
True Shinobi

====================================================================================================== A Real-Life Shinobi (Male Ninja) reincarnated to Naruto, a Shinobi using the Art of Ninjutsu (the real ones) embracing the life-threatening world ====================================================================================================== If you happen to have free time read my Other Novel 'Etan✝cullah' It's new. :D

Seer_ · Others
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18 Chs

Test - (More fillers... Heheh)

"Huh? He disappeared where did he go?!"

I watched the whole thing unfolds, Kakashi's just switch with another clone, it was 'Body Replacement' Jutsu, and now Kakashi is up the tree.

"Kakashi could be one of us!" a Naruto shouts, every Naruto stops and then, they attack each other.

"Wait, wait! Just release the Clone Jutsu, we will only have two Naruto's right?"

A beat-up Naruto shouts.

"Oh, okay," All Naruto's poof from existent, then theirs only and just one Naruto.


Naruto was silent as a small tear escapes his eye with the wind breeze.

But before Naruto could cry to a corner, he finds a bell which obviously, a trap.

"Yes, yes Bell! He must have been desperate to escape," Naively spoke Naruto.

Next, of that moment, he flicked up a branch hanging.

"What the hell!"

Kakashi appears, he picks up the bell and gave Naruto a lecture.

After Kakashi finished annoying Naruto, shuriken's and kunai's thrown to Kakashi.

'It's Sasuke,' I thought, watching Kakashi fall to the ground, a Jounin wouldn't fall that easy.

"Kakashi! Sasuke?! You went too far!" Naruto still hanging shouts.

Suddenly, Kakashi switches with a log.

And now Sasuke is caught, 'I should really join them, but they won't even listen.'

Naruto escapes but another trap was played just to piss Naruto off more.


'Oh, Sakura fell for the Genjutsu, I love hearing her in pain,' I laughed evilly.

'Now I should get to watch Sasuke and Kakashi fight,'

I just lied back and watched them as a silent was confronted.

Then Sasuke threw shurikens, Kakashi immediately dodges, but a trap was planned.

Kakashi dodges that one too but Sasuke appears before him doing a spinning heel kick but defended by Kakashi. Sasuke goes for a punch on his right, defended, shortly another kick was prepared, but also useless, now both Sasuke leg was in the hold, with a one free hand Sasuke used, attempting to grab the bell.

'This, of course, didn't work,' Kakashi didn't have time to read his book, pretty good, I would say that if I was another Shinobi.

'Fire Jutsu?' Sasuke readies his Jutsu, then fires, seeing that Kakashi wasn't ready, thus he dug.

Sasuke was caught surprised with a hand grabbing on his heel.

"Doton! Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu!"

Sasuke, in an instant, switches with Kakashi, having Sasuke trap underground with his head out.

"They say a exposed nail should be hammered in… Haha… But hey,"

"Damn you!"

Now, I watch Naruto who finally got out hanging, ready to eat the food he saw a while ago.

"Instead of wasting time to get the bell, I can just hide and eat all the food now, hihihi!"

"Hey buddy," spoke Kakashi.

"... That was a joke," Naruto retorts.

"What do you think you're doing," Kakashi questions Naruto.

Sasuke, who is probably being dramatic again, escapes going back to Kakashi, but the alarm already went off.

"You three look starving."

Kakashi says while I sat up a stump, while everyone trying to fight for the bell, I was hiding, meaning I was invisible. The Kage no Taikaku gave me an ability to hide, invisible, I can only hide in the shadows since I haven't yet fused the Yin and Yang, to create my own Justu yet it would take a while or I'm just lazy.

"… By the way, something about training," Kakashi stopping the silent.

"Well, there's no need for you guys to return to the academy,"

Everyone, tired but shock, celebrated.

"Then then the three of us..?!"

"Yup, all three of you... Should quit as Shinobi's."

Kakashi breaking their hope.

"Quit as Ninja's?! What does this mean?! Okay, we didn't get the bells, but why..?!"

"Cause you all are just punks," answers Kakashi.

This caused Sasuke to run at Kakashi.

"Ah!" "Sasuke!"

Kakashi held Sasuke to the ground.

"Aren't guys underestimating Ninja's? Huh? Why do you think you were divided into teams and doing this training?" Kakashi mocks them.

"Huh, what does this mean?"

God, wow, Kakashi is really hard on these kids, well, it's pretty necessary.

"Basically... You guys are not understanding the answer to this test."

"Answer?" Says oblivious of Naruto.

"Yes, the answer," Kakashi responds.

"So, why aren't you telling us?" Sakura says.

"Damn it! Tell us!"

"It's Teamwork!" Kakashi shouts.

Everyone looks at Kakashi, I got annoyed to how obvious this is.

"There are only two bells, one of us will fail. Teamwork? That would cause us to fight!"

Sakura argues.

"Of course! We purposely made the test to make you amongst yourselves fight each other's!"

"The test is to see you can forget about your self-interest… And successfully work together!"

Kakashi stops, then resumes again.

"Yet you guys… Sakura instead of Naruto who was right next to you, you thought of Sasuke far away." Kakashi turns to Naruto, "Naruto! You were just running around yourself."

"Sasuke, you assumed everyone is getting out of your way and tried doing everything yourself."

"The duties are done by a team, Yes, superior individuals is important to ninja. But was even more important is teamwork."

Kakashi turns to Sasuke, "Individual plays can disrupt the team and can also put a team member in danger, and even can get you killed… For example…"

Kakashi stares at Sakura, "Sakura kill Naruto or Sasuke dies!"

"What!" Naruto squeaks.

"See? If a hostage is taken, a hard choice will be taken. Risking your lives in these duties."

"Wait! How about Hayabusa?!" Then, Sakura stated.

Kakashi looks at Sakura, then to me, then his bells, "Oh, him? He already got a bell."

Don't all won't be all filler (soon) since it's only 17 chapters.

I thank you all again for reading, make sure to comment and review (also to other authors) to motivate us to make more.

(Also take your time reading my other novel,


I thank you all again, have a nice day.

Seer_creators' thoughts