Looking at the behavior of her maid, the Princess also spoke silently. Her warm breath tickles his neck, and an electric-like current runs through his muscles.

"H, how am I supposed to know…?"

He really wanted to know why Karen came to his room, but right now he was also really conscious about Mirianne pressing her small body against him. He tried pull his hips away from her, so that she wouldn't notice the constantly swelling bulge in his pants, but it was easier said than done.

"Geez, what is this… We were able to meet again like that, but then Ann-sama was clinging all over him… And to think I would even be so bold as to come to his room…"

Karen began to mumble something to herself, but since she was on the bed Rou couldn't hear here well. He tried to press his ear against the closet's door.

"Kyah… Rou-san…!?"

Because he did something like that in such a narrow space, he ended up pushing his swollen crotch against Ann-sama's body, making it even worse than it was before. Because of that, the warmth of her thighs sticking out from under the hem of her dress wrapped him in their soft warmth.

"I'm, I'm so terribly sorry!"

Rubbing himself against the Princess with his raging libido in full display was the ultimate form of disgrace for a knight. But, if he was to try and change his position, Karen might notice them. Mirianne must have arrived at the very same conclusion, for she was not moving at all, letting his hardness and warmth touch her legs.

Being distracted by the Princess, he again heard a voice coming from over his bed.

"… Fuah… Nnh, hm, nhmm..."

It looks like Karen was breathing heavily, which was quite strange considering the current situation. Her breathing was ragged and her voice was full of passion. Rou could somehow see her through the crack in the closet's door.

(Karen, what in the world are you doing…!?)

Right now, the red-headed maid was laying on his bed, burying her face in his pillow and making those weird sounds.

"Oh my, is Karen perhaps masturbating on your bed, Rou-san?"

"Bugah! A, Ann-sama… *cough*, *cough*…"

The boy was tremendously surprised that a filthy word like that came out of the Princess's mouth, the girl who was supposed to be still pure and innocent and not be tainted with sexual knowledge.

"Geez, what are you doing, Rou-san? Karen will find us out at this rate."

"S, sorry!"

Although he apologized, it didn't change the fact that the maid over there was putting her hand in the depths of her short skirt while moaning passionately. She didn't know she was peeped on, and so she spread her legs wide while laying on her back, fully exposing her healthy-looking thighs and underwear.

"… Haah, Nhh… Even though, I shouldn't be doing something like this..."

She grasps her ample breast over her clothes with her left hand and begins to knead it strongly. Every time she squeezes this huge bulge, she lets out a hot gasp.

Her cheeks are flushed deep shade of red, and her breath becomes even more ragged. Every time she traces her finger across the thin layer of clothing covering her crotch, it makes a naughty wet sound.

"Kufuh… Fuaah, aahn! I'm starting… to feel good, nnh…"

(T, to think Karen would do something like that…!)

It was almost like a sight taken straight out of an erotic fantasy. A beautiful girl was masturbating in his room. However, seeing her increasing moist crotch made his own bulge swell up even more.


The Princess kept on shifting her gaze in between Rou's face and crotch respectively. And since she was fully aware of his excitement thanks to him being so close to her body, her cheeks began to burn crimson-red.

"Aaah… It's Rou's scent.. Fuuuh, ah, aaahn…"

Beads of sweat cropping all over her forehead, Karen's voice became more intense. There were also thick traces of nectar flowing out of her crotch down her pure-white thighs.

The fabric of her panties now completely drenched, it sticks to her body, perfectly outlining the shape of her restless genitals.

"For her to be this erotic… Huh, eeh!!! Hey, hey, Ann-sama!?"

Having his crotch become so stiff and erect from watching the masturbating maid, suddenly Rou's mind was drawn back into reality.

The identity of this sudden stimulus to his erection was a pair of small hands. The little Princess began to stroke his cock while watching his pants closely.

"Rou-san's place here looks to be in so much pain… Did you perhaps got this excited from watching Karen's little show?"

