
Tsundere Princess

Kurehashi Aiko's translation of "Tsundere Princess," originally by Kanzaki Mizora. I'm just sharing this here so other people can read it. As a reward for preventing the assassination of the current king, Rou Coral is rewarded with becoming and escort of the Royal Princess Reaina who the boy adores so much. Thus begins his new life of servitude under his beloved high-headed Princess full of happenings and happy little accidents. Surrounded with Busty Head Maid, young Loli Princess and a Childhood Friend Maid, for the boy knight today is yet another day of struggle in this womanly paradise!!

Richard_Forrest · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Earnest Princess


「Umm… Rou-sama, if you don't mind, could you lend me a hand for a while…?」

Since early morning, Reaina was staying in the music room, being busy with taking lessons in violin from the best instructor in the whole kingdom. While standing guard at the door, Rou was asked that by one of the maids who was currently cleaning the hallway.

「Sure, what would you like me to do?」

「Really? Thank you so much! Now then, could you please carry this sofa for me?」

He answered with a smile, to which the maid began blushing. It seems that they often had trouble with that kind of tasks, since there was no one around who would be fit to do some heavy lifting with chairs and sofas. And since he became the resident of the castle and the maids were slowly getting used to his presence, he would be asked to help them out from time to time.

He had his duty to protect the Princess, but since they were not all that far from the music room, he would be able to rush to her aid if he heard that there were some trouble.

The boy helped the maids with their cleaning for a little while, and when he was done he went back to his original post. Having done all the heavy lifting for the maids, they could come back to their usual duties.

「Is that it?」

「Yes, that was the last one. Thank you very much.」

「You truly saved us. Thank you for your hard work.」

「Rou-sama is so sweet, don't you think?」

At the end of their work, the maids bowed their heads down in a sign of gratitude.

「P, please, it was not that big of a deal…」

Although he didn't do anything all that special, he still felt somehow embarrassed from getting praised for it.

「Being protected by such a wonderful knight as Rou-sama, I'm so jealous of Reaina-sama.」

「And yet, Reaina-sama still continues to act so cold towards him.」

「That's right! But still, Rou-sama continues to be truly wonderful, isn't he?」

The three maids seemed to have forgotten that Rou was still in front of them, for they began to talk just how wonderful he really was. Rou himself had a rather hard time keeping up with their conversation, for their topics kept on changing so fast.

「Umm… I need to return to my post, so please let me know if there is anything more that you need help with.」

Not really sure what to say, Rou finally managed to open his mouth, and the maids lowered their heads in gratitude yet again.

「Of course, thank you very much.」

「Rou-sama, once your work is done, and if you will be free, of course, would you like to drink some tea together with me?」

「Hey, not fair! Getting ahead of the rest by yourself like that!」

「It's first come first served when it comes to those things!」

The maids flocked around the one how came up with that proposal, pushing her until all of them eventually hit the wall. All of them were selected from throughout the kingdom and were quite beautiful. It felt nice to be invited by them like that, especially for someone who was still vulnerable for womanly charms.

「I'm afraid that I need to be on patrol until midnight, so maybe another time…」

He wanted to say something more, but suddenly he heard a voice behind his back and turned around in an instant.

「Hey, Rou, what do you think you're doing?」

「…Eh, this is, umm…」

Looking back in the direction of the voice, he could see his childhood friend walking to him, shaking her trademark twin-tails. She looked at the boy being surrounded by the maids and put her hand onto her waist.

「Mina, are you done with your work? Diana-san is going to get mad at you if she finds out

that you are slacking off.」

「Hee, heeh~, we finished already~」

「Rou-sama helped us out.」

When Karen looked surprised, the maids nodded with satisfaction.

「Ha? You didn't really have to do that, you know… You're seriously good to a fault…」

「No, it really was not that big of a deal…」

There was no rule out there that would explicitly say that he shouldn't help the maids if he was able to. But to Karen it seemed that he hasn't really changed all that much since they were kids, always willing to help everyone in need.

「Come to think of it, Karen, why are you addressing Rou-sama so casually? Do you guys know each other or something?」

「You guys aren't dating, are you!?」

「I, it's nothing of the sort…」

The three maids blurted those words while blushing heavily, asking what the relationship between them was really like, all the while shifting their gazes between them. Something in his mind was telling Rou that he should be the one to answer that question.

「Umm, Karen and I are childhood friends, you see, and…」

He couldn't tell them that she suddenly jumped the gun and confessed to him, and that they ended up having sex right after that, but since he had to say something he said something like that. After all, he wouldn't want the girls to start to spread some nasty rumors about them.

「So, with things being the way they are, there is still a chance for me, right?」

「Eh, I, I wonder about that…?」

「N, now, stop mumbling such nonsensical things and get back to your work, all of you!」

The other girls turned away, their faces kind of angry, and they released the boy, although really reluctantly. They waved their hands at him when they were walking away, and since he had no idea how to answer to that, he simply chose to smile.

「Geez, stop acting so bashful!」

「It, It's not like that, I swear…」

He was desperately trying to explain himself to the girl, but she also went her own way looking somewhat displeased.

Since then, ever so often the maids would ask Rou for help with various tasks, since he was probably the only so gentle and so reliable man in the castle. That also helped to melt the distance between the boy and other castle's servants.

Seeing just how popular Rou was becoming among other maids, Karen wanted to speak to him about in on numerous occasions, but ultimately gave up on the idea.

