
Chapter 6

I've got to call him. I've got to tell him to come here. This situation….after I just sent him home….damn it! I began thinking of where I might've put my phone. My phone is in my bag! Think Lizzy, what can you do? I remembered the night bar being only 5 minutes away, so that means it's a 10 minute walk. Looks like I'm going for a midnight walk. I quickly put on my sneakers and headed out. Luckily for me I remembered the route from the night bar. I hope it's still open. It took 10 minutes to reach it on foot. My luck hasn't run out just yet, the night bar was still open. I rushed inside already exhausted from the walk. "Adam, ~pant, pant~ is Adam here?" I asked the lady at the desk. "Eh, yes he's in the back. Do you want me to leave a message?" she smiled at me and waited for my response. "No, I'll wait here for him. Just get him to come here NOW!" I was angry, I knew she didn't do anything wrong….yet, I couldn't help my emotions from exploding. She gave me an angry look back. "Miss, I don't know who you are or who you think you are. However, for the safety of my mental state, do not, I REPEAT, do not speak to me that way." She then walked away mumbling under her breath. Now that is a lady that does not take any bullshit. She was quick to let me know that I was rude. A few minutes passed before the lady came back with bartender Adam. "Oh, and here I was wondering who could be looking for me. So what can I do for ya?" He spoke and smiled, happy to see a familiar face. Again, that disgusting feeling rushed down my body. I ignored it and tried to stay focused on why I even came here in the first place. "Can you make a call to Adam? I left my bag in his car. It has important things in there." I informed him only so he wouldn't ask me more questions, thus wasting more time. "Oh sure, would you like to speak to him?" He looked at me in a vague expression, almost like he was examining my look. "No need, I just need my bag back, hurry and call him." I grew impatient with each passing minute. Bartender Adam went to the back to make the call as 2 minutes pass by, my heart wouldn't wait that long for him to tell me the news. I quickly got up and rushed to where I saw him go. During my brave dive to follow Adam, I bump into him. He was probably on his way to tell me if my Adam was coming back or not. "Well?" I could no longer wait. "Well, rude miss, he's coming back here with your bag. He said he realized it was in his car and was on his way already. He's just 6 minutes away." A feeling of relief washed over me. Thank god, I thought I would never be able to see my work again. "So, now that I did you a favor, lemme ask you a question?" Adam tapped me on my shoulder. The disgusted feeling I had earlier grew. "What?" I asked as I moved his hand away from me. "What is in that bag of yours to make you worry so much?" Adam withdrew his hand and motioned me to sit at the bar to wait. I sat at the bar remembering that I have probably walked into an employee only area. "No, it is confidential. Ask something else." I shot down his question quickly. "Hmm….okay. Will you be my girlfriend for a day?" Surprise ran down my spine as I looked to Adam with confusion. "Absolutely not, what type of question was that? Can't you ask a proper one?" I felt disgusted when talking to this Adam. I couldn't picture myself being friends with him, let alone date him. And yet he wants to be my boyfriend! What romance novel did I stumble into? "Relax, it's not what you think. I had asked my coworkers. But they all said no. It's my mother, I told her that I have a girlfriend so she wouldn't put me up on this list to be some wealthy stranger's husband." Adam looks down, sighs then looks back at me. "I only need a pretend girlfriend to get my mother off my back." Oh, so that's why. Hmm….I would do it but I'm too busy to do it. "Maybe you should try asking someone else. I'm not exactly up for the task." I turned down his offer as politely as I could. "Well, it was worth a shot. Do you want some water?" He gives me a dejected smile and puts down a glass of what I assume is water. I assumed he was already handing me a glass of water. I reached out to take it. "Thank you, but I'm fine." My actions and words were contradicting each other. "He sure does have a handful." Adam laughed as he grabbed another cup and filled it with water. His back was turned in order to fill the cup. Wha- that rude….whatever, previously I had been rude. "Hmmp" I responded as I picked the glass up and drank the water. It was refreshing as I chugged it down my throat. Ahh, I needed this. "Hey wait a sec- Don't just chug that….ah nevermind." Adam said as he watched me chug the whole glass down. "It seems as though there was something