Talking hesitantly, the Princess arrived at Rou's trousers with little to no effort at all. Now she was trying to remove his underwear.

"A, Ann-sama… P, please stop that.."

Rou tried to stop the Princess from moving her hands, but that only caused her to stare at him in confusion, which troubled him greatly. He was surprised by her bold behavior, but the way in which her hands moved felt really good to his groin.

"Eeh, why would I? The maids have told me that when a man's penis gets big, you should relieve it using their hands or mouths!"

"EEEHHH!? T, this is… That's not true… at all!!"

(Just what kind of thing those women were teaching you…)

The Princess smiles at the boy while not letting go of him, making him even more troubled than before.

Mirianne, who he presumed to be an innocent girl with little to know knowledge about sexual affairs, did not seemed to be ashamed in the least, even though she was saying such indecent words.

"Eh, that's not it? But it looks so painful and swollen, wouldn't it be better for you to just let it out?"

The Princess relentlessly moved her hands inside of this narrow space, finally succeeding in removing the shocked boy's pants, exposing his raging erection to the world.

"P, please stop it this ins… Ahh!"

His weak voice was stopped before he could even finish that sentence. The Princess's fingers gently wrapped themselves around his cock, with her eyes shining just like gemstones.

It seems that his mind became overcome with shame from having the Princess look at his private part with so much intensity. His face became hot in an instant, and beads of sweat cropped all over his forehead.

"Aaah… Nkuh, afuuh… Hiii, Aaauuh!"

Even if he tried to calm himself down, he was unable to, hearing that the maid's voice was growing louder and more passionate, as her movements become more rough and forceful.

"So big, and so stiff…"

What's more, Mirianne took a firm grasp of Rou's glans with her small hands, and started to slowly jerk off his massive erection. A sweet sensation began to spread from Rou's meat rod to his lower body, a completely new sensation to him.

"Please, stop it… Ann, -sama…"

As she kept on sliding her tender fingers across his manhood, a thick and transparent liquid began to ooze from its tip and dripping onto her hands. Seeing the liquid that stuck to her fingers, the Princess cocked her cute little head, but did not stopped her handjob.

"Oh my? Rou-san, are you perhaps close to cumming?"

"…Uuuh, that is… No, I'm not…"

On the contrary, the moisture made it easier for the Princess to slide her hand, and so she could pick up her pace. Being exposed to a young girl made him so excited that a sudden urge to ejaculate slowly started to overcome him.


"Aah! Hii, kuhaah… R, Rou… I love you!!"

Karen lets out a sweet voice with no restraints. The boy's gaze is brought back to the maid, who was now furiously kneading her own chest. Her moans now were being close to actuals screams.

(Eeh… Karen loves… loves me!?)

Her panties completely drenched from all of that hard fingering she did to her own genitals, even her legs were completely glossy and covered in her love juices. Her crimson hair were sticking to her sweaty face, and her body was convulsing heavily, moments away from climaxing, making her look even more sexy. This caused Rou's dick to stiffen even more in Princess's hand, leaking out pre-cum like mad.

"Muu, I'm not letting Karen best me!"

Wanting her favorite knight's attention all to herself, Mirianne started to swing both of her palms up and down his cock at full force. All ten of her fingers wrap themselves around his shaft, and the sensation from that was something else.

"N, no, don't… It's going to come out like that!!"

"Why don't you look over here for a second… Rou-san's penis is getting so stiff and hot… Does it feel that good?"

"B, but this is… That's because, uuugh…"

Feeling that his ejaculation was inevitably drawing closer, Rou pleaded the Princess for the one last time, but his weak voice did not reach her, since she was overcome with jealousy at the moment. On the other hand, hearing the unintended confession from his childhood friend and her sexy appearance made his flesh rod especially lively, causing his hips to spasm uncontrollably.

He felt as though the temperature inside of the closet began to increase rapidly. Even the Princess's forehead was marked with beads of sweat, and it was harder and harder for him to fight back his urge to cum.