「You seem to be enjoying this greatly.」

「Umm… Y, yeah…」

During tea time, the Princess crosses her long legs extending from under her dress' skirt while she sits on the sofa and stares at the boy.

「Recently, all of the maids have been talking about you without stop. Are you perhaps interested in any one of them?」

「T, that's not about it at all…」

It seems the rumors about the boy knight spread amongst the maids have reach even the Princess's ears.

「Now that got me curious. Rou-sama, have you taken a liking to someone?」

「Even you, Diana-san… I keep telling you, that's not it…」

「Fufu… What a shame. I was hoping that you would say it was me.」

「Eeh!? T, that would be…」

The Head Maid laughs gently while refilling their tea. Even though he knew he was being teased, since it was Diana-san Rou couldn't help it but to get slightly excited.

「You panicking like that is awfully suspicious.」

「Oh my, are you perhaps also interested in who Rou-sama likes, Reaina-sama?」

The Princess, who was up until now looking closely at Rou's profile, blushed strongly hearing Diana's bold statement.

「T, there's no way something like that could happen! Why would I even care about something that has nothing to do with me in the first place…?」

「Is that so? Please pardon me, then.」

Reaina pouts, and then turns her head away while brushing her hair aside with her hand. But since her cheeks were red, she must have been even a little bit embarrassed.

「Eh, umm… This is…」

The person he liked was right in front of him, and it was Reaina-sama. But there was no way that he could just go and declare that right here right now. He looked at her, and their eyes met for a moment. However, the Princess quickly averted her gaze from him.

「…If you are quite done with meaningless banter, than go and focus on doing your job properly!」

「Y, yes, Your Highness!」

He didn't know what got the Princess so agitated all of a sudden, but the Head Maid kept watching them with a lovely smile on her face.


Rou kept on walking through a dimly lit corridor in the middle of the night while hanging his head and sighing heavily. Beside him, no other knight was on duty at this hour. Although he understood his responsibilities, it was hard to do them night after night without any kind of break or day off.

(Crap, I need to focus on my duties, I mustn't space out…)

His thoughts were drifting off in a completely different direction, so once he corrected himself he began to check every nook and cranny for any kind of suspicious activity with double the usual care.


There was light coming out from under the door to one of the rooms. He remembered that this room belonged to the younger Princess, bu then he also remembered that he soiled her face with his semen and the way in which treated his cock, which made him both rock hard down there and broke him into cold sweat.

Rou started to feel tremendously guilty for committing such a heinous atrocity, but on the contrary Mirianne didn't seem offended in the slightest, after that acting in her usual and clingy matter towards him.

(Doing that with Ann-sama… No, no, what the hell am I even thinking!?)

Assaulted by the little Princess' temptation, he couldn't help but to think like that, and he shook his head to chase those thoughts away.

「Ah, it's Rou-san~! You finally came this way!」

At that moment, the door springs open and little Princess' head peeks from behind it, smiling broadly.

「No, you see, this is my usual patrol route, so…」

「There's no need for you to sweat about the small details, there's no need~!」

Mirianne tried to drag the boy into the room by grasping his arm with her small hands.

「Ann-sama, I don't think that this is such a good idea…」

「No way~. Karen interrupted us previously, but today I was waiting the whole day for you to pass by here.」

She smiled at the puzzled boy, and pulls him with her small hands. And since he already experienced her strength before, he knew that she was not to be underestimated.

「Even if you say that…」

「Muu~… Do you dislike me that much?」

Ann looks at the boy, and thinking that he really dislikes her she turns around with something similar to tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. That painful expression was contrasting with her usual cheerful expression, making Rou feel guilty for making her look that. He shook his head in panic.

「It's, it's not like that, I just… I guess I can keep you company for a little bit, if you insist…」

「Really~? Ehehe, I love you so much, Rou-san!」

When Mirianne regained her usual cheerful demeanor in an instant, Rou let out a sigh of relief. Truly, Mirianne's smile was something else, calming and warming the hearts of others.

(I'm going to just have a short chat with her, just so I won't make Ann-sama cry anymore…)

Even though just a second ago he was so fired up to do his job properly, apparently Ann-sama had a different opinion on that subject. However, since she was so insistent he had no other choice but to accept her invitation, so he might as well apologize for the other day.

「Please hurry up and come inside… Ah…」


When the Princess tried to drag him into the room, she looked past his shoulder and suddenly the look on her face shifted to that of a little child who's been found out by its mother in the middle of some mischief. Following her gaze, Rou looked back only to see the Head Maid, looking at the Princess with her hands on her waist.


「Ann-sama… What do you think you're doing in the middle of the night like that?」

「Buu, and now it's Diana-san that gets in my way…」

Mirianne looked clearly irritated by this sudden predicament, but the boy was visibly shocked. At the same time, Diana-san was trying to make eye contact with the Princess.

Surely, there was nothing that could be kept hidden in this castle, so maybe something about this whole affair with Karen got around.

「Ah, this is… This is, umm…」

Rou was trying come up with an explanation to this whole situation, which was becoming darker and darker by the second.

「My, oh my, what to do here… For now, let us go inside so that we can talk calmly.」

The Head Maid urged them, and in response the Princess came back to her room while fluttering the hem of her skirt, while to boy followed shortly after. Finally, the beautiful, brown-haired maid entered the room as well, locking the door behind her.

