
Chapter 7

I wake up the next morning confused to be tied to my bed and in a towel. I look around my room trying to remember what I did to get myself tied up. There on the floor I saw Adam sleeping right by the door. What is Adam doing here? Why am I in just a towel? Better yet, why am I tied up? JUST WHAT IS GOING ON? Adam wakes up to the sound of me untying the cloth from my wrist. "First of all, no I'm not horny anymore. And no I don't want to cuddle." Adam gets up to walk over to me and ties the cloth tighter. "What are you doing?" I was a little pissed at how he was acting. "Listen, for the last time I don't want to sleep with you." Adam gently pushes me down. "If you don't want the sheet then don't untie the cloth." Adam sighs then kisses my head gently. Confusion overcomes me as I sit back up. "Adam, what the fuck are you talking about? Why are you here? Why am I just in a towel and tied up?" I looked Adam straight in the eyes to let him know he better not try to kiss me again. "Oh you're sober!" Adam jults a bit back and unties my wrist. "Right now I don't care about what happened. JUST GET OUT!" I got up to push Adam away forgetting that I wasn't carefully wrapped in my towel, it slipped off. We both looked at the fallen towel then in each other's eyes then at me. Oh my god, don't get mad Lizzy, it wasn't his fault. I lose my cool and slap Adam across the face. "Get. out." I picked up my towel to cover myself and watch Adam leave. Maybe, I allowed him to get too close to me. I'll never do that again. "Just so you know, nothing happened." Adam stormed off and slammed the door behind him. I don't care if nothing happened between us. This situation should have never occurred. I felt bad at how I reacted after I finished taking my shower. Adam had me tied to my bed, he was on the floor asleep….fully dressed. Even if nothing happened, why was I in just a towel? It didn't make sense. I got dressed, walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. When I passed by my living room on the couch I saw my bag. I quickly checked the contents of my bag to make sure nothing important was missing. Everything I had put in there was still in there. The one document regarding the cleaning supplies and the three hard-drives with evidence of abuse of power and slight bullying. I could finally get to work. However, I felt even worse knowing that Adam had helped me to get my bag back. I remember going to the night bar and waiting for Adam. Yet, leaving is a different story. Adam must've taken me home and watched over me all night. And then I….damn should I apologize to him? NO! I am still not entirely too sure about what happened last night. He could've touched me or have me put on a drunken show. What if he took pictures!? My image!!!! Oh no and I basically chased him out without getting to know what exactly happened. I'm dumb, so terribly dumb. My head started to pound as I thought about all the pictures he could've taken. The company party is in 2 weeks, he can expose my pictures or blackmail me into doing things with them. Ugh, my head. I place my hand on my forehead in hopes the slight chill from my hand might aid my headache. What can I do right now? The only thing I could do is to look over the documents and see how far along the fashion dep got. I sat down on the living room couch and went to work. The more I looked into the document the more I grew disappointed in the fashion dep. All the designs looked plain or just too loud. Nothing complemented the products. That's bad for the image, which means...it won't sell. I really want to storm in the fashion dep and have them start over from scratch. But, they still don't know who I am. I am partially to blame for this too. Ugh! Whatever, I have work that needs to be done. The one week long period for my security crew passed by quickly. Everyday went by with avoidance from me to Adam. Not that he wanted to talk to me. Seems like he was mad at me for some reason. It became lonely without company to eat with. But I got used to it. Charles had informed me that the mastermind behind it was really difficult to find when I asked when the week-long period was over. Him and his crew had first found that Executive Mr.Chaze was behind it. However, it was strange how he didn't benefit from it since his work mostly revolved around fixing the failed products. So they then started searching from scratch, just with a different approach. How to clear Mr.Chaze's name. It worked, they found tiny traces of evidence being tampered with. Charles kept me in suspense as he left me wanting to know who this mastermind was till three days before the company party. Today's the day. I was finally able to put everything in order and inform my executives to have me announced as the chairwoman at the party. The order in which the announcements go is; successful products and the employees who made the biggest contributions, awards for the laboring employees who run the stores,new deals on expansions of products and areas, then me. The announcement of the mysterious chairman that nobody gets to see. I'm last to be announced because I didn't want to steal the two minute spotlight the rest are supposed to get. After all, they worked hard. I sit at the desk in my office of the customer service dep. Waiting patiently for Charles to give me the news already. ~Knock, knock, knock.~ "Come in" I stand up excitedly. Charles opens the door and closes it behind him. "Liz….you know you don't gotta stand up for this." He walks in closer so he won't have to speak loudly. "I know, tell me already." I sit back down to look professional. I waited four days for this, of course I was not willing to wait any longer. "Mr.Colling." Charles put a folder on my desk and walked out. Eh, that was it? I was a bit mad. I waited so long just to be told like this. No build-up, no side chat with a secret lesson, just Mr.Colling. That asshole Charles, he's always been like that. Very anti-climatic, ~sigh~ whatever at least now I know. But how would Mr.Colling benefit from this? I pick up the folder and search through it. There were three pages in total. 