"Huungh… N, nooo! C, cumming… I'm cumming!"

The maid's honey was overflowing from her crotch so much that it was staining the bed's sheets, causing her now flushed thighs to jerk around and spasm like crazy.

(… Kuh, K, Karen is cumming… She's going to cum as well…)

The boy's excitement grew even larger, as if his own sensations synchronized with those of the girl who was currently running up the staircase towards pleasure, and something white and muddy soon began to stain the Princess's fingers.

"What's wrong, Rou-san… Is your spunk going to come out soon?"

She must have guessed it from his tormented appearance. She kept staring on him with her big eyes, not letting go of his penis even for a second.

Her movements were still a little bit awkward, but she gradually tightened the grip of all of her ten fingers around his dick and began to jerk him off even faster.

"This, this is… At this rate… Uguh…!"

By doing so, Rou got closer and closer to his limit. But if he were to leave it at that, he would end up polluting the pure face of the Royal Princess with his semen. However, his whole body was slowly being overcome with the urge to submit itself to pleasure and release all of its pent up lust.

"Hiii, aah… I, I can't any longer, cumming, I'm going to cuuuummm…!"

The maid's frantic voice echoed throughout the room. She spread her legs in the M shape and arched her back, her body convulsing. The face of his childhood friend was now being swallowed up by desire.

"Uwah! Ann-sama, please don't squeeze me so hard!"

Even if he closed his eyes, he could not escape from the stimulation thanks to the sounds echoing in his ears. Adding to that the Princess's handjob, both the resolve and patience of the young boy were quickly running out.

"Aguh… Ah, aah, aaahhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhhh~~~~~~!!"

Rou and Karen's screams overlap with each other. Even though she heard it clearly, she had no idea what was going to happen, and so the look on her face was as gentle as ever.


His cum rushed through his penis and ejaculated from his tip with vigor, splashing all over the hands and face of the girl who worked so hard to get it out of him.

"Kyah… Wh, what is this~~~~?"

Finally being able to ejaculate, his whole body shook and trembled with pleasure.

The long and sticky white threads get scattered all over the Princess's face and hair, as well as her dress and her hands, still holding his penis in a firm grasp.

Even though Mirianne knew such words as 'semen' and 'ejaculate' it seems that she never witnessed the real thing herself. It was really strange, watching his own fluids spluttering all over her body like that.

"Fuaaahhh~~~… Huh, I, I'm so sorry, Ann-sama!"

There was no time for him to bask in the afterglow of his climax. After all, he got carried away by his own carnal instincts and polluted the Princess with his cum, which was the crime that would not be forgiven.

When Rou finally returned to his senses, he tried to wipe the Princess's face in a hurry.

"Is, is someone here!?"

He was way louder than he thought he was. He totally forgot that there was a masturbating girl in here besides them. Hearing some strange voices, Karen tried to fix her distorted skirt while turning red all over.

(W, what to do… Karen will find us...!)

On the contrary to the panicking boy, the Princess opened the closet's door with a slam and jumped outside. All the while still having threads of semen all over her hair and face. It was way too late to try and hide it from the maid.

"Now wait just a second, Karen! What does it mean you love Rou-san!?"

"P, please wait a moment!"

"Eh, eeeh! A-Ann-sama!? And even Rou…?"

Seeing the unexpected guests arrive seemingly out of nowhere, Karen began to panic.

"Wait just a second, what the hell is this… H, huh, is this semen I see!?"

Suddenly, the maid's eyes are drawn to this little detail on the Princess's face. You didn't have to be a genius to figure out the culprit behind defiling the Princess's body like that, since Rou was hiding together with her.

"Ann-sama, please look this way for a moment!"

Said the maid while taking out her handkerchief and proceeding to wipe the Princess's face clean of semen. Her cheeks were still red, but she did not even gaze at the boy.

"Who cares about small stuff like that? More importantly, Karen. Is it true that you love Rou-san or not?"