「Now, maybe the two of you could tell me what were you doing?」

「Umm, this is…」

Asked Diana-san, however her tone was gentle instead of being strict. As usual, Rou was trying to explain, but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth like he intended them to.

「You see, I wanted to be alone together with Rou-san!」

The little Princess puffs her cheeks and then crosses her arms at her breast. Her face was cute when she was acting like that, kind of like and apple, but that was not the case right now.

「If that was the case, then why would you want to do it in the middle of the night?」

「Well, obviously so that no one would get in our way!」

「My, my, and what would possibly someone be interrupting you two with?」

To the Maid's question, the Princess responded with grace and elegance.

「Having sex with Rou-san!」

「My, oh my…」

Crack ––––––! In an instant the atmosphere in the room froze and you could almost hear the sound of ice cracking.

The beautiful Head Maid stares at the Princess in surprise.

「…What does that supposed to mean, Ann-sama?」

She said those words as if in a trance, almost absent-mindedly. Even Rou could feel that something was wrong, even though he was not directly involved. The atmosphere was so tense that you could even cut it with a knife.

「You see, before Karen got ahead of me and had sex with Rou-san, so today I thought that it was finally going to be my turn!」

(A-Ann-sama, is that really alright to just casually talk about it like that…!?)

The Princess proudly reveals the events that took place a few days ago, disclosing the relationship the boy had with his childhood friend. Rou was about to burst into tears because of that.

「Oh dear, is that true that you had sex with Karen, Rou-san?」

「Umm… No, I mean…」

Diana's eyes turn towards Rou. Her tone of voice remained unchanged, he felt as though she was criticizing him, and even though he did nothing wrong he started to feel bad about it. Still, seeing that she was not addressing the issue of Mirianne wanting to have sex with him, he managed to avoid the worst of it, at least for now.

「My, oh my, Rou-sama. If you wanted to have sex, I wish you could have told me so.」

「Eeh…! Eh, huh…!」

Apparently the Head Maid got jealous of the fact that one of her subordinates managed to get close to him, and so she came up to him and hugged him tightly. Rou, unable to keep up with this sudden development, became clearly confused.

Not to mention, the maid's abundant breasts pressed against him through her uniform's material, wrapping his whole body in pleasant warmth and nice scent. Being enveloped in this godly softness, his heart began to beat faster.

「Ever since that day we first had sex, I was waiting for you to approach me again, Rou-sama…」

(Eeh, D-Diana-san was waiting for me!?)

The maid whispers that into his ear, while gently stroking his head. Combining that with the warmth and softness he was feeling, the reason quickly began to take a leave out of his head.

「Eeehhh ––! Diana-san also had sex with Rou-san!?」

This time around, the one who was surprised was none other than Mirianne. The two of them were coming out with one secret that he wanted to remain hidden after another, and he was right in the middle of it all.

「Hey, Rou-san, you do dislike me that much, do you now…?」

「It's not like that, but…」

The blonde-haired Princess take the hand of her favorite knight in her own, looking at him with puppy-dog eyes. Seeing her like that made him feel at a loss for words. It was probably the strongest weapon that every woman could deploy against any man out there.

「Ann-sama, you mustn't do that. Can't you see that you are troubling Rou-sama?」

「I'm… I'm not troubling him!」

「However, Ann-sama, you are a person who has the right to inherit the kingdom's throne. Even if you declare you affection for a person like Rou-sama so suddenly, you might end up causing him more strife and suffering than anything.」

Diana-san talks gently to the Princess, just like a mother would to her mischievous child. The maid's words had a lot of sense, and so the Princess's previous statements seemed even more immature and childish right now. It's unthinkable that a Princess who would one day be married to a prince from other country would have her virginity taken by a mere knight like him.

The Head Maid knows that, and Rou knew that as well, that is why even though he was giving in to Ann's aggressive seduction, he was trying as he might to avoid crossing the line with her.

「If that's the case, then I'll just marry Rou-san! Then there won't be any problems, right?」

「............ Hm?」

Rou was speechless. Unable to fully understand the meaning of those words, his body simply froze up.

However, the young Princess misunderstood his reaction as happiness when she looked at the boy, and so the Head Maid had to step in to clear the misunderstanding.

「Ann-sama… No matter how you look at it that's just impossible…」

「Eeehhh ––! Why not!?」

Rou was relieved that Diana-san stepped in to shut down this outrageous statement in an instant. But the Princess doesn't seem to understand, as her face frowns in displeasure.

「As unfortunate as it may sound, picking a marriage partner is not that simple of a matter…」

「No way! Diana, you cheapskate!」

Rou was feeling sorry for Mirianne, but right now being told the truth in a straightforward manner like that was probably the only thing Diana-san could do to stop her from trying to woo the boy any more. As for him, for now he was enjoying the feeling of being hugged by an older woman and the soft feeling of her boobs against his face.

「Then, then… How about the butt sex… that should be alright, right?」

Hearing such unusual words coming out of the mouth of someone so young, both Rou and the Head Maid were left dumbstruck for a moment, unable to comprehend what the Princess just said.

「Umm, this is, Ann-sama…」

Rou was trying to raise protest against the Princess's outrageous demands, but before he could do that, the little girl came closer and blocked his mouth with her own lips. Being suddenly kissed by Mirianne like that while also being hugged by Diana-san and her soft breasts made the boy's head even more confused.

