
Chapter - 3

i left the table and went to class after that. Bryce tried to stop me and started to apologise. I said it's okay and went to class.

But it was not okay, I have heard it many times and I hate it when people tell me to change myelf.

After some boring classes I went home and was greeted with my parents shouting at each other. This has been going on for quite few days now. I went to my room changed my clothes and left my home with books as usual and went to library, the only place where I am happy, the only place where I can be in complete peace. I always spend most of my evenings studying or reading here. Jennie came and sat next to me.

Jennie : hey!

Kate *shook*- Are you sure you have come to the right place ?

Jennie : I CAN sometimes read too.

Kate : stop lying, just tell me

Jennie : hehe could you help me with my project. please~

Kate : fine

That evening we did her project.

She told me there's a new guy joining our school. He's her bf's friend. Then we went to our homes. Dinner was kept on the island as usual and I ate it and went back bed and slept.