"Th, that was… Umm…"

Realizing that the boy also seen and heard everything that she did and said, as well as still being shook from her climax from moments ago, Karen's shoulders trembled with much shame.

She looked at the boy, but almost immediately averted her gaze, not being able to look him straight in the eyes.


Rou didn't know what to say or how to react in this situation. The girl was seemingly the same, with her cheeks bright red.

"T, that's right! I have always loved him, ever since we were little! But now Rou is always 'Ann-sama this' and 'Ann-sama' that…"

"…Eh? Eeh!? Uh, umm…"

He knew how the girl felt since she muttered that not so long ago, but suddenly being confessed to like that made him at a loss for words and he didn't know what to do.

"Muu, I thought that might be the case. But, Ann also loves Rou-san very much."

Saying that, the Princess crouches in front of the boy and tries to pull his pants down.

"Ann-sama!? P, please stop that… Help me, Karen! Don't just stand there!"

Since he was not able to resist her at all, she succeeded in removing his pants in little to no time at all. Thinking that his childhood friend was the Princess personal maid, she could have tried to stop her.

"I, I, too, want to join in…"

"Ehehe, that's fine by me. Let us both please Rou-san at the same time."

However, when the maid descended from the bed, rather than stop the Princess she joined her in her efforts.

"E, even you, Karen…? S, stop staring at it so much…"

Unlike the moment ago, this time his genitals were being exposed to two women in fully illuminated room. And he was just staring back at them, with his half-erect penis out, making it embarrassing beyond belief.

"Why are you trying to hide it~?"

"That's right, please move your hands for a bit…"

The boy was in no position to resist here, and so both of his hands were removed from his crotch. Now looking at his penis in full display, the Princess and her maid both held their breaths in amazement.

"It's really weird now that I look at it in light. But this time, I am going to give you even more pleasure than before."

"Ah, m, me too…"

Both of them got closer to him and reached out their hands. Their faces were flushed red, but their eyes were sparkling with curiosity.

"Uuuhhh… Why is this happening to me…"

His head got so confused, not being able to properly keep up with the situation at hand. And although Karen did not questioned why her Princess was covered in semen, he was far from being in the clear.

"It feels really good when I touch your penis here, right?"

"Ann-sama, the sides seem to be a far better choice in this situation."

For some reason, both of the girls began to boast about how huge their respective sexual knowledge was. It was Karen who first shook her twin-tails and brought her face closer to his meat rod. Since he came not so long ago, the tip of his penis must have smelled really bad right now.

"Eh, Karen, what are you… Hiaaahhh!"

Her warm lips wrap around his glans, and the sensation of her hot and warm mouth pierces his crotch. Her tongue wraps itself around his shaft, while her lips traced all the way on his meat stick's surface. Unobstructed by anyone, the maid glanced at the boy's penis that she put inside of her mouth, and then she shifted her gaze towards the Princess, giving her a look as though she have already won.

"Muu~, I'll show you! I can make Rou-san feel as good as you do, or even better…!"

*Suck*, *slurp*… *Lick, lick*, *Sluurp*

Mirianne didn't wanted to lose to her maid, and so she stretches her small tongue and reaches with it for the base of his cock. Like that, his whole penis was being enveloped with their warm faces. This sight was too much of a turn-on for the boy, and so his penis quickly started to regain its hardness.

"You two, please, wait… Aaahhh…"

At the same time a sweet stimulus assaults his meat stick, and each time his waist trembles miserably. Soon, he was yet again fully erect.

"…Nh, *smooch*… Hey, Rou… Does it feel good?"

"Geez… I can pleasure Rou-san just as much as you do~."

Karen looked at him with glistering, wet eyes. And on his side, the little Princess was doing her best to please him as well.

*Suck*, *Slurp*… *Suck*, *suck*, *Sluuurp*, *smooch*…

The Princess and her personal maid. Being serviced by both of them at the same time, a true refined beauties, his libido just kept on surging up and up. He was trying to resist their attempts, but soon his body succumbed to pleasure.