「Ann-sama! What do you think you're doing, doing something like that so suddenly!」

Diana-san raised her voice in an angry manner, which was so unusual for her normally calm and gentle demeanor that even Rou raised his head and looked at her in surprise. Moreover, she presses herself against him and hugs him even more, as if trying to separate Rou from the Princess.

「*Kiss*, *smooch*… Aah, I wanted to kiss Rou-san some more…」

The Princess pouted her cheeks, having the kiss with her favorite knight interrupted. Mirianne tried to stand on her toes, not wanting to let go of her feelings for Rou, bringing her face closer in attempt to continue.

「I'm sorry, Ann-sama, but no means no. You would truly trouble Rou-sama with that.」

Saying that, Diana presses her breasts against the boy even more, intend on blocking her aggressive advances. The two girls looked as if they were little children arguing for sweets, but the Head Maid's breasts were winning Rou so far.

「Muguh… B, both of you, please calm down, please…」

Usually the maid would obediently listen to the Princess, but right now she was adamant on opposing her no matter what.

「Geez, Diana-san, stop being so stubbornly mean!」

But the Princess finally managed to push both the boy and the maid onto the bed.


「U, uwah!?」

Mirianne ended up laying up on top of Diana who was laying on her back. Both of them were even more astonished by the little Princess's bold action.

「Come now, Rou-san, hurry… I want to have sex with you… If you do me in my butt, I will still remain a virgin…」

The Princess tempted Rou even further by seductively shaking her small butt.

「You can't do that, Ann-sama…」

The Head Maid opposed the Princess yet again, all the while struggling under the Princess' small body.

(Well, I mean, it's not like I don't want to have sex with Ann-sama…)

「Uwah… Diana, your boobs are so big… and they are so soft…」

The little Princess suddenly groped Diana's breasts and let out a voice of surprise, while Rou could only stare at the two girls intertwined right in front of him. Mirianne then shifted her gaze from Rou towards Diana's breasts, groping them with both hands like a child who just found a new toy to play with.

「I was convinced that Karen's were pretty big, but yours are even bigger, Diana…」

「Ann-sama, if you keep on being that violent… Aaahn…!」

Says Diana-san, but soon a feverish moan slips out of her mouth.

「Amazing, just did you manage to get them so big?」

「A, Ann-sama… Nfuh, right now… Haahn…」

Mirianne gets so caught up in playing with the Head Maid's breasts that she forgets all about tempting Rou. Diana's bountiful breasts shook and swayed under the Princess's kneading, changing shape under the uniform's fabric.

(Ah, aah… The two of you are just way too erotic…)

He was unable to take his eyes off of the two beautiful girls. Feeling his libido raising inside of his pants, his awaking erection reminded the Princess that he was there as well.

「Hey, it should be alright for Rou-san to take me up the butt, right? Besides, don't you want to have sex with him too, Diana?」

「Haahn, t, this is… Nnh… That's right, but…」

Diana-san was doing her best to endure the Princess's touch, however her legs, both enveloped in knee-high socks that highlighted her healthy-looking thighs, were gradually spreading apart more and more.

「Uh, aah…」

The Head Maid's legs now spread in the M shape, rolling up her skirt. Finally, her underwear, barely even covering her private parts, becomes visible to the boy's eyes. Being so close to the two girls, Rou could clearly see that there was a part of maid's underwear that was clearly darker and wetter than all the rest.

「Rou-san, would you like to see my panties as well…?」

Seeing how the boy's eyes were drawn to the maid's underwear, the little Princess rolled up the hem of her skirt, exposing her panties herself. That way, Rou could see her small, supple butt.

Then she smiles innocently, not fully aware just how much she managed to tickle his heart, exposing her pure waist and immature thighs.


「…Is that, really alright…?」

Asked the boy, however his body was already on the move, being drawn to their bodies like magnet. Intertwined with one another and wrapped in white sheets, the bodies of two alluring women managed to blow the rest of his reason away.

「It's alright, right, Diana?」

「I guess… I guess it cannot really be helped…」

Finally, freed from having her breast kneaded for a moment, the Head Maid shook her head in resignation.

「Hooray! Now, Rou-san, hurry, hurry!」

Driven by his instincts and sexual desires awakened by the scent of female body, Rou's already hard cock was becoming even harder. He rose on the bed, and the mattress squeaked under his weight.

(I, I wonder if that's really okay… But, I cannot wait any longer…)

The sound of his own heartbeat deafens all other sounds. Finally, he reached out his hands so that he could touch the bodies of the Head Maid and the little Princess.

「Rou-sama, please put it inside of me first…」

Filled with hopeful expectations, Diana opened her legs even further and invited Rou to put his dick inside of her.

「Eeehh––! Aren't you going to put it inside of me first!?」

「Fufu… It is really tough to put the penis inside of the anus so suddenly. First we must get

Rou-sama's penis nice and wet with plenty of my love juices…」

The maid admonish the protesting Princess, and then looks at Rou seductively.

「Come to me. 」

–––––––––––– And then,

Rou swallows up a huge portion of his saliva, wetting his dried throat. Trying to keep his desire in check, he pulls down his pants and whips out his rock-hard erection.

「I'm putting it in, Diana-san…」

Rou positioned himself in between Diana-san's legs, and began to push the tip of his cock against the moist fabric of her panties.

*Squish*, *Splosh*, *Sliiide* ––!

