
The conversation that changed fate (2)

Alexander, bewildered, said doubtfully, "What did I ask the Mother Superior ... I never said anything to your Mother Superior ..."

Anna's eyes widened and she said in shock, "Didn't you go to the Mother Superior last night ... and say that you wanted ... to marry me ... "Although it was difficult for Anna to ask such a direct question, she finally did.

Alexander said excitedly, "Anna, I do want to marry you, but ... but I dare only bury the thought in my heart because I am afraid I am not good enough for you ..."

So who told the Mother Superior about this yesterday? Anna asked quietly in the back of her mind.


No, I have to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.

Anna hurriedly said goodbye to Alexandra Avenue and returned to the convent. Finding Sister Mary in her room, Anna said, "Sister Mary, I want to find out what you told the Mother Superior last night. ..."

Sister Mary looked lovingly at Anna, stroked her head and said with a smile, "It's true that a girl can't be married. ..."

Anna realised that things were getting out of hand, so she thought she'd just ask the truth: "Sister Mary, which him are you talking about? Who is he and what is his name ..."

Sister Mary was surprised that Anna asked such a question and said, half jokingly, half seriously, "Are there many of him? Isn't your he the noble Count Antoninho ..."

Anna was dumbfounded and she said anxiously, "Oh no, oh no, how could the man who said he would marry me be Count Antonio ..."

Sister Mary was even more surprised: "How can it be so? The Count's wife is what everyone wants ... or have you changed your mind and want to be a nun for the rest of your life?"

Anna didn't know how to explain for a moment, "No, I didn't want to be a nun, I just wanted to live a simple, secular life, but I never thought it would be him, the man who could have been my father at that age ..."

Sister Mary laughed with relief: "My experience in the secular world has taught me that age is not a problem, a simple girl like you would do much better to find someone older than you, an older man would know how to cherish and love you, Lord Count is a good man, you will not go wrong if you marry him ... "

Anna was speechless and wanted to turn away, but she hesitated and said, "Perhaps if I had loved him in the first place, I would not have cared for his age, but, Sister Mary, what do you think I should do? I don't love the Count at all ..."

Sister Mary thought back to that day and then said, puzzled, "I thought you were admitting it when I mentioned it that day, seeing the way you were blushing and flushed. ..."

Anna said, "That day I thought the person who proposed the marriage to the Mother Superior was ... Alexandre ..."

Sister Mary said, "Which Alexander? Are you talking about Alexander, the son of the old gardener and the new administrator of the rose garden ..."

Anna nodded her head in acknowledgement. Her eyes looked blankly at one place and then she said slowly, "What should I do? ..." as if talking to herself or asking Sister Mary for advice.

Sister Mary looked at Anna's confused look and said, "What else can you do? You don't have to think about it. Marrying the Count is the best choice for you, because in the secular world, only those who have a reputation and status can make you well, unlike the convent, where bread and vegetables and soup are enough for the nuns. "