"… It feels fantastic, but… Ugh, akuh…"

Even though he ejaculated mere moments ago, thanks to their combine efforts the threads of transparent liquid began to slowly ooze out of the tip of his dick yet again.

"*Smooch*, *suck*, *slurp*… It's slightly bitter…"

"Nnh, *suuck*… Fufu, Ann-sama, you still have so much to learn…"

"…Don't you worry about me, *lick*, *suuck*, uuuhhh, *sluuuuuurp*, haah…"

Still, the girls keep their tongues on caressing him without any kind of hesitation. The two rough tongues dance across the surface of his penis, causing it to swell and harden even more, not forgetting to take care of its every nook and cranny.


(Oh no… It's going to come out again at this rate…)

He thought that Diana-san was quite adept at pleasuring a man, but it turns out that those two were actually equally as good as her, attacking all of his sweet spots with unpredictable ferocity. When he fully realized that, the boy's lust began to peak again, causing his whole body to tremble and shake in a violent fashion.

"Ah, aaah… If both of you keep on pleasing me like that, I won't be able to hold back…"

His penis, now erect to its very limit, was completely covered with their saliva, gleaming brightly in the dim light of the room's candles. The sound of their tongues intertwining with his dick echoed throughout the room, and his urge to cum quickly began to rise up.

"…*Lick*, nnn, hhh….. Are you going to cum again…?"

"Are you going to let out your semen again?"

The boy's body shook again, and he began to move his waist uncontrollably, sensing that he was quickly approaching his limit.

At this rate he was soon to succumb to pleasure yet again and blow his load.

"Npuah… No, not yet, don't let it out just yet…"

The red-headed maid backs her face away from his penis and in return grasps its root firmly in her hand.

"Hahii! W, why not…"

He was ecstatic that was about to cum again, but now his dick was left unattended just before he could reach his climax. The surprising feeling was almost unbearable. His excitement began to slowly fade, but that fact didn't matter for his lower body, which was twitching like crazy.

"Eeh, why won't you let him cum?"

"W, what she said…!"

Seeing that Karen stopped servicing him, Mirianne also backed away from his rod, leaving it completely alone. The boy looked at the girls pleadingly, wanting for them to resume their fellatio as soon as possible.

"…If you are going to cum, you might as well do it while being inside of me."

"Ehh, EEEEEEHHHHHH –––––––––!?"

The sudden offer surprised him greatly, but the maid's mind was already dead-set on doing the deed till the end. Her cheeks flushed red, she looked the boy straight in the eyes. Then she shifted her uniform, tempting his with the sight of her bare breasts.

"Why you! Karen! It's not fair that only you are going to do it!"

Without paying the Princess's accusations any mind, Karen got closer to the boy while staring passionately at him. The feeling of her body's warmth and elasticity made him lose any last shreds of reason he might have had, and it happened even before her breasts could press against his chest.

"Hey, Rou, please… Or maybe it's that you dislike me?"

"T, there's no way that I would…"

Rou remembered that ever since they were little he longed for Karen's attention, since she was so bright and popular. She might have even been his first love.

Then he became a knight and met Reaina-sama, and the object of his affection changed, but ever since their reunion not so long ago his heart would always skip a beat when he saw her.

"…There is no way that I would ever come to dislike you, Karen!"


Being confessed to by his first love, having received a double blow-job that was interrupted halfway through, plus the feeling of being pent-up from his everyday duties have made normally docile Rou approaching the limits of his patience. Going with the flow of the moment, he grabbed the maid's arms and pushed her onto the bed.

However, since it was not so long ago since he graduated from his virginity, he had little to no idea about what to do in a situation like that and how to take the lead.

"P, please don't rush… Do it gently, please…"

Being suddenly pushed onto the bed made Karen feel surprised, but then she slowly spread her legs while reassuring the boy knight. Her healthy-looking thighs peeked from under the hem of her short skirt, and he swallowed heavily at the sight of this enchanting pose.

