
chapter - 4

The next morning was rather quite so I went to school peacefully eating my sandwhich. On my way to school while walking a guy almost hit a little girl with a bike. I ran towards her and picked her up and she was crying so I tried to stop her from crying. When she finally stopped crying. I went to that guy

kate: are you blind or something ?! Couldn't you see her crossing the road!

???: that's not my fault that's her fault that she was crossing the road without looking.

kate: she was crossing the road at zebra crossing

???: whatever

And then he went his way and I went my way

I sat in class next to Ari. After a few mins The teacher came and said

teacher :Good morning class

Class: Good morning, sir

teacher: So we have new admission.

Please introduce yourself..."

I almost screamed in anger when I saw his face

It was HIM!