else in the water. Do you care to tell me?" Adam looked concerned as he put his hand on his head and the other on his hip. "Well, that cup….wasn't water. But, I got to hand it to you missy. You chugged down a full cup of vodka so easily. Heck you made it look like water." Adam laughs a little as he takes back the cup. "What!" How could I not notice? Was I that worn out? My Adam would be here any minute now and I just chugged a full cup of vodka! "Why would you place that in front of me if it wasn't water? Does that make sense?" I was scared. The last time I chugged anything was during my high school years. There I turned into a raging horn monster. I only settle down when I am satisfied. That's why if I ever go out drinking I make sure to pace myself and drink enough so it's nowhere near my limit. The door springs open. In comes Adam. Oh great! This is just great! "Hey, buddy over here." Bartender Adam waves his arms for my Adam to come over. My Adam sees this and makes his way over. "There you are, you know I was on my way to your house." Adam sits right besides me. "Adam, I's donsh think. I don not think it was you fault." I tried to speak. "Yeah, looks like it's kicking in now. She chugged a full glass of vodka." Bartender Adam giggled a little. "I had put it down in front of her to get the rest of my flavors and juices to make myself a drink. But, that missy there mistook it for water." He clears up the misunderstanding with Adam. "So what you're saying is….she's drunk!" My Adam laughs as he looks my way. "I'm am not! I jush. You are cute." Oh my god!!!! What am I saying?!!!! Okay I need to just shut up and don't talk for the rest of the night. "Wow, looks like you caught yet another beauty's heart." "Stop playing with me bro. Even though that was the goal, It's not a game." I could no longer tell who was talking. "Shhhh, we are NOT, ~hiccup~ ALLOWED to be loud." Why can't I just stop talking. "Okay let me take you home. Thanks for calling me." I felt sturdy arms wrap around me. They were familiar so I didn't panic. Instead, I was turned on. "You aresh nice. Letsh fuck." I laughed a little while gaining my balance. "Okay, princess come on. How about instead of that, we can get home safely and just wash our face in cold water." What was he saying? No, I want to fuck! It's been too long and it's time to do it again! "Bah! We get home. We fuck. Quick math." I stumbled a bit as I let Adam lead me into his car. "No can do, let's just make it to the house safely first okay." Adam smiles as he buckles me in. Ah, that smile again. That beautiful smile. I want it for myself. I grab onto Adam's face and pull him closer to me. Looking at him like this, I just want to eat him whole. I kiss Adam on the lips. He pulls away, and rests his head on my shoulders. "You're making it hard to resist, just wait till you're sober please." He whispered in my ear. Sober? What's that? "Okay, I ~hiccup~ I's wait." I think he wants to wait for us to make it to the bed. After Adam straps me in and himself, we take off. All the city lights fascinated me to no end. "Wow, look at all this! It's sho pretty." If I wasn't intoxicated right now I definitely wouldn't be acting like this. "Haha….you are sho gonna regret this in the morning." Adam starts teasing me by mimicking my speech. I turned to him surprised. He steals a quick glance at me before turning his head back to the road. "What?" He questions. "You're are tsoo drunk. Don drive." I angrily stare at him to let him know I'm serious. Adam doesn't look back at me. "We're here anyway so I guess it's too late to do anything." Adam parks in my driveway and unbuckles his seat belt. Yet, for some unknown reason I didn't want to get out of the car. Perhaps, it was because I wanted to see the city lights again. Or could be the new found comfortability I found in the passenger car seat. Either way I didn't want to leave. Adam walked around to the passenger side of his car and opened the door. "Alright, missy come on out." He unbuckled my seat belt and moved back so I could get out. "No." I crossed my arms and turned my head. I was angry, I don't know why I was….but I was. "~Sigh~ hard way it is then. You know it's gonna look like I'm about to take advantage of you right?" Adam combed through his hair with his hand before reaching in to get a firm hold of me. Did he say take advantage? Oh, so he did want to wait till we got to the bed. How stupid of him, he could've just said so. I let go of my anger and hung onto Adam. He helped me to get up and out of the car. It was then I realized just how much gravity was pulling us down and how fast the world was spinning. It was making me dizzy all over again. "Adam" I whispered in his ear. "When we get inside….baggie