"Woah, Karen, you're so bold~!"

The Princess puffed her cheeks at being so obviously neglected, but it seems that Karen's erotic charm was working even on her.

"Karen… Are you really sure? About, you know… wanting to have sex with me…?"

He only thought about it now, but it was certainly a matter of concern. Does she really want to do it with someone like him? In response, the maid only spread her legs even further, showing him her panties that were soaking wet from her masturbation just a moment ago, tightly clenching onto her flesh, making the shape of her genitals clearly visible.

"I only want you, because you are the one that I love, Rou…"

"Right… In that case…"

Then the boy reached out his hands towards Karen's panties. As he pulled the fabric lower and lower, touching her supple flesh, he could soon see her vagina and her pubic hair, which was of the same bright-red color as her hair.

(This is Karen's… It's so, incredibly lewd…)

Her pink-colored lips were tightly shut, but still there were traces of transparent honey dripping out of her slit. He could smell its slightly sour yet sweet aroma, further accelerating the boy's lust.

"Muu, why am I the only one who can't have a good look~"

Even though she was the one who tempted the boy first, now she was being completely left out and ignored, which made the little Princess puff her cheeks in dissatisfaction. However, right now Rou's head was filled with nothing else but the desire to have sex with this beautiful childhood friend that was right in front of him.

"Karen, I'm… I'm going to start moving…"

As a result of his stopped fellatio, he could no longer stop himself from approaching his childhood friend's private parts with his penis.

"Yes… Come to me, Rou…"

He then slowly pushed his hips forward, entering inside of Karen centimeter after centimeter.

*Squeeze* ––––. Since the walls of her vagina were so close together, once they started to come apart they made a loud and wet noise.

"Karen, Karen…"

"Aaaahn, it's entering me…"

Her wet insides contracted violently on the foreign object that entered them, clamping around it and trying to suck his erection in. This only served to boost the boy's libido further, encouraging him to move further and twist his waist while doing so.

"It, it hurts…"

When the head of his penis was all the way inside of her, Karen suddenly jerked and let out a small scream.

"Eh! No way…"

The boy then looked down at the place where they were connected. The proof was there alright, dripping from her wet nether lips and mixed with her love juices.

She was so tight and wet that he thought that he might go crazy if he continued to move and inserting himself inside of her further, but suddenly realizing that Karen was in fact a virgin stopped the boy entirely.

"Wah… It looks so painful… Karen, are you alright?"

Said the Princess who looked at the scene of her maid losing her virginity with utmost curiosity, but also covering her mouth with both of her hands.

"I'm, I'm fine… So please, please continue…"

Although she said that she was alright, he understood that she was only putting up a tough front the moment he saw tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. Still, his heart was filled with warmth knowing that she didn't wanted him to stop.

"S, sure, but you said that it hurts…"

Not to mention that just by inserting his dick into her he already felt like cumming, and the fact that she still tightened around him certainly didn't help. Unable to bear the hotness of her insides any longer, he started to move his waist again.

"Uuh, aah… Good, I love the way you move…"

At first he was slowly rocking his waist back and forth, but soon a huge amount of love juices began to overflow from Karen's crotch. Still, her inside tightened around him even stronger, as if they wanted to suck every last drop of semen out of him.

(Amazing… Karen's pussy feels so incredibly good…)

The softness of Karen's insides paled in comparison with that of Diana, with whom he had his first time, but the way in which she was sucking him in was beyond exceptional. This served to accelerate the pace at which he was moving his waist, as his breathing was becoming more and more ragged.

"Hyah! Aah, nhaah! Auu, haa, so, so rough!"

Every time he thrusts his meat rod inside of her, his dick becomes wet and sticky with her love honey, and Karen's slim body shakes and trembles. Enjoying the pleasure of being penetrated, she clutched her hands on the bed sheets.