He struggled to remove the moist material sideways with his fingers, only to uncover that Diana's nether lips were already gaping and waiting for him to come. The moment the tip of his glans touched her entrance, a trail of love nectar dripped out of them, unleashing the sweet scent that stimulated his brain.

「Nhaah… Rou-sama is, entering me…」

Sensing that Rou was slowly inserting himself inside of her, Diana pushed her hips against his penis, helping it slip inside of her more easily. Her soft and warm walls fit his dick perfectly, making him feel like he was about to melt at any second now.

「Aah, look at that, Diana seems to enjoy it so much…」

Said the Princess in a loud voice, seeing just how overjoyed Diana's blushing face was from simply having a dick inserted into her hole full of nectar.

「Please be patient, Ann-sama…」

Rou's cock continued to make its way inside of Diana's love nectar's filled hole, while his hands groped the fine flesh around her butt. The slender skin around her bum was as smooth as silk.

「Kyah! It tickels a bit…」

Next he groped Mirianne's skinny butt, since she was shaking it so seductively right in front of him, all the while making his way inside of Diana. With each inch her genitals made a loud and wet noises, until finally he reached her cervix with his glans, her nether mouth kissing right against the root of his dick.

「…Afuuh, nnh… It's hitting me all the way to the back…」

Moaned Diana-san pleasantly, her voice filled with melancholy, stripped of all of her usual gentleness and motherly vibe. Her hot breathing only served to stimulate the boy's lust, throwing him to take action.

(Uuuhhh… She squeezes me so tight…)

Her hot and wet insides were sucking him in so much as if they were intend on emptying his penis dry off his semen, making him lose his mind. The pleasure of rubbing himself against the maid's soft and hot flesh was so intense that Rou could not hold his voice back and moaned by himself.

「Uh, Diana-san, I'm going… I'm going to start to move…」

Standing still was not enough for him, the fierce desire to move kept on raising inside of him.

「Yes, please, move however you like, Rou-sama…」

「It must feel so nice… Just look at Diana right now…」

As soon as he received an okay, Rou began to swing his waist. He kept on coming in and out of Diana's pleasure hole, pushing his desire to ejaculate further and further, more now focusing on shallow thrusts to avoid cumming too soon.

「Please wait just a little bit longer, Ann-sama… Kuh, uuh…」

Even though Diana's insides were filled to the brim with her love honey, her walls still clamped around the boy like crazy, not wanting to let him go. Even though he was moving slowly, his hips just couldn't bear the pleasant sensation, and right now he wouldn't be able to stop moving even if he wanted to.

「Ah, aaahh, Rou-sama… If you keep on doing me so much, I'm going to go crazy…」

She originally wanted to only lubricate his dick so that it would be ready to penetrate the little Princess, but right now Diana was beginning to feel intoxicated by the feeling of having a young meat rod pierce her wet insides with full force.

「Amazing… It feels way too good…」

The Head Maid continued to moan sweetly as the sounds of her copulation with the boy echoed throughout the room. Mirianne was unable to hide her curiosity any longer, and was now staring at the maid's exposed genitals.

(It's, it's going to come out at this rate…)

Even though the pleasure was simply unbearable even from the smallest of movements, Diana's hot flesh folds urged Rou to give her more and grace her with his semen. While he somehow managed to slow down and postpone his climax, he was feeling that it was drawing ever so closer.

「Rou-san, me as well… Please give it to me as well~~~…」

Seeing just how much the maid was enjoying herself made the Princess jealous, so she began to flip her skirt again, tempting Rou with the sight of her cute butt.

She may have worn a very adult-like underwear with lace and lots of embroidery, but her thighs were still thin and her lower body was clearly still underdeveloped.

「Haa… Haah… Ann-sama…」

Seeing another woman right in front of him made Rou's desire surge, approaching its peak dangerously fast.

「Hurry up and put it in my butt…」

Affected by the naughty atmosphere that accompanies men and women having sex, the little Princess becomes even bolder with her words and actions. Although it must have been hard for her, she shifted her panties aside and showed him her most special place, overcome with shame.


It was a completely different kind of virginity than that Diana-san took from him, gaping in excitement as her hairless nether regions were completely drenched with her own love juices. Not to mention that stiff bud-like, sepia-colored thing resting over Mirianne's entrance.

「Haahn, nnhf… Oh dear, Ann-sama…」

「This is Ann-sama's… pussy…」

He reflexively swallows heavily. He reached his face towards Mirianne's but, intending to suck on it.

「Kyah! R-Rou-san…!?」

Thanks to all of the excitement and nervousness, even his hands were stroking her but a little bit too strong. Having her butt groped and licked at the same time made Mirianne's whole body tremble.

「…Is it really okay? Ann-sama…」

「Of course it is… No need to hold back…」

His first anal sex. Better yet, with a virgin like Mirianne, who was full of curiosity and anticipation. But even so, her smile was more than enough to drive Rou into abandoning reason and wanting to stick his penis inside of her.

「In that case, this time with Ann-sama…」

With that, he pulled out from inside of Diana-san with a loud and wet noise.

「Nhaah… Hyii, aah… Why you're pulling out, afuh…」

Moans the maid while he pulled out of her, her cheeks burning red and her breath ragged.

「Kuh… Diana-san, you're tightening so much…」

Even though he pulled out, her insides were still pushed wide open from his insertion, twitching and covered in love nectar, giving it a slimy and glossy look. You could clearly see that she wanted more from the way in which her genitals gaped and contracted.

