
The conversation that changed fate (1)

Probably because she was so tired, Anna slept soundly. The night was dreamless.

The next day, after morning prayers, Anna crept over to the fence leading to the rose garden to have a look.

Looking at the rose garden, which seemed to have withered in the winter, Anna stared for a moment.

A familiar voice sounded beside Anna, "Anna, I didn't expect to see you again. ..."

Anna pulled back her thoughts, looked at the person speaking beside her and said happily, "Alexandre, so early, I thought you wouldn't be here ..."

Alexandre's eyes lit up for a moment and he said happily, "So you were waiting for me here ... By the way, I came to return your handkerchief to you, here ..."

Anna thought of the quiet meeting in the garden that night, when she had given him her handkerchief to use, giving Alexandre the opportunity to grab her hand and kiss it. "

Alexandra looked at Anna with watery eyes and looked at her tenderly and happily took the handkerchief and said, "Thank you then, I will keep this handkerchief with me at all times, as long as I see it, it will be as if you are always with me ..."

Anna smiled shyly and tugged on the nun's headscarf to play with it. I don't know if it was because she was pulling too hard or what, but the scarf slipped out of her hair accidentally. Anna's natural blonde curls were exposed, and in the morning fog, a beauty that seemed both real and unreal.

Alexandre was struck by the radiance of Anna's hair and his soul felt like it had been sheathed in a moment. He could not help but put his hand through Anna's hair and sing: "Through your golden hair, my hand touches a beauty that shocks the heart. Your eyes are like a blue lake, your golden hair is like golden sunlight. You are as beautiful as an angel and how I wish you could stay with me forever ..."

Anna let him stroke her hair, reflecting on the beautiful words, her heart seeming to leap into her throat. "Alexandre, what's that song? It's very pleasant to the ear. ..."

Alexander put his hands on Anna's shoulders, turned her around and faced himself, and said, "It's a song I thought of when I was looking at your hair. I sang it off the top of my head, too.

Anna nodded. She felt Alexandre looking at her. She met his gaze and saw him smile thoughtfully. Anna touched her face and asked, "Alexandra, what are you smiling about ..."

Alexander said, "I can't help but think of a poet's lines when I look into your eyes: "My heart, this wild bird, has found the sky in your eyes. They are the cradle of the dawn, they are the kingdom of the stars. My poems disappear in their depths. Only let me fly high in this sky, soaring in the silence of infinite space. Only let me break through its clouds and spread my wings in its sunlight. ..." Alexander recited slowly in a low voice.

Anna laughed and said, "Alexandre, do you think my eyes can really be the sky you fly in ..."

Alexander's hand trembled as he touched Anna's eyes, "Of course, your eyes are even more beautiful and wider than the sky, if I could look at you every day and live my life in your gaze, then I would be satisfied with my life ..." Alexander drew closer and closer. His heart seemed to tremble, his body was warming up, his lips were getting closer to Anna's eyes, he could feel her gasp softly, closer, closer, his lips were finally on Anna's eyes.

Anna suppressed her pounding heart and took the gentle touch and kiss seriously. A beautiful ripple formed as the water at the bottom of her heart melted away. Anna's face was tinged with a light blush and her heart seemed sweeter than honey. She said softly, "Alexandre, I'm happy to hear you say that ... but why didn't you ask me what I wanted first, instead of asking the Dean? How dare you be so sure of my intentions ..."