"Karen looks as if she's enjoying it so much~."

He was so absorbed with having sex with the maid that he totally didn't notice that the Princess was pulling on his arm.

"I want to have sex with Rou-san as well…"

"Haah, aah… Eh! Nnh!!"

He saw the face of the young Princess, now dyed in jealousy. She then reached out to him with her small body and touched her lips with his. Because it was so sudden he had no choice but to accept it and hold her small and gorgeous body in his arms.

Without saying a word, Mirianne's arms reach out around Rou's neck, pushing their lips and bodies closer to one another.

At the same time he started to swing his hips with so much force that the tip of his dick began to slam against Karen's cervix.

"Ah, hyah! So rough! Rou, more… Please fuck me harder!"

*Smack!*, *Slam!*, *Smack!*, *Smack!*

He continued to pierce through her cavity, and every time her walls contracted around him a huge amounts of love nectar began to gush out of her, not only wetting their crotches but also the sheets. Karen's body, earlier shaking from the pain, now wiggles in pleasure as sweet moans leave her mouth.

"Uuug, aah… Karen, you feel… you feel way too good!?"

He felt happy that thanks to his efforts his childhood friend was moving and moaning like that, her huge breasts swaying and jiggling under her uniform. Seeing them made him want to grab them, and he did just that.

*Squeeze*, *Squeeze*, *knead*, *squeeze* ––––––.

"N, noo… Don't grope me that hard, no…"

Her beautiful boobs change shape every time he clasped his fingers around them. They felt resilient and were comfortable in touch, just like rubber, and her skin was so smooth and healthy that it gave the feeling that her breasts were made for his palm exclusively.

"Nh, *smooch*… Please more, kiss me some more, Rou-san…"

Somehow, Mirianne brought her body even closer to him, trying to distract him from his childhood friend. Her kiss changed from normal to a violent deep kiss, with lots of saliva and their tongues dancing around one another.

(They are both so cute… It feels way too good!)

His brain was having a hard time to endure the sensation of this mouth intercourse, and the sensation combined with piercing the virgin flesh made his erection become harder than ever. Thanks to her hips shaking so much the friction between her vagina's walls and his dick was extremely strong, and with each thrust the urge to ejaculate began to rise inside of him.

However, like that it would only end up in satisfaction for him and the maid. And so he started to concern himself with the Princess that was left behind, and who was now using her mouth as best as she could to boost his libido.

(Ann-sama as well… I want Ann-sama to feel good as well…)


Her young and adorable face flushed in lewdness, and her eyes filled with pleasure from coming into contact with Rou's body. Without thinking, he drove his hand under Ann's skirt and located her underwear, shifting it sideways.

"Ann-sama, if you'll excuse me…––––"

"Kyuhn! R, Rou-san… Haa, aaahn…"

Although she looked surprised for a moment out there, the moment he sealed her lips with another kiss and drove his fingers into her drenched secret place, her voice shifted into sweet moans.

"No, no more! Haahn, aah… It feels so good I'm going to go crazy from it!"

He kept on inserting his fingers inside of her, and soon enough his hand was covered in transparent, muddy love juice, soiling her crotch and legs in the process. At the same time, Karen could feel Rou getting even bigger inside of her, his excitement reaching its peak.

"*Kiss*, *smooch*… How, is it… Does it feel good?"

"Aaahn… Rou-san's hand is, is so lewd…"

The Princess's crotch was not totally drenched in her love juices. The walls of her pussy clasped around his fingers so much that it started to hurt. Who would have thought that Mirianne's body would react so strongly with just having fingers inserted into her?

"Kyahii! Aah, w, why am I so… Ahyiin!"

Thinking about it now, her young body must have been very sensitive to sexual stimulation, and that would explain why the Princess responded to even the slightest caress with a high-pitched shriek. That reaction only served to boost the boy's lust even further.

(I'm about to cum!)