「Well then, Ann-sama… Here I go…」

「Finally, it's finally my turn…」

Her voice was just a little bit nervous, but even so the Princess assumed the position to be penetrated.

Rou then pressed his nectar covered penis head against Ann's cute little asshole and stroked all around it at few times. It was twitching and gaping in rhythm of her breathing, so he tried to gently loosen her up first.

「Hyah! It, it stings… Aah, kyaaahhh…」

*Slip*, *slide*… *Slip*, *streeetch*––––––.

Since the sphincter muscles were completely different from that of a vagina, it resisted his attempts at insertion, squeezing violently at the foreign object.

「Uuh, guh… It's so tight…」

Ann's little body shivered and trembled when the thickest part of Rou's penis was coming through her sphincter, and from there it easily slipped inside of her rectum.

「Aah… Higuh, my, my butt, it's so full, uuuhhh…」

Suddenly having her butt penetrated by a thick dick made Ann's whole body quiver, as she screamed in pain and big tears began to fill her eyes. She tried to be brave and endure it, but ultimately ended up in pressing her face against the Head Maid's breasts.

「Are you alright, Ann-sama…?」

「Please, don't push yourself if it hurts you so much…」

Both the maid and the boy knight worried when they saw the little girl squirm in pain. But to their concerns she only rose her face and forced a smile on her lips.

「…I'm, I'm alright… B-But, nnnh, please, please continue…」

Even though she was clearly in a lot of pain, this unexpected desire to continue on her side made Rou's lust surge. Right now, the boy wanted to make her his, to dominate her and claim her.

「In that case, I'm going to start moving…」

「Haah, aguuh… Yes, Rou-san, please, you can move however you like…」

He managed to insert his penis all the way to the base, but he soon found out that the tightness around that area was even worse than that of inserting himself into her.

–––––– *Shlomp*, *squeeze*, … *Squueze*, *squeeze*… *Shlomp*!

Each time her insides clamped around his dick, the Princess' body was shocked with shivers.

「Hyaah! S, so tight… So tight, aah, aguuh…」

He started to piston her asshole in a gentle manner, loosening her up, but was having a hard time doing that since she was tightening around him, as if it was trying to push him out.

「Rou-sama… Me too… Please put it inside of me as well…」

Diana begs the boy in a lust voice, clearly unable to contain her own passion any longer. She brushes her hair aside, and Rou's own lust multiplies when he sees her usually gentle face now distorted by lust and animalistic desire.

「Well then, now it's Diana-san's turn…」

「Hiyaaaaaahhhhhh…! You're turning it, you're turning my butt inside out…!」

「Aaahhh… So hot, nhaah… Afuh, does it feel good, Rou-sama…?」

He pulled out of the Princess' butt and almost immediately after that he jammed himself deep inside the maid's honey pot. Diana moved her waist in tempting manner, making it easier for him to insert himself and inviting him all the way into her nectar-drenched cavity.

*Smack*, *smack*… *Thrust*, *Thrust*, *thrust* ––––––!!

As Rou's dick penetrated her, Diana's walls gently wrapped themselves around him. As he was wrapped in the soft sensation so different from the Princess' anus, he tried to fight with the ever so raising urge to ejaculate.

「…M-Me too, it feels good for me, too…!」


Diana's pussy was desperate to taste the boy's sperm again, and so she began to move her waist on her own in an intense manner. Every time he pushed his dick deep inside of her, her whole body trembled with pleasure and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

「Hiyaah, nhyiii… Aaah… So intense, I'm feeling it so much…!」

Seeing Diana squirming in pleasure, the Princess yet again shook her but in an attempt to tempt the boy.

「Rou-san, me too… Please do me some more…」

「Kuh, uuh… You'll get your turn, just please wait for now…」

Rou stopped pistoning Diana and switched to Mirianne's anus again. This time around, he way able to insert himself into her much smoother than before. With that, he began to push himself into her, all the way to the base of his shaft.

「Hyiiguuh, s-so deep… in my butt, so… Ukuuh, ahyiiiiii…!」

He put his hands on her still developing waist to fix his position, and then he began to mercilessly shake his waist back and forth. In response, the Princess' body trembled violently, her hair dancing in the air all around him.

「Aaahh… It's about to come out!」

Having penetrated both the maid's pussy and the Princess' ass alternatively made his urge to ejaculate become almost unbearable, springing from inside of him and starting to make its way outside.

「Aaahhh… Rou-sama, haah, nnhhh… Please, you can let it out as much as you want inside of me!」

「I, I feel really strange for some reason… My butt feels so full right now…」

He was trying his best not to be too rough with her, but he could no longer stop the wild movement of his waist.

「Next is… Diana-san's turn!」

Seeing both of those beautiful girls wanting him so much made Rou's penis harder than it was ever before. Their sight made the boy drunk on lust and feeling of superiority.

「Haahn! Pleases, please do me harder, harder, Rou-sama…!」

Diana's breasts shook and swayed in response to each and every one of the boy's thrusts, only amplifying his pleasure.

「Are you feeling good too, Ann-sama!?」

In order not to lose the waves of pleasure he was drowning in right now, Rou pushed his love juice-covered dick into Mirianne's ass again with no warning. It seems that she was gradually loosening up, for it was much easier for him to thrust his penis into her than in the beginning.

「Haahyii… It, it feels good for me as well…」

Although it might have been her first time, and with anal no less, Mirianne was letting out a sweet voice, soaked in pleasure to the limit, echoing throughout the room.