is neded." As if Adam understood what I was saying he pointed to some bushes. "If you can't hold it in by the time we get to the bathroom, let me know so we can make outside your personal bag." I smiled, Adam had been nothing but kind to me since the world started spinning. He really does know how to treat a lady. Alright it's settled he's getting lucky tonight! "Upward and onwards!" I laughed feeling a bit more at ease with Adam around. "Wait, your bag." Adam managed to grab my bag by bending his knees and reaching for it as he threw me onto his shoulders. I was too busy holding on to Adam to take my bag. So I was really impressed by how responsible he was. Adam then proceeded to carry me to my door. "Yay! We did it!" I started humming the dora theme song off tune. Adam looked at me and laughed. "You are certainly not like other girls." He chuckled as he takes my keys and helps me inside. "Okay now the hardest part. We need to get you to drink some water and splash cold water on your face." Adam started speaking slowly to get me to understand better. "Yous mean….THE BED." I said the last part in a serious tune. Adam looked at me shocked. "You can't still want to sleep with me…." Adam stops talking mid-way to take a moment to grasp the situation. "I thought we had agreed to continue that when, well when you're not drunk." Not drunk! Not drunk, I'm not drunk right now. What does he mean? Just because the world is spinning and the gravitational pull is stronger than usual does not mean I'm drunk! If anything it's mother nature's fault for being drunk. "That's stupid moder nature." I corrected him. See Adam, how can I correct you if I was drunk? I felt pride in my recent accomplishment. "Okay, new plan. I'll stay on the couch while you clean yourself up. You're obviously too drunk to even know you are." Adam sets me down on the couch as he walks in with me. "And if you need help, I'll come blindfolded to help. But please don't take advantage of me." It seemed to me from what Adam was saying, is that he wanted me to take a shower first and if I was feeling lonely he'd help out early. He's such a nice guy. I nod my head letting him know I understand. I get up and stumble my way to my room. Ha! I don't take showers with people so he's gonna have to wait. I get undressed and prepare the shower. I got to admit, it was harder to do than I thought. By the time I was finished with my shower the world stopped spinning so fast. I was now able to tell my left from my right. "ADAM!" I called out. "Coming." I heard in the distance. A few minutes passed by before Adam opened my room door blindfolded. Wow! He's really into character. Okay, I just gotta play the part. I need to think like a bad guy trying to kidnap him. Okay….a sexy bad guy. I grab Adam's hand and guide him to my bed while fighting gravity. "Why am I sitting down?" Adam says as he lifts part of the cloth covering his eyes. He takes a peek and sees me in nothing but a towel. "Oh so you took a shower without any help, good. Now let's get you in clothes." Adam smiles and covers his eyes once again. Why would he want me in clothes? He's weird and sense I'm taking charge as the sexy bad guy, he has to listen to me. "No, silly. ~Hiccup~ we gon get you out of clothes." My speech was becoming better as time went on. "What! You still want to….okay it's time for me to go home." Adam got up. I pushed him down. "Lizzy, you really don't want to do this." Adam pleaded as I climbed on top of him. "I want what I want." I whispered as I leaned in to steal a kiss from him. "Ugh, Lizzy….I would love to continue this aft-" I shut him up with my tongue. Not even a minute goes by before I feel his boner graze across my lady parts. I stop kissing him "someone's finally up." I giggle and lean in to steal another kiss. Adam turns me to the bed and pins me down. He moved his blindfold up on his head so he could see me. "Lizzy as fucking sexy you are now, I still have morals that I won't cross. Let's just cuddle till you fall asleep okay." Adam looked at me sternly hopping that I would finally get the message behind his words. He looked a bit angry and that only intensified my horniness. "I don't want that. Let's have fun." I can now make clear words come out. Adam looked at me astonished as if to say he couldn't believe how sexy I was being. "Okay, looks like you only hear what you want to hear. So let's have some fun." Adam smiled as he took his blindfold off of his head. Adam then uses the piece of cloth to tie me to the corner of my bed. Finally! Some action.

When writing this chapter, I had to imagine what it would be like to actually be in a situation like that.... T-T I'm not sure I did a good job.

Kittylittle_22creators' thoughts