His raging erection ravaged Karen's insides, hitting her cervix without mercy. Rou was desperately trying to fight his urge to cum, but once he started to move his waist like mad, he was unable to stop.

"Ahh, auhh, aaanh! Rou… I, I can't, hyaah, aaaaaahhhhhh!"

Every time her flesh was pierced by his meat stick, Karen could feel hot and sweet waves spreading throughout her body. Her limbs jerked and her boobs jiggled from too much stimulation. Her crimson hair scattered on the bed, her body tried to match the violent pistoning of the boy's genitals.

"I, I can't… I'm about to cum!"

"So good, aaahh… Why is, something like this… Ahyiiinh!"

It felt as if the electric current began to pass from his crotch all over her body. His hand, the one that was busy with fingering the little Princess, its movement also became rough and irregular.

"Kyuh! I, I'm also starting to feel rather strange~~!!"

The Princess began to shake in Rou's arms, her golden hair flying all over the place. She moaned and sucked on his lips with all her might, making his dick twitch and pulse, approaching its limits.

"Hyaah, iyah, at this rate, aaahii! I won't, kyahn!"

At the same time Karen's pussy tightens around his cock, as if urging the cum that was accumulating inside of him to finally rush out of him.

"Hauuh~~, I'm going to cum, Ann is going to cum~~~~!!"

GUSH ––––––! A shriek like that came out of the Princess's mouth, as she rubbed her own clitoris while her love juices overflowed from her from still being fingered.

"…Guah, puah! I'm cumming, it's coming out… Aah, aaahhh, cumming!!"

It was at this moment, when he thought that his penis is going to melt from having penetrated the virgin pussy of his childhood friend. Tremendous amounts of semen began to shoot out of his penis all at once.

Splurt ––––!! Pew, splurt, splurt! Splurt, splurt, splurt!!!

"Hyaaah… Ahii, hyaan… It's coming, it's coming inside of me!!"

"Kyah! I, I'm gonna, I'm gonna wet myself~~~~~!!!!!!"

The Princess and her servant. Two people from the royal environment moaned in sweet voices, their cheeks dyed deep-crimson as they were looking at the boy with absent-minded eyes.

(S, so good…)

The pleasure of ejaculation make the boy's body tremble as he filled Karen's pussy with his semen, but there was so much of it that it almost immediately started to overflow. Meanwhile, the Princess who managed to reach her climax just off rubbing her clitoris alone, was breathing heavily as her whole dress was now wet and sticky from her own fluids.

"Haa, haah, aaanh… Afuh, you let out so much…"

"…Hyaaahhh, aah… Geez, I can't take this anymore…"

For a while, the three of them kept on basking in the afterglow of their climaxes, and the only thing that could be heard in the room was the sound of their heavy breathing.

When it was finally over, Rou fell limp onto the sheets, causing his penis to slip out of Karen's hole. Her nether lips gaping open, there were still traces of blood, love juices and semen coming out of her, mixed all together.

Also, he could feel an overwhelming sense of both comfort and superiority.

"Geez, Karen! Even though I told you I wanted to have sex with Rou-san as well…"

Later, when they finally managed to pull themselves together, all three of them fixed their clothing and Karen took care of the bed sheets. Still, the Princess was complaining this whole time, her cheeks red and her hands on her waist.

"N, no… Ann-sama, since your statuses are so different, you can't just go and do things like that."

Hearing about that topic, Karen blushed and tried to change the subject.

"Umm, Karen…"

"Eh, aah! Please forget about it! Right this instant!!"

When their eyes met, the maid suddenly got embarrassed and blurted something like that.

(I had sex with Karen…)

The feeling of joining bodies with a girl he once adored completely got to him. Moreover, since he was the one to take her virginity, there was no way that he would ever forget about this.

However, for some reason Reaina-sama's face came to his mind in this moment, making him feel real awkward and complicated for some strange reason.

"Muu ––~~! I wanted him to ravish me and only me!"

When the two of them finally went back to their rooms, the night was slowly approaching its end.