(Uuuhhh… I can't take it any longer…!)

The feeling of penetrating the Princess' rectum was sending waves of pleasure from his dick throughout his body, making the boy's back shiver and tremble. The pleasure was so strong that he was approaching his limit, but still tried to endure it and make his grinding last for as long as he possibly could.

「I, I'm feeling it so much, I'm going to cum soon…––––––!!」

「Me too, more… Rou-sama's penis, more… Hyaah!」

The sound of their moaning increased his desire to let it all out. Soon enough, he could feel the hot lump of his lust beginning its travel from his crotch towards freedom. The sweet scent of their sweat and the tightness of the Princess' butt surely weren't helping much in holding him back.

「 –––– It's coming, it's coming, it's coming out!!」

Hearing the boy's voice, the two women also let out their lovely shrieks, their eyes wet and filled with desire for his sperm.

「Nhii, yes, oh yeeeesssss… M, my butt… Kyuh, please let it out as much as you want in my butt!」

「Me too… I am going to climax as well… Rou-sama's penis is going to make me cum… Nhaah, nnh, no, I can't anymore… Aaahhhiiiyyyaaahhh!」

While beads of sweat crop out all over Diana's twitching body, she thrusts her head back and looks at the ceiling with passionate eyes. Rou tried to slip out of the Princess' but and give his dick to the maid one last time, but the Princess' tightness only accelerated his own climax.

「Uuuh! I'm coming, coming! It's coming out, ugh, uuuhhh––––––!!」

Finally, his dick reached its limit.

Rou's vision became white and hazy, and he could not longer stop the flow of white and muddy liquid that was now rushing through his urethra. Feeling that, he began to pierce the Princess' butt even harder and faster. Mirianne's butt was now thoroughly ravaged by his swollen manhood.

Splurt! Splurt, splurt! ...... Splurt, splurt, splurt!!!

「Kyafuh, uughn! So hot, something hot is pouring right into my butt~~~~~~!!!!!!」

The Princess' back shook with great force, sending her beautiful blonde hair in the air. However, Mirianne was not the only one who was waiting for Rou's ejaculation. With the last shreds of control, Rou pulled himself out of her butt and thrusted his meat spear all the way inside of Diana's quivering pussy.

「Aah, hyiiiiii! So much, so much of Rou-sama's semen is… Haa, haahn!」

Rou's cock continued to pound Diana's pleasure hole while not stopping to ejaculate for even a moment, and his semen was greedily gobbled up by the woman's genitals. Being cream-pied like that, the maid couldn't help it but to convulse and shout in ecstasy.

「It feels way too good… It, it won't stop…!」

Rou's sperm starts to slowly drip out of Mirianne's gaping butt, flowing down onto the sheets and staining the maid's sweaty body.

「Hauuh… My head is spinning and it feels so good…」

「You let out so much of it… My stomach feels so full and hot…」

Both women just lay there, basking in the afterglow of their climaxes.


Even the body was feeling somewhat hazy, that is until the pleasure of cumming finally left him, leaving his body with a sense of weakness under the influence of which his legs sort of gave up on him. He sunk onto the sheets like a flat tire.

「A, Ann-sama…!? Is everything alright, Ann-sama!?」

Rou turned around awkwardly and looked at the Princess' face. Although she was the one who invited him to do so, he still drilled her ass rather mercilessly. He knew that this was definitely not okay, but Mirianne only showed them a soft smile through her teary eyes.

「…Yes, everything's fine… But, I still feel as if Rou-san's thing was inside of me…」

Having experienced the intercourse with the boy of her dreams, the Princess smiles in delight. However, her butt was still gaping from having his dick shoved inside of it, it would take a while for it to return to normal.

「Fufu… I'm so glad for you, Ann-sama…」

Experiencing the ultimate ecstasy, Diana hugged Mirianne tightly while her facial expression returned to her normal gentle self.

「At first it hurt just a little bit, but then it started to feel really good…」

「I, on the other hand, would like to be held by Rou-sama some more…」

Seeing how glad the two women were for sleeping with him and looking at their delighted faces made Rou feel pleased and happy with himself.

「Rou-san… If you don't mind, would you like to have sex with me some other time as well?」

「Oh my, I also would like to welcome Rou-sama in my arms some more in the future…」

Being stared at by pupils filled with so much expectations, there was only one possible answer that he could have given them.

「Haah… I wonder if it is really alright for me to keep on doing this…」

Rou let out a sigh while standing at the entrance to the cafeteria, to where Reaina went in order to grab something to eat. It's been already a few weeks since he began his work as a guard at the castle. He was finally getting a hang of doing his job properly, and he was fairly sure that the distance between himself and the Princess has finally shrunk.

But even though the boy have sworn his loyalty to the Princess, he was still having sexual relations with both her little sister and her personal maid.

「I'm sorry, Rou-sama…」

「Ah, y-yes…?」

The boy was surprised when the door suddenly opened, and he spoke up reflexively. It was Diana who called out to the boy, and for some reason she had a rather troubled look on her face. And since Reaina was eating a luxurious meal at the far end of the table, she was not able to hear them from there.

「Diana, where have you been? Hurry up and bring me a refill!」

The Princess raises an empty wine glass and orders the maid in cold voice.

「Reaina-sama… Maybe it would be better for you if you stopped drinking for now…」

「I'm telling you, I'm fine. Now, do it!」

Even though the maid gently hinted the Princess to have some self-control, she was not going to lend those pleas any ear.