2 of which contained the evidence I needed to completely shut him down. The other was the motives he had to do this. Apparently, Mr.Colling's grandchild was an addict and had gotten into a pickle with an underground mafia. Mr.Colling just had to embezzle $200 million. Instead of filing a police report about how this underground mafia tried to extort him. The employees who found out about this, all got a raise. Other words, hush money. This was a surprise to me because, if they knew he embezzled so much….they were content with just getting a raise. These employees are easy to use. No wonder they still have a job here. I looked to the other 2 papers to see how this so-called evidence can do any damage. The first paper was a signed form saying that all employees who sign are sworn to secrecy and at least a $10 raise. The other was proof of $200 mil being transferred to his personal bank account. I've got to hand it to Charles and his friends. They deliver. With just 3 days left till the company party, I've got to let go of these employees without letting them know they're in trouble. I really must have these employees attend the party, no matter the cost. I was happy, finally not only can I get rid of one of the old men but rebuild the fashion dep. It's a shame to let go of such good robots, but in the end it would be worth it to get some humans instead. I should look for the perfect team for the job. I stashed the folder into my personal bag before taking it out with me. I would never feel comfortable with leaving such important work behind. I walk out with a smile on my face. As usual I didn't look where I was going and bumped into someone. "I'm sorry I-oh it's you." I was sure Adam would never come near me again. "Well nice to see you too." Adam gave sass back. He crossed his arms letting me know that my attitude was not appreciated. "So what do you want? Money, power, or maybe-" "what are you talking about?" Adam cut me off with a confused face. "The pictures. You are using them now right?" In the days that had passed I had convinced myself that Adam did in fact take pictures, after all why else would no one know about the incident. "What pictures? I came to tell you that the fashion dep has put off all work and blames Grace for losing some important documents. She has been going through hell." I didn't think about the aftermath for Grace once I took those documents. What's more messed up I've had them for days. Well I no longer needed to keep it with me so returning it back to its place shouldn't be a problem. "I'm so stupid, I should've thought about her." I say as I look through my bag for the documents. When I pulled them out Adam told me to hold onto it for a little longer. "But….why would I do that." I questioned him. How can he come and remind me of the trouble I caused Grace, but then in the same breath tell me to keep it that way? "They made new documents. Yet, there's one they couldn't replicate. That's why they're bullying her. Just wait a little longer before you return it." Adam walks back to the fashion dep and leaves me to wonder about the reason behind this. The document that they couldn't replicate must be the pay raise document. After all, if they do that anyone could find out about their sudden extra money. But why let her keep getting bullied? Adam what are you planning? I am left with more and more inquiries as the days pass by. One day at a time, while I travel to recruit my new fashion team Adam has been taking charge of the bullies. He was working in such an indirect way that although he was still an intern he somehow became the fashion dep's very own Shadow King. Seeing him work like that I began wondering just what he would do to me with the evidence he has. Adam is dangerous, he is not someone to let my guard down around. And now the company party has finally arrived. I sent out all expenses paid vouchers for the bullies in the fashion dep. So that way they have no reason to not come. The annual party is usually free. Only for those who have personally been invited. However, if you came and worked for the company but you were not on the list. You would have to pay for the food you eat. This is to ensure that no social problems occur. I heard from my late father that it was my grandfather that had set that rule. Such a stupid rule. Honestly, if a problem were to occur, the problem starter would obviously lose his/her job. It's not worth the risk. I always secretly thought the real reason behind such a rule, is to gain more money from appreciating its employees. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. Either way, I don't like it. I walk into the 5 star hotel that the company always reserves and take a good look at who has come so far. The doors to the room don't open until the time promised to start. In other words, I want to see who else came early. I see all the 10 executives just talking in a circle. Then I see Alan. He was smiling with them, just chatting. The audacity of that man to come back. And what's more to the company's party. Looks like I have yet, to instill my authority in all of my executives. I walk over to them with a smile on my face. It was more of a cold and spiteful smile so they knew I was not pleased. "Ehem, What's the good news?" I interrupted when I was finally able to reached them. They stopped smiling and looked at me. "The deal was taken. This young man is not part of it." Mr.Chaze spoke out, clearing the elephant in the room. That news would've been nice to know prior to today. "Oh, really that is good news….so what is he doing here at a party only for this company's employees?" They all looked a bit uncomfortable as if they didn't know how to answer me. "He wanted to at least see the launch of the deal. So he came as a plus one." this time Mr.Wong spoke out. Alan gave a small smirk to that remark. I saw it and grew increasingly mad. "So, am I no one to you all? All the work I've done meant nothing. My expansion of the company, the growing profits and new products that are still selling means nothing. I see, if that means nothing….then I guess your position means less than nothing." I stop smiling as I look to only my executives with an angry expression. "You must mind your manners, we may not have a higher position, but we are still your elders." Mr.Choi, the youngest of the executives spoke. "Oho, You're absolutely correct. Mr.Choi would you like me to show you the utmost respect for now on?" I stared directly into his eyes never breaking eye contact. Mr.Choi cleared his throat and looks away. "We are not in a position to obtain such respect, no need to give it." He backs away. Alan's smile disappears when he sees this. "Alan, even though you're a plus one. You must pay for your own food. Or you can get one of these gentlemen to do it." I pause to leave an impression. "Welcome to the company." I walk off feeling satisfied with myself. I wasn't sure if I did enough, but at least they won't try to pull this again. I walk around before sitting on the lobby couch. I do that in order to see who and what was being prepared to enter the room reserved. So far, besides Alan, everything else is on the list. I am pleased they didn't try to sneak anymore rats into the party. ~Sigh~ managing things sure does take a lot out of a person. "There it is, the famous sigh." I looked up to see who was talking to me. It was Janice, Jake, and Sarah. "Guys, you're here!" I was genuinely happy to see them. "Of course we're here. Who could pass up on free fancy food." Jake laughed as he butted in. "When are the doors gonna open anyway?" Sarah asked looking hungrier and hungrier with each passing second. "Sarah, you're drooling." Janice pulled out a wipe from her bag. "Sorry, sorry I can't help it." Sarah laughed as she wiped herself. I felt at ease once I saw them.

hey me again I need to think of how to descibe this book. It's been putting me in a tight situation....called writer's block T^T wish me luck please.

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