「Umm, why is Her Highness drinking so much wine…?」

It seems that Reaina was already quite drunk, and so the boy knight turned toward the Head Maid and asked her in a hushed voice.

「No, she only drunk a few glasses of weak fruit wine… since normal alcohol tends to raise her blood pressure quite a bit…」

The maid leaned toward the boy as well, briefly explaining the situation. That surprised the boy quite a lot, and so he turned her eyes towards the Princess.

「Oh my… Perfect timing. You there! Come over here and sit down!」

「Huh, m-me…?」

Seeing the boy, Reaina suddenly pointed at him with her glass, and, seemingly in a good mood, ordered him to come closer.

「Who else is here? No need to be shy, just come over here, the lot of you!」

He did as he was told, sitting right next to the Princess, although he still kept some manner of a distance.

「Umm, Reaina-sama… About your drink, you see…」

「What is it? This much is nothing for me, I'll let you know~!」

The drunk Princess leaned closer and entangled her arm with the boy's, holding her glass with another hand. Her body was pressing against his quite a bit. Seeing her eyes and rosy lips so close to him, Rou heart began to beat faster.

「Huh, why is your face so red? Are you perhaps thinking about something indecent?」

「T, that's not really the case here…」

She gently blew into his ear, and he could smell alcohol tickling his nose. Moreover, she seemed to not notice this, but her breasts were squeezing against his body for quite a while now.

「Fufu… Bullseye. Good grief, you are always so… so…」

「I'm telling you, that's not… H, huh?」

He was surprised to hear that the Princess started to make some strange noises, and as it turned out, she fell asleep right where she was, her arm locked with his. Rou looked toward Diana, looking for help, but for a quick moment Diana just stood there, looking surprised.

「She fell asleep… That is quite the problem, indeed… However, it is the first time that I see Reaina-sama looking so happy…」

Rou had his doubts whether or not this could be called a happy face, but it was true that Reaina-sama would never behave like that under normal circumstances.

「I am terribly sorry for having to ask you this, but could you carry Reaina-sama back to her bedroom, Rou-sama?」

「Eh… Me…? Carry the Princess…?」

He said that in a slightly too loud of a voice, to which the Head Maid only placed her index finger on top of her lips.

「Yes, please. I know it might be inconvenient, but if any other person were to do it, Reaina-sama might wake up.」

「I, I understand…」


It was his dream to finally be able to touch the person he fell in love with at first sight, but he would never expected it to happen under such circumstances. Overcome with tension, he held Reaina in his trembling arms.

(S, so light…)

Reaina usually shone just like a jewel, with her golden hair and lots of jewelry and ornamented dresses. However, even with all of those, Rou was surprised just how light she was in his arms.

Feeling the soft and warm body of his beloved Princess in his arms, Rou's heart was beating like crazy. And thanks to his recent experiences with the members of the opposite sex, Rou was starting to become overly conscious of her.

(W, what the hell am I thinking…?)

While walking down the corridor with the Princess in his arms, he shook his head as to get rid of any lewd thoughts, and then suddenly the Princess leaked out a silent voice.

「…s, nnh,hmm… Nhh…」

She opened her eyes a little bit, but since she was still sleepy, she didn't even realize that she was being held in Rou's arms.

「Uuh… Why, am I…?」

「Umm, Reaina-sama, you happened to fall asleep in the cafeteria… and so I was asked to carry you back to your room… umm…」

Their eyes meet, and the boy tried to explain the whole situation in a hurry, panicking all the while.

「So it's like that, huh… Thank… you…」


He was ready to be reprimanded like usual, but instead he was thanked for his efforts, and that surprised him greatly. Looking relieved, the Princess rubbed her face against his chest, looking about ready to fall asleep again.

This was probably the first time ever that Reaina thanked him for anything. And even though it might have been because she was drunk, hearing the words of praise coming from his beloved Princess made him feel happy beyond belief.

(Uwah… H, her breasts are touching me…)

Moreover, since she was clinging to him so tightly, he could clearly see her milk-white skin, as it squeezed against his chest more and more. She looked so defenseless in her sleep that if he was younger or lacking any self-control, he could easily reach his hands and grope her breasts with little to no resistance.

「Reaina-sama, we arrived at your bedroom…」

He said that to her while standing in front of the door, but the Princess showed no signs of waking up anytime soon. Because of that, he opened the door and entered the room while still holding the Princess in his arms. He intended to drop her on her bed as fast as possible, but it was in this moment that the Princess decided to wake up.

「Uuuh… Where am I… What is this place…?」

「It's your bedroom, Reaina-sama. Now, please take it easy and rest...」

He tried to cover the Princess up with the sheets, but then she suddenly grasped his hand in her own.


「…Uuuhn, hhh… hhh, hhh…」

He thought that she was awake, but instead Reaina fell asleep again.

While she held onto him in her sleep, Rou silently stared at the face of his mistress.

Even though she was inexperienced and strong-willed, she was always putting up a tough front in front of everyone, never showing any sign of weakness. Still, she was probably drinking so much because the stress of being a potential assassination target was beginning to slowly get to her.

(Reaina-sama, I swear that I will protect you…)

Although the recent events made him stray off of his original path, in this moment he remembered why did he decided to come here in the first place.

As Rou gently grasped the Princess' small hand, his determination